I just found this video... Netanyahu: "Hitler didn't want to exterminate the jews"

What did he mean by this?

>Israel PM in 20 years: no really... I mean... Hitler didn't kill any jew, it was all a Hoax. LOL!

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white culture , prevent white genocide ! TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP !

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he's right. Why do you think he's under investigation.

wtf i love Israel now

originally Hitler just wanted to relocate the jews, they were only killed en mass once WW2 was well under way and it became clear they weren't going to be moving them anywhere from the camps

however there was a plan before he even took power to genocide all the slavs but no one cares about that lel

Didn't big H fund the zionist movement so they would have somewhere to go to? It probably wasn't his first choice.
Something about the events leading up to kristallnacht forcing his hand.

what is this timeline even

This is the difference between the hardcore ethnonationalistic jews aswell as the civic nationalist jews in the US and the communist jews, they hate eachother! And they know that muslims coming into the west will destabilize support for israel..


Hitler wanted to relocate Jews to Israel. Hitler was a Zionist. We are all Jews no matter what you want to say. Just be proud of who you are and do not let Leftist communism get to you.

But, If the USSR was ruled by jews, why didn't Hitler just send them there?

Idk, but in this timeline I got an inheritance from a jew. I've never inherited anything from actual family.

Hitler was framed,
the reports he got was that jews were moving from camp to camp, which he has deemed to be worker camps until he could send them back to Israel

what he didn't know was that several of these camps, owned by the S.S were actively killing jews and experimenting on them something that he had no knowledge of, they did this by creating a secret alliance with some arabs

Hitler was then blamed on it all, even though he had no idea his S.S had gone rogue and pretty crazy


>hitler was a zionist
No before he went off the deep end and was baited into war, he was a pragmatist, he went like this: "these communist jews will always continue to be a pain in my ass, but if i expatriate them to palestine and that area which they in their history and in their ethnic tradition see as their homeland then they might love their "fatherland" enough to leave europeans alone"

Essentially the thinking was, giving jews a sense of pride and ethnonationalism by having their own clay instead of interfering in their business might be the idea.

Then he ofcourse went off the deep end and did some bad things. He was provoked continously and his error was giving into this constant provocation and baited into war, which destroyed ethnonationalism in europe not just for germany but for all of european ancestry that the left now call anyone no matter if they were for or against as "white supremacists" or nazi..

Previous to that ethnonationalism was always a good thing in europe, it's very clear to me why trump and bibi are good friends, they are redpilled silently towards eachother.

This is what you see in the havaara agreement this mindset, they were even PAID to expatriate! little strange move you might say for a man who literally wanted to exterminate all jews isn't it?

ofcourse then the muslims fresh out of an empire come in, and get into a massive world war and influence it in their way, as bibi mentioned, indeed the muslim brotherhood was whom haj amini al husseini was part of, they formed 2 years after the fall of the ottomans with desire to get their empire back, but fresh out of their continous 1400 year jihad, what better than to involve themselves in a european conflict. Hassan al bana was also an admirer of hitlers anti jewish writings about the communist jews which he in mein kampf feared that should he not expatriate them they would ruin germany same way as russia, infact his concern was legitimate because THEY HAD ALREADY TRIED A COMMUNIST OVERTHROW 1918-23!

Put that into your noggin and many things start adding up!

You can see haj amini al husseini with many hanschar ss division, these were muslims that on the call of the grand mufti DECLARED THEIR ALLEGIANCE TO NAZI GERMANY.. some of hitlers largest divisions of that sort, that was the large amount! "we got no empire, stuff to do, we see you hate jews? how may we assist you? :)"

So understanding this which most people do not, it's quite hilarious whenever a muslim calls a european "nazi" to shut down their anti muslim migration argument, the comedy aspect might now become clearer to you :D

This is some next level intra dimensional obfuscation mind fuckery.

>shit around the civilized world goes far right
>shit around the civilized world goes anti-muslim
>shit around the civilized world goes pro jew


>people getting hung of the idea 'hilter dindu noffin', lets use this

>"oh oy vay! hitler dindu nuffin for real if it comes from us it must be truth right! it was some evil muslim at the time that no one really herd about! nazis were good guys actually, its all fault of these pesky palestinian mooslims, they are BAD! we are GOOD! nice thinking goy! you are right! obama is a muslim, pay shelel, thank you for your cooperation. thxbai

we fucked

our jew?

I expected better from you, Mr. Meatball

That's how it must seem if you create your internal assumptions based on lack of historical information. educate yourself a bit more.

What you have been told about these things is not what the data shows.

You're thinking bibi doesn't know about the communist jews that hate him? cute and naive, but we've got a packed house with cute and naive, it's not really helping much.

So Hitler was right?

what did you expect, enlighten me

Even we have a patron kike.

Internalized anti-semitism

no one wanted them
not even the jews in america

That's literally nigger tier logic, that's what blacks say if a black republican or smart person disagrees with them being perpetual victims.. "self hating black"..

If you actually read anything in your life about history you would know that Hitler was opposed to Zionism. Zionism pre WWII was a pursuit of the Eternal Anglo

That's what's keeping blacks down so much, cause the niggers keep saying "i'm everyone that's black". "fuck you uncle tom for getting an education and getting along with your neighbours"

bad boy stalin got away with it kek


Jews change the story to suit their current needs.
What's funny is how naive white people are to believe it at every turn. Stupid and naive like a mule.

"intelligent" you're such a fucking coon for being intelligent, what a race traitor you are.. All knowledge builds up towards a pyramids where the most truest truth is at the pinnacle.. And at that top of the pyramid black white yellow brown tanned, polkadot, doesn't matter as much as COMPETENCE!!! and this is what the communists fear that you find out.. because competence is the true guide! Why do they fear it, because communism was made by jewish burgois to turn away from everyone else the path to wealth, and rule as a permanent upper class over them whilst pitting everyone against eachother. They fear competence driven societies.. because they are inherently the opposite of communism.. so in the mindwars, they want you not to be smart.

What Bibi is saying is that hitler wanted the jews out of germany but not kill them, meaning he wanted them to emigrate

And yet some faggots on here still criticize us for supporting Israel, as if the based nationalist Jews there and the marxist/globalist ones here are one and the same.

In other words, they are inferior human beings that wants everyone else at the back of the bus intellectually so that they can illicitly dominate them forever, the boot that stomps in the face of humanity forever. THEY CHEAT, they are NOT COMPETENT! and it is THEY who cause division from what we all want! competence!

You're basically describing the difference between the Semitic Middle Eastern Jews (aka, the actual Tribes of Israel) vs. the Ashkenazi ((Jews)) who hijacked the jewish identity in 740AD for political gain. The horrors of Soviet Russia, the French Revolution, Hitler's fate, and the degeneracy of today in the ((Media)) is all the fault of Ashkenazi Jews. Always Ashkenazi. It would be correct to say that the Ashkenazis are Sup Forums's great enemy, while the semitic Jews may as well be judaic christians.

In my opinion, though others may disagree, Ashkenazis aren't even Jews. They are their own race with a completely unique gene pool, the highest IQ on Earth (117-120 avg). It is my belief that these Ashkenazi Jews are descendants of the Khazar Empire. The conflict is between these deceivers, and the actual semitic jews.

They want you to be mediocre, not great, and communism when fully analyzed keeps you at that mediocre level with no ability to truly become great and aspire towards great things and actually improve things.. Communism is like a muffle to the aspirations of mankind for a few that already have wealth to then reign as illbegotten "rulers" over.

Just look at /pol now, there is full "le based nationalist jews" and "/pol was always a zionist board" shilling right now.

They are coordinately pushing for this narrative to not get gassed.

Israel is still a shitty ally. They get way more out of our relationship than anything we get from them.

Best scenario is to remain neutral towards them.

Hitler said capitalism was the right hand of jews and that it is corrupted.

Racketeering at such a grand scale can't be punished when a person can literally be the tipping point of the entire economy.

(((globalist))) have stemmed from the US and are now capable of being giant impacts on the economy.

So therefore they will always be dismissed of anything.

You bring up good points, but considering that Israel is essentially Sup Forums's ideal ethno-religious-nationalist state, it's silly to despise them just for being Jews. There are other Jews worthy of our hatred.

bible calls them false jews.. i think timothy nails it here, let me quote it.

"Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men:"

"hindering us from telling the Gentiles how they may be saved. As a result, they continue to heap up their sins to full capacity; the utmost wrath has/will come upon them"

If the true jew who is of esau which were supplanted by jacob the christians, is the regular jew, then these who you mention is the "pharisee priest class!" And you can almost time your watch about how they want to undermine israel aswell, because why.. it's an ethnostate, and communism is their religion..

What's interesting aswell about that aside from the cube of the teffilin and of saturn and these things that caused hebrews to be supplanted by hebrews is the symbol of communism.. which few and only the silent ones realized..

Have you noticed the communist emblem hammer and cicle.. It's the CRESCENT AND STAR!!!! look at it again and be astonished!

go read ezekiel 28 isaiah 14.. i'm dropping HARDCORE redpills that are uncomfortable here.. be warned.

*supplanted by europeans

tfw hate Netanyahu for his zionism but agree with a lot of his points


just notice that.. let the ear hear and the eye see!

They're Jews, but I judge them based on their actions towards us rather than them just being Jews. It's an unfair relationship, and while I support Trump, he talks about how we're being screwed over by other countries without recognizing one of the most unfair relationships we have. Of course, he's not going to address it. Ideally, I wish we could ban AIPAC from our country and remain neutral towards Israel, but I don't see that happening any time soon.

>jdif shill



hammer is the star, cicle is the crescent, what did communism do, destroy orthodox russia a christian nation deposed tsar that was instituted by god to protect russia.. almost did communist overthrow in germany 1918-23, the leftist communists helped mao take over, and have softspot for chicoms, almost tried to overthrow the US a few more years they would have shut down all alternative media as hatespeech and you already have college students walking around calling everyone fascists just like russia before the revolution! THEY WORSHIP THE SAME AS ISLAM! BUT THEY ARE SNEAKY

Imagine my "surprise" when they try to flood western nations with muslims in particular!

is he, dare i say, /our guy/?

Everyone is wrong. WW2 was a social experiment. Period.

THIS IS THE GROUP SOROS REPRESENTS THE SAME GROUP THAT MADE HITLER AUTISTIC/LOSE HIS FUCKING MIND as he realized they wanted to destroy german lineage, and declared RAISE THE SWAZTIKA AS A MEANS OF RADICAL RESISTANCE.. and then went off the deep end.

They did not dissapear they are still here!

Everyone is wrong. WWII was obviously a social experiment. Period

And now they are wanting also to fuck up israel by importing mass muslim migrants also into the west who safeguard ethnonationalistic.. a disaster for israel for lack of support!

THINK ABOUT IT.. and then realize palestine was not even a wedge issue in EU politics before the mass muslim migration!

Now this migration will mass END, the dragon sends out a flood out of its mouth (mass migration) after trying to conquer by might, via who, the scarlet beast turkey! which denmark is antithetical to, which is also scarlet but has the cross instead, satan wants to be like the ones of the north the judges. Danmark = field of dan.

"i will be also like the congregation of the north".

But you must do your part realizing the game being played with mass muslim migration!

He's making shit up as he goes, it's amazing how the Zionist deception has no end.

he meant that Hitler just wanted for the jews to get out, specifically to british palestine

the arabs here, however, knew that Germany's nurenberg legislation of 1935 would prompt nearly all german jews to want to leave Germany and come here, and threw a massive chimpout revolt at 1936 to coerce the british bellend faggots to prohibit this and officially ban all jewish immigration to palestine with apolicy statement, AKA 1939's White Paper

this meant that every single jew that didn't leave Germany and by extension most of Europe by 1936 was stuck there when the wehrmacht took over
and since at that point there was a war with the british and sending the jews to palestine was no longer an negotiable option, the nazi party had to come up with a different solution for us

the faggot bellend anglos bent over before the goat hair covered arab cock, as they always do. I don't hate the germans at all - not after reading about Rosa Luxemburg and the bavarian soviet republic - but I hate arabs and their anglo bastard bottom bitches with a passion

Ah ignorance is bliss till bad things happen. That is one of the difference between you and me i try to stop bad things from happening you don't care and then when they do happen, you find a way to exhonorate yourself of trying to undermine efforts to stop it, shut your mouth.