IMMORTALITY - Repercussions of aging being cured?

It's a reasonable estimate that aging will be cured in ~30 years give or take... how will this affect the world's power structure and the world in general?

Keep in mind, at first you must be able to afford buying treatment otherwise you'll just age and die. It's also worth noting that you won't be a shriveled up old man without a functioning penis or an old hag with a dried up vagina... it's regenerative.

Personally, I want to live at least long enough to explore some of the cosmos and see the radical transhumanism technology that arises after the singularity. Oh the glorious combination of human and technology!

Also, a note to the uneducated people out there... aging being cured isn't as crazy as it sounds and it WILL happen. It's possible the elites will try to keep it secret as long as possible or just simply completely unaffordable to nearly everyone (will get cheaper eventually), but the point is it really IS coming. If you don't think so then you don't understand science or medical technology.


Other urls found in this thread:,45&q=telomere lengthening

If anons in their 20s now are healthy and wealthy in their 60s then yes, they will not have to die from aging... keep in mind though... how many liberals and SJWs and jews will stay alive too? Scary.

HWNDU for eternity? Fug...

I'd hope anons would exploit the incoming radical technological advancements to obliterate the liberal plague but who knows. Regardless, I'd rather stay alive even with the liberals than die from aging needlessly.

I could go for praising Kek another several hundred years at least.

Several hundred? I want at least several millennia but preferably a few hundred thousand years at least. Even in just a couple hundred years after the singularity, people will barely resemble the humans of today. It's going to get extremely interesting.

I mean fuck... once truly sentient AI is put online, the amount of knowledge we will possess as a species will surmount the entirety of all human knowledge collected previously in all of history within an EXTREMELY short time span... we're talking days IF THAT.

Several hundred years you say... fucking pussy.

Would it be suicide to not go after such a treatment once it exists?

Interesting question... surprisingly hasn't occurred to me. I'd be inclined to say no, but you never know what popular morality will be once it happens.

Maybe not considered suicide... but extremely stupid at the very least in my opinion. To each his own though. I wouldn't stop someone from dying a natural death. Make fun of them? Of course. But stop them? No.

I'm sure there will be a good amount of fighting about this. Religious people will probably have a fit once aging is cured as well I'd think.

As in something like "it's against the will of God to stop aging and natural death"? I could definitely see that. Especially the brainwashed American Christians and of course muslims world wide.

I wouldn't doubt it if religious people got radically violent to try and stop aging from being cured. Most of them have extremely selective and corrupted morality.

>Personally, I want to live at least long enough to explore some of the cosmos and see the radical transhumanism technology that arises after the singularity. Oh the glorious combination of human and technology!

Mate I don't know how to break it to you, but humanity is in a downward spiral.

All past civilisations have followed similar patterns and we too now begin to reach peak degeneracy before the fall.

We haven't been to the moon for how long? Which the technology itself, was based on and built by Nazi scientists.

Any sort of space based technology or advanced flight tech is locked in black projects, never to see the light of day unless Satan himself decides to make an appearance.

Im sorry mate but all that will be achieved with this, is living longer to see everything our ancestors built sullied and destroyed.

People would rather continue to feed for every new African than take an interest in progressing humanity.

All we can look forward to is watching every race become bastardised and every culture fucked into one big mess.


Downward spiral or not, the technology to prevent death from aging is going to be released regardless (barring any catastrophic world disaster of course).

Even if most of humanity is a disaster, there will still be at least small groups of people holding advanced technology. Providing the United States is still a strong power in ~30 years things should shape up to be alright.

As far as technology being kept secret... well the pattern is that even with this being the case, the public at large will eventually develop the same technologies. Say we have secret propulsion technology in the deepest receeses of government or corporations etc... eventually it'll be invented again in a more public manner and people will have access to it. Also, secrets can be really hard to keep.

You should strive to be healthy and wealthy 30 years from now so you can be comfy will you live forever and watch the downfall of the rest of humanity.


>humanity will achieve immortality at the exact moment that white birth rates are plummeting and shitskin birthrates are exploding

it's almost as if it was planned this way...

I don't like that guy... seems too much like a liberal hippy even though he's heavily involved in scientific research. Just something about him makes me want to punch him in the face repeatedly.

It will save the white race. Our population numbers will no longer drop. It won't be possible to breed us out of existence.

Hopefully you're wrong and is correct.

>implying as soon as this technology is available sjws won't try to make it only available for niggers because it would be white privilege otherwise

As utterly ridiculous ashit that is, I seriously wouldn't doubt it. The liberal SJW plague must be stopped.

The downward spiral is a generational one. A founding generation born in shit conditions creates a great civilization, then each subsequent generation isn't as good and ruins it a little more until you return to shit conditions. Immortality would break this paradigm, essentially ending Kali Yuga.
You don't really think a bunch of blue haired retards could convince normies to literally die for niggers do you? If they had that much pull, all men would have castrated themselves by now.

>You don't really think a bunch of blue haired retards could convince normies to literally die for niggers do you?

this is already happening you fucking idiot


>brainwashed American Christians

Read a book nigger

Ideally within 30 years we should have stemmed a great deal of the liberal plague and have at least gotten back on the right track. This would actually be an incredible boon for white people, because like it or not, we do not reproduce as much as other races. This way, we could still keep our historically lower levels of reproduction and still have our populations increase since we wouldn't lose people to aging. Also, since it's actually fairly likely a lot of us will be around for a long while (I'm 22 for example,) we could ensure that we don't go down this path again. Imagine having a generation of elders that refuse to let the world go down a certain path because they were old enough to remember the consequences. That's us.

Care to elaborate? Christians are some of the most closed minded people on Earth. Think about... any amount of evidence even if it's incontrovertible proof will not change their minds about certain things.

Read a book? What's the last one you read? Harry Potter? Maybe Everybody Poops?

kys, jackass

I´d like to live long enough to see butlerian jihad memed to life

No, it's not. SJWs are a cult that, while it has a fair amount of pull, is roundly mocked by sane people. The majority of white people, and the overwhelming majority of white men, voted for Trump, remember?

>aging is cured
>get cure
>adopt loli
>apply cure
>create immortal female without slut hormones
>healing of shut-in soul maximized

>Ideally within 30 years we should have stemmed a great deal of the liberal plague

Unfortunately, I could see it going either way. If Trump is elected again in 4 years and after that another decent administration is put in place perhaps we have a real chance to stem the liberal plague. However... think about how many corrupt elite fuckers are out there right now, spending insane amounts of money and using all their influence to keep people ignorant, stupid, and liberal for their own benefit. It's hard to stay what's going to happen.

>see book title

You wouldn't be able to form new memories.
Memories are miniature scars in the brain due to repeated neuron firings in sequence. Hence the scientific distinction between short-term and long-term memories: think about a short-term memory enough times, and the scarring becomes permanent leading to a long-term memory.
No scarring, no new memories created. You'll have to link your brain to an SSD or something, and that's not even remotely conceivable atm.

You obviously do not understand how advanced technology is going to become after the singularity hits. The memory problems you bring up will be an EXTREMELY trivial matter.

>your parents will be the last generation to die

>the brain is just a big ssd bro
>preventing dna damage would keep neural pathways from forming
Just stop posting.

Singularity is optimistic fanfiction by people who don't understand technology. It's never going to happen.

>You'll have to link your brain to an SSD or something, and that's not even remotely conceivable atm.
But it will be conceivable by the time it becomes a problem. I've seen estimates suggesting the brain can function in perfect health for a little over a thousand years. It's the rest of the body aging and dying off that's the problem.
And even if that estimate is way off, a century or two is still enough time to solve this issue.

>d-don't try to become immortal, goyim!
>y-you wouldnt be able to make memories n sheeit

the Elders are afraid...

>the brain is just a big ssd bro
Where the fuck did I say that? I said you'd have to have an external way of forming memories that would interface with your brain.
>preventing dna damage
Immortality would require you to prevent damage on the cellular scale, not DNA damage. That would only make you cancer proof, not death proof.
Do you even have a BSc, brah?

You are vastly under estimating the power of computing within 5 years and you will have full on age reversal in 10.

>being sentient and learning is pain
>our very existence is made of our scars
seems about right

Your ignorance is astounding...

Go back 100+ years and you'd be saying that having a pocket sized device that can access most of human knowledge with the click of a button is purely "fanfiction" and anyone who believes it is an idiot. It'll never happen! Of course... today, people take these devices for granted.

If you analyze the history of technological advancement and you understand the exponential growth factor of things you would likely change your mind.

You're a silly guy aren't you...

>full on age reversal in 10.
I've never seen any relevant figure make this claim.
Everyone working in related fields are talking about 30 years minimum.

Monarchy will finally overcome its main issue (death of a good ruler) and BTFO democracy.

I'd be inclined to agree with you if it wasn't for the idiotic social structure of much of society. If people devoted the resources to these endeavors, then sure age reversal in 10 years however I highly it will happen in this timeframe as a result of mass stupidity. 30 years is more reasonable in my opinion, however I do hope that you are correct.

Worth mentioning that quite a few predictions see aging cured within about 50 years regardless of a technological singularity. Rising technologies like nanotechnology and biotech are poised to make massive gains in that regard. This is also probably the year that quantum computing is gonna drop, which will allow us to understand protein folding much better, which paves the way for better drug treatments. That's substantial and basically guaranteed to happen within 5 years- I won't even be 30 by that point. There's a high likelihood of this happening, and we need to plan accordingly.

Death is the only true equalizer and as a matter of fact its the only thing that gives life meaning

Remove it from the equation and suddenly you have the eternal jew (literally) sowing ever growing new forms of degeneracy

Exponential growth will only bring you so far. The universe has hard limits. You can already see this with Moore's law slowing down.
There's only so much room at the bottom, and we're already starting to fill it up.

>you were born just in time for Barron von Trump to become the immortal godking of mankind

So you doubt that truly sentient AI is actually possible? Have you heard of "unknown unknowns"? It's a shame that with such an ease of access to the wealth of information available today you can still think the way you do. It's sad really... I actually feel sorry for you.

Leave it to a guy with your flag to post this nonsense... ffs.

>Where the fuck did I say that?
Not explicitly. You said that memories (neural pathways) are brain scarring, which is comparable to how an SSD functions, with data being physically burned into it. Now maybe I'm just ignorant--I'm no neuroscientist--but I have never heard anything like this before. Would you care to point me to an article on the topic?
>Immortality would require you to prevent damage on the cellular scale
Says fucking who? Lifting a weight causes cellular damage. You replace a gorrilion cells a day. What you're talking about is stasis, not immortality.

>the kike in this thread shilling like mad and trying to discourage us from talking about this

>be a good goyim... give me your shekels and then die, I must profit from your unnecessary death

Fucking kikes

We are all immortal op

It is not just metaphorical

The problem is that if you want to live forever in this phase then you are not in a state to be punished by just that. Indeed when you realize how horrible being kept back in this half bestial state is you would not wish it. Be glad you die and do not fear it it will happen when it is supposed to unless you interfere and that is always to your detriment.


Its seriously going to fuck with any religion with reincarnation as a major part

Even if one obtains the ability to not die from aging, everything in the universe will eventually come to an end. At best, we would simply delay the inevitable for a massive amount of time (possibly even millions or billions of years) but living in this "phase"... "forever"... isn't possible regardless of ability to not die from aging. Therefore your entire point is moot and you should be ashamed of yourself.


everybody stops aging at 30. Gov't stops paying out social security because they're otherwise guaranteed to have to pay out to everyone now. They'll keep taking money and call it a youth tax. Most of humanity is an ever growing work force kept under boot until most are driven to starvation. Maybe they can finally force communism with the spike of workforce drawing resource.

