Will Trump resolve the student loan debt crisis in the following 8 years, and if so, how?

Will Trump resolve the student loan debt crisis in the following 8 years, and if so, how?

Allowing the majority of a generation go under permanently because of financial indiscretion they were told was entirely wise might provoke some serious borderline revolutionary shit. It could actually ruin the nation irreparably.

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>Will Trump resolve the student loan debt crisis in the following 8 years, and if so, how?


Don't bother worrying about it, the revolution is just around the corner


>loan debt crisis
Werent you niggers crying about bailing out the banks? Now you want to be bailed out for your bad investment?

Sorry bro, you and the other idiots who spent that money on useless meme degrees arent worth that much. Maybe you should take it out on the college administration and school system for feeding you propaganda about how useful your social science degree will be and then kill yourself for believing it.

It needs to crash and a lot of people need to suffer before people learn their lesson.

Most people should not go to college. College shouldn't even be an aspiration for most.

I'm in computer science actually but I've noticed that RPI -- the school I'm attending -- is filled with more mediocre people than I was told it would. They'll all graduate. Will being a decent software developer cut it? Time will tell.

Honestly, I am worried that good grades, working while in school, and doing undergrad research won't cut it. I'm worried that I'm inescapably born into the nation's lower class.

>will Trump help me with my gambling debts and if so how?
Fucking kill yourself.
You have no one to blame but yourself.

>an entire generation is promised this is the safe path to take
>turns out, not really
>unlike pretty much all other types of debt, your can't chapter 7 out of it

Hopefully you can see why this has some serious consequences to it.

>computer science
You're already above the nations lower class.
What wrong with being the nations lower class? Some one has to be the nations lower class.

>entire generation is told they can win big at a casino
>turns out, not really
>pls halp me gubment i need gibs
Again, no one to blame but yourself.

We treat the lower to working class very poorly. More so than a lot of other places, particularly in pre-Islamic Western Europe. I'm a bit worried about myself, but very worried about my friends who got degrees in shit like art history or whatever. They've got no chance, and can't just chapter 7 out of it. Even if I make it, which I might not, I won't be able to bail even half of them out.

While you might find it just for people who made these mistakes individually to suffer, when things reach a certain scale they have long term national consequences that can no longer be blown off with muh personal responsibility.

You can still win big, you just have to be proactive

How much are you gonna be in debt?

I just looked up that RPI's tuition cost is 24k per semester

>muh personal responsibility

So what you're saying is, the interests of a large bloc of society don't count for anything because of financial mistakes people made between the ages of 18 and 25, roughly? That doesn't sound merely harsh, but pointlessly so. Once financially ruined to this extent, you create and incentive to not work, since doing so results in way too much of it getting garnished. If they can't support themselves by working, they just won't. If they can't get government handouts because mugfreemarket, they're put into a situation where they need to literally fight to survive. You do NOT want any significant portion of society to be in that spot. The whole point of Chapter 7 is to preclude people from being put in that position in the first place. But when large chunks of the population is in that spot, and they can't escape it, you WILL see civil unrest.

So if we choose this path as a nation, we have nothing but ourselves to blame when it all implodes on us.

If you are decent you will always find a job as a programmer, you may have to work for cookies but you will have a job.

More and more shit quality programmers are being turned out like an assembly line because of diversity requirements and the general shitlibby industry plus influx of nonsocial autists. Plus the big companies would much rather outsource to pajeet cuz cheaper and our quality has slowly been dropping to their level anyway.

But hey guess what if you subsidize a behavior you get more of it.

What debt crisis? Are you referring to people that borrowed money being expected to pay it back?

I've got 15k/semester in scholarships, plus I transferred in. I'm looking at up to 60k on my way out. It's significant, but if I'm pulling down 60+k/yr it'll be manageable. I will admit, I'm at risk of leaving school during a recession, but hopefully my inclination to work in my field while attending college, have an active hand in open source projects, and do undergrad research will distinguish me enough to bypass that.

No more gibs fuck off.

>So what you're saying is, the interests of a large bloc of society don't count for anything because of financial mistakes people made between the ages of 18 and 25, roughly?
>That doesn't sound merely harsh, but pointlessly so
Life is harsh. The only thing that is pointless is crying to the government to solve all of your own fucking problems.

If you were retarded enough to drop out of college after taking out a $100,000+ student loan, you deserve all the shit you get.

If you actually do get a good degree and are just struggling to find a job afterwards there should be some sort of leeway.

They should do a reverse GI Bill, where you can serve in the military after you finish college and use GI Bill to retroactively pay your student loans. Gender studies majors and such would be too soft to do it and rightfully get fucked, while people in worthwhile fields would thrive.

never forget who pushed (((student loans))) and why

>student loan debt

What is there to solve? It's a loan. Pay it back with interest you fucking faggot. Why should the government bail you, a responsible adult who signed a legal binding contract, out of a loan?

What kind of message does that send? If we do that then everyone will demand the government pay off every other bullshit debt. Which of course will disastrous since government cannot truly pay off debt since it needs to TAKE that money from the people (debt holders) to pay off their debt by making more debt.

Fucking millennials are retarded.

It's a shame none of you faggots who borrowed all that money from the taxpayers didn't take economics first semester otherwise you might have saved everyone a lot of time and money.

Fuck all of you. Pay your debts.

Getting usury under control isn't "gibs".

It shouldn't be resolved; every shitlib who put themselves 60 grand in debt for a liberal arts degree then complains after signing the deal deserves to drown in debt until they die

>might provoke some serious borderline revolutionary shit
Like, bankruptcy? Have you ever thought of bankruptcy? I really don't get this "I went to college and all I got was a lousy pile of debt" meme. You knew beforehand you were taking a risk. Here's how I know this:

Someone comes to you and says "You should go to college!" Your FIRST FUCKING REPLY was "I can't afford it". They replied with "You'll get a job out of college and pay the loans back - it's how it works!". Then you went "OK!"

Every single one of you did this. Every single one of you studied something worthless. To those of you that didn't, you failed to make contacts.

The real kicker here is this:
None of you are looking for even a shit job to pay the debntntbnts down.

>ITT Boomers wonder why 18 year-olds weren't smart enough to not go into debt when just about everyone was telling them to get a college degree for the past twenty years.

Found the kike. Interest is a Jewish weapon against the white race.

>Life is harsh. The only thing that is pointless is crying to the government to solve all of your own fucking problems.

Lmao, these banks depend on the government to enforce the debt to begin with, in the form of court orders and garnishment. Maybe banks need to take personal responsibility for giving out loans for underwater basket weaving

he is an entitled socialist bitch. Of course thats exactly what he's talking about.
>bu-but they said it was great
Thats what all people selling a service do.
If you want to make promoting colleges in public schools illegal ok thats fair. But he doesn't want to do that. He's just a selfish piece of shit who wants his own problems solved instead of preventing the problems in the first place.

he will, starting by stopping student loans.

Student loans have made college unafordable for anybody, as long as they keep handing out free money colleges will keep raising their prices. This madness has to stop

You can't get student loans waived with a bankruptcy. Allowing them to be subject to Chapter 7 would adequately resolve the matter.

>financial mistakes people made between the ages of 18 and 25

Maybe we need to raise the drinking, driving, and voting age to 26. If you're too stupid to understand a loan, you're definitely too stupid to do any of those things.

It is more the rising cost of university education because of the ridiculous rise in administration and administrative costs. Loans allow horrible colleges and "universities" to basically get money from anyone who can sign a paper. The student debt crisis isn't for the people who have the foresight to major in something useful. The crisis is that a large section of people who are going to university are going to subpar degree mills, and that take them out of the workforce and give them a massive debt.
I'm not in favour of the government doing anything for the people who already incurred debt but something has to be done about the greedy fucks in administration who are raising the price of education and draining money without giving anything useful to the students.
We should get rid of student debt by not allowing people to go to "university" in the first place.

Yes, adults are responsible for their actions, there is no leniency because it was a mistake.

Stop incentivizing poor behavior. Economic laws are laws they work always in the situation they are meant for. The problem began with marxists in the school system and government funded public schools. Yes goy dont treat the cause, there will be more money treating symptoms and waiting for the patients return

>People crying about graduating with debt

I always laugh when I hear them whining about it. Who decided to go to college they couldn't afford to? Who signed the loan? Who decided to get a meme degree that they farted their way through? Oh yeah, you did.

Regardless of how much the school system brainfucked you into thinking college is necessary, you still decided to take upwards to 100k in debt

>lower taxes
>can pay off debt quicker

>mfw no debt

Mommy and Daddy were financially responsible, suckers!

>Allowing the majority of a generation go under permanently

like it was different for any other generation? you got burned, learn to deal, join the underground economy

>libshit idiots who "just wanna follow their dreams" get assraped by debt because they studied sociology and probably won't end up reproducing as a result

Sounds good to me desu

>take it out on the college administration and school system for feeding you propaganda about how useful your social science degree will be

you should form a class action and sue these pricks for fraud, it's the only way

>joined a trade
>now 22 years old, high school friends graduated last year
>other than my engineering buddy, the rest of them can't find a job in their field of study (all BSc)
>they are working in some unrelated office jobs with shit pay
>they're tied up with student debt
>some planning on going to grad school and getting into even more debt just so they have a chance at being competitive
>lowkey feel good about it because they have ripped on me before for doing "dumb work"

> (You)
>Yes, adults are responsible for their actions, there is no leniency because it was a mistake.

So when banks give out loans for member degrees, should the government laugh at them and say "lol, good luck getting your money back retard, there is no leniency because it was a mistake"

>it's the kids' fault, not the brainwasher's fault

If you mislead a kid into eating poison, guess who's fault it is.

You can't file bankruptcy on a student loan because there's no assets you have to liquidate.

It's not like they can just erase all the knowledge you learned at college in your mind.

A student loan requires you to just sign a piece of paper. It's not like a car, house, or business where they can repossess what you couldn't pay for.

The crippling inflation caused by his trade policies will have the side effect of making fixed debts worth less which is a silver lining I guess

Well good thing wages have been going up while the kikes have been jewing us out of our education? Oh wait...

Kids can't sign for a student loan. Adults can. Maybe you should've read your loan paperwork where it said "Shit nigger are you sure you want to borrow 80k for a useless degree at 10%?"

it's guaranteed by the US federal government mate, if a sizeable amount of people with guaranteed federal loans default then the government has to sort it out. that means that someone, somewhere, is going to be forced to pay the loan eventually, be that your average farmer in ohio in corn or some sailor in china with his own blood.

>should the government laugh at them and say "lol, good luck getting your money back retard, there is no leniency because it was a mistake"
yes that is how this all works, there's a reason that any contract you sign as a minor is seen as automatically invalid until you turn 18, at which point you have to make a deliberate effort to ratify the contract. if you're over 18 you are responsible for the contracts you sign. if the bank actually scammed you, as in doing some sneaky shit like giving you one "contract" and making you sign another, both intended to look exactly the same, THAT'S fraud, but just signing a contract isn't.

>So when banks give out loans for [anything], should the government laugh at them and say "lol, good luck getting your money back retard


Don't take a loan you can't afford to repay, and don't make loans you can't afford to lose.


ITT: Sup Forums defends usury

I'm convinced this board is a Jewish honey pot.

>"Pay your own damn loans"
Fucking solved

This I would do a few years of service.

Kek, me too. In-state tuition for a stem degree with a few small scholarships. Now I'm going to grad school for free because the military wants what I'm going to school for.

Libshit crybabbies need to fuck off.

Here's more for you fags, it's almost like the cucks in this thread like getting ripped off by the kikes.

Motherfucking this.

And if you riot, you'll be dealt with easily.

You gunless pussies don't have the balls for violent revolution.
Not to mention you are too fucking stupid to ever maintain the government after the fact.

Fucking college kids need to die. They are the worst fucking demographic in the country right now. They don't even deserve a GED.

OP is a fag.

Then why don't they just file Chapter 66 bankruptcy and kill themselves?

>implying this isn't entirely the fault of government backed student loans

You're wrong. There is no crisis.

>rising cost of university education
College is either worth it, or not worth it. If it's worth it, what are they complaining about? If it's not worth it, why are they buying it?

>greedy fucks in administration who are raising the price of education
No one is forcing anyone to pay those rates. The market will handle it.

>We should get rid of student debt by not allowing people to go to "university" in the first place.
Authoritarian filth.

The loaners didn't make a bad bet. They knew you couldn't file for bankruptcy so they knew you were going to have to pay it back. Hell they even made a cosigner sign it as well just for good measure

> (You)
>>So when banks give out loans for [anything], should the government laugh at them and say "lol, good luck getting your money back retard
>Don't take a loan you can't afford to repay, and don't make loans you can't afford to lose.

So does that mean you're fine with abolishing automatic garnishment of wages for debtors, etc? The governing stays out of the entire process. The consequences of flaking begin and end with a bad credit rating for 7 years.

You do understand that most kids could apply for a loan at the age of 17, right? I'd hardly call that an adult. The fact is, adults led kids into one of the dumbest decisions of their lives, now they shuffle that responsibility onto the kids instead of BEING the adults they were supposed to be.

The real adults fucked up big time, now they won't accept responsibility for it. How can we expect kids to understand loans and the market when most adults don't have an inkling as to either?

America: The land where you're free to Jew 18 year olds into usury and they're free to pay you interest for 20 years.

National Socialist Germany knew how to deal with these subverters and usurers.

>No one is forcing anyone to pay those rates. The market will handle it.
um, mate, government guaranteed loans?

Sure is a lot of fucking salt in this thread.

The government is backing this trash because they're a fucking ZOG. How is this not clear to you?

I have a job and make $40K a year working for an Interactive company despite majoring in Sociology.

The "You won't get a job if you get a degree in a meme field" is bullshit. Getting a job is all about networking and any STEM autist who tells you otherwise is bullshitting you.


Spot the Bernie Sanders voter.

Your parents failed. You are all retarded children that have been spoiled to death, and you will be dealt with when you throw a tantrum that threatens the Republic.

Last I checked the Jewish bankers didn't put a gun to your head and force you to sign for a student loan. You walked right into that trap yourselves.

You're an adult now, deal with it

>So does that mean you're fine with abolishing automatic garnishment of wages for debtors, etc?


>The consequences of flaking begin and end with a bad credit rating for 7 years.

Personally, I would do away with the 7 year expiration and make it open ended.
You want your 'credit rating' fixed so you can borrow more money? Pay back the shit you already borrowed.

Maybe you can try asking Bernie for a refund?

A lot of them are just as stupid as high schoolers. I think it's why med schools are now trying to move away from pre-med kids and only want people who have worked in the real world for a few years.

If you admit a college senior you could he admitting a literal retard and would have no way of knowing otherwise.

>If you question excessive interest rates by Jew-ran banks and Jew-ran universities you must be a leftist.

>Boo hoo goy, you signed on the dotted line now fork over the money. Good thing this will leave you too fucking broke to breed, we want you all exterminated.

This thread is packed with cringey edge-lords.

Short answer: no
Long answer: no

>You do understand that most kids could apply for a loan at the age of 17, right? I'd hardly call that an adult.

Maybe, just maybe, if you're too fucking stupid to understand a loan you're too stupid to go to college.

>You want your 'credit rating' fixed so you can borrow more money? Pay back the shit you already borrowed.

I'd agree to this if there was a provision that made it so that loans that are paid off can't hurt the rating. If "you flaked on a big loan in your 20s, your credit rating is forevershit" is your answer then there's little incentive to actually pay it back. The reality is that muhfreemarket doesn't adequately take on board human nature when left unchecked; people are not complex than financial transactions

>You're an adult now, deal with it

Those kids were only a year into adult hood when they accepted those loans. You're really blaming them for being suckered into it by a college obsessed culture? When just about every adult (who is currently failing to accept responsibility) pushed for those same kids to go to college? Not very adult-like if you ask me.

Again, if you feed a kid poison, you are responsible for the results.

How many of your sociology friends succeeded like you did?

"I know this one guy" isn't an argument. Generally speaking, a huge number degrees issued by US colleges are worthless and will get you a job that you would have been better off just training on- site for.

Get an education that's worth the cost or you deserve your perpetual debt slavery.

Fucking humanities degrees, just paying people to turn you into a liberal.

Nailed it!
Now get your fuckin shine box!

>Maybe, just maybe, if you're too fucking stupid to understand a loan you're too stupid to go to college.

Context lad, context. Those kids were told by just about every adult to go to college, and that the only way they would ever get a decent job is if they went to college. Why are those adults now shrinking from that responsibility?

I know I'll be redpilled about college when it comes to my kids, that's for damn sure.

If they were that young, then their parents co-signed for the loan. Sorry, maybe in the next life you'll have parents that actually know what they're doing.

Last time I checked America had fair, reasonable prices for education when it was a white nation that hadn't been completely cucked by the kikes. Stop making excuses for these usurers. Purge the kikes out of the schools and banks and all of a sudden our education will be far cheaper and will actually teach us useful things.

>But muh capitalism!!!! How can I make money when I can't jew your sons and daughters goy?

Gas yourself you fucking judenrat.

>I'd agree to this if there was a provision that made it so that loans that are paid off can't hurt the rating.

I agree somewhat.
The rating should rise when the loan is paid off, but it should also reflect that you fucked up.

Someone who takes 20 years to pay back a 5 year loan shouldn't have the same rating as one who paid it back in 3 years.

I see we're finally getting somewhere. So, it is the parent's fault. But what of the others? The high schools, schools, colleges, governments? All had a hand in pushing the next generation into a hole, when will they accept responsibility for it?

Good education has its price.
If you need money, why don't you start a business and become a millionaire?

They won't, because apparently, they're not responsible for the bad financial advice they offer their subordinates.

I know it sure as hell redpilled as to how globalists shackle one generation to the next to their schemes.

Then why the hell can you declare bankruptcy on credit card debt?

You realize that they passed a law banning bankruptcy from touching student loans to subsidize the academia responsible for creating SJWS, right?

I really didn't keep in touch with most people in my major. My best friends were all either in Communications, business, or programming.

I will say that I'm pursuing a career in my minor (Communications) rather than Sociology, though. My original ambition was to become a professor which was why I was studying Sociology, but when I was a junior I decided to try and get a career in Public Relations and/or Corporate Communications. I've been working my current job in Ad Tech (I know enough about IT to get by) but I'm making progress in getting to the field I want to work in: I just got the opportunity a few weeks ago to volunteer in the PR department at a racetrack.

they're not going to, and unless you're going to get the guillotine out and start killing kikes by the thousands, nothing is going to change. you're the one that's going to have to change.

Why is the price for education far, far higher than it was fifty years ago, even though it's severely declined in quality since then?

I honestly don't have any pity on you cunts. You sat on your ass for four years, charging everything to your student loans, and never thought "hey, I wonder what the job market is like for people who have my degree." Take some responsibility.

Also, the vast majority of the principle your "student loan" is from charging living expenses like room and board, food, travel expenses, etc. Get a job you lazy cunt.

*redpilled me

And the scam continues. Nary