The day they can upload your consciousness to a microchip though, I'm grabbing the most primitive pair of rocks I can find and reducing my cranium to a fine jelly. The ones in power will just copy your consciousness a million times and run you as an infinite simulation slave, or something.

Whatever the case, I fully plan on dying.

>implying sjw would have any power to do that
>implying the eternal politician would sacrifice the benefits of not paying for ederly care and having eternal taxpayers because of sjws hissfits
>implying SJWs would not have all killed themselves after trump reelection

you are fucking retarded, heeb

The clones are not yourself, it doesn't change anything if it's a copy of yourself or some other guy.

Pretty damn pessimistic... things won't necessarily turn out in the gloomy way you predict.

As far as consciousness being uploaded to a computer... well... think about this... if you had an immortal body, you could have your consciousness uploaded to a computer and have a brain-link to it so your body and the uploaded consciousness would think as one. You'd be two different entities but the same at the same time.

It's certainly possible that the eternal kike will try and keep everyone enslaved but I'd be willing to bet a lot of people would attempt to prevent such a thing. Regardless... no point in being dead imo.

They'll do their best to keep immortality out of the hands of white people, only shitskins and kikes will be allowed to have it.

We will have to steal our immortality from them.

Eh... Right now the means are available to increase the lifespan to 300 and beyond. It's not some degenerate techologically reliant kike transhumanism dream. It's simply acquiring certain elements and having a basic know how of how these meat suits function. Pity you weren't given an operating manual. I don't even see reason to share my longevity methods because I had to go through numerous Aryan texts to rediscover the old ways. Only Aryan patriarchs deserve life extension and that is how it was handed down from the gods. So if you can't be a noble pedopjile warlord then you really don't have the worth to prolong a sorry meme filled life now do ya? There are many secrets to this existence and they are gifted to the seekers. Remember that beggara can't be choosers and you may migrate up the spiral of life and nature. Affirm life for there is beauty in truth and simplicity.


well it won't be shitskins designing the cure, so unless they got some secret brainwashing machine that makes people forget they won't be able to stop us to acquire the tech

beside it would be extremely haram

And even if you did stumble upon some common sense of how not to abuse your body plush nourish it's youthfulness there is about to be a 95% pop reduction so good luck LOL!

>take immortality meds
>shitpost on Sup Forums for all eternity
Truly we are here forever. Feel like our lives would become pic related.

Blind faggots like you go first.

My people perish for lack of vision (foresight).

The kikes have been doing it for ages fagot, old news is old.

>It's a reasonable estimate that aging will be cured in ~30 years give or take
stopped here. you're retarded.

t. biomedical engineer

Why does my phone make multiple IDs?

Aryan patriarch with keys to longevity and heavenly manna checking in.

Ever hear about what niggas do in Tibet?

Georgia guidestones LOL...

The singularity is shockingly close, only held back by those with the means lacking the will to bring it to fruition. And your kike lies wont fool any hyper intelligent being. You will be gassed and there is nothing you can do to stop it.

An entire industry motivated by perpetual vanity and the fear of death? What could go wrong?

The levels of degeneracy would be off the scale.

I wonder what the ransom for an 'Immortal' would be? Asking for a mate.

Transhumanism solves nothing.

t. Terran

If you were really a "biomedical engineer" you'd know why what you just said is astonishingly moronic.

Telemere shortening, buildup of waste product from mitochondria, degenerative disease and etc etc and on and on... you probably haven't even heard of these basic things (and this is just the tip of the iceberg).

You sir, are beyond an imbecile.


>Telemere shortening
Haha, no you're the imbecile. This is a meme created from marketing companies to sell you fake pills.

I'd imagine after 5-6 centuries of humanity repeating the same mistakes over and over again I'd become unbelievably cynical.

Human beings need adversity, a Utopia can only be so if theres walls to keep that which you abstain from out. Kill off your enemies and new enemies emerge in your in-groups.

Peace will only entertain for so long, and since immortality makes new human life meaningless degeneracy will run rampant.

If humanity spent 20 more years in their youth it'd be enough to spur continuous purgings down to the hundreds.

>An entire industry motivated by perpetual vanity and the fear of death? What could go wrong?
litterally human history
get fuck roo

Umm actually

We are also getting shockingly close to curing alzheimer's and dementia

>Telemere shortening, buildup of waste product from mitochondria, degenerative disease
congrats on reading your first momscience blog

>litterally human history
You don't understand. An 'immortal' is adverse to conflict because it threatened their pleasure-bublle.

Goodbye struggle, opinions, all the things that make humans redeemable, noble creatures.

Fuck pol is dumb today.

>ignoring massive amounts of peer-reviewed evidence and empirical data of an incontrovertible nature

Seriously, wat?

>in cultured cells
please don't believe clickbait articles

I just watched a video of a German woman on youtube admitting she is 150 years old. Really nice gal... She's from South Africa. Looks idk maybe 50-60. She knows one of the secrets and loves herself. Do you love yourself?

I won't share it amongst the inept and undeserving, but know that proof is out there.

That was 2015, they did it on people in 2016, did you not even read the link for the next article?

You are a literally idiot. There is no peer-review for telemere 'lengthening' you dip shit, or evidence that it reverses aging.

Fucks sake, One more dumb comment and I'm out.

You just embarrassed yourself on an epic level...

just... wow...

>It's a reasonable estimate that aging will be cured in ~30 years give or take
Just because you have a smartphone doesn't mean science is magic, you idiot. Kill yourself and burn.

Look, my ID changed again. Yippee. With these practices comes childlike joy. Do you know what jesus said about entering the kingdom of heaven? Lol no you probably dont cuz reprobate.

it's nowhere near as simple as you make it out to be. do you have any formal training or experience in molecular biology?

i honestly think they're trolling us and winning because we're responding

yeah they're baiting. this is a solid tell.

Bioprinting with graphene and hydroxyapatite allows the production of super-hard bones of any shape. Graphene can be used as a bioscaffold as well, and the colloid of the extracellular matrix would serve as the soft, flexible backing for the hard graphene sheets - you could make muscles out of it.

Acantharia uses strontium in it's cytoskeleton, and plants in general make use of silica. Silica is the basis of cement, and ergosterol peroxide and cysteine can be used to bond the graphene to the silica. Isoprene is what makes rubber stretchable, and is a byproduct of plant metabolism.

You take the human genome, and you add what you need to synthesize all these exotic molecules - in most cases, this is little more than genetic cut-and-paste. Plants already produce lignin, which can be burnt with iron to produce graphene.

Immortality and sex changes are the tip of the ice berg. We're going to make anime real, and live forever among the stars.

Actually I'm getting 16,700 results.,45&q=telomere lengthening

I will not live long enough for this to happen, but I hope it does. It seems to me that civilization is cyclical, ie: great advancement's are made and then civilization disappears. I feel that we are on the verge of great things, but this whole (((planet x))) thing will make us the future ancient civilization thing..

>not being aware of laboratory animal model studies

>making incorrect assumptions about the meaning of the last comment

>not knowing the actual evidence

>not knowing where to access scholary and peer-reviewed articles

>being a moron

Good... get out then, your idiocy isn't exactly welcome here.



Seeya retards.

I've had third year university biology and genetics.

This shit is happening.

Soon we will be able to cure several cancers using nothing but epigenetic treatments.

When did I ever say it was simple? I'm a software engineer but I did two years of cell and molecular biology after I got my first degree (didn't graduate the second time around). So no, not really any formal training however I do know enough that aging is genuinely on its way to being cured and that there is nothing hard-coded in our genetics that says we can only live a certain amount of time. Some of the worlds most renowned molecular biologists and biomedical gerontologists all agree on this.

It's anything but simple... that doesn't mean aging won't be cured.

What a bunch of angsty faggots. Did you know you can drink pee? It's good for you.

prove any of your assertions nigger, you are just spewing memes with no reasoning whatsoever.

Your argument was that human nature (history) won't change so what?

It is fucking retarded statement.

Yep Immortality changes nothing.

You disgusting creatures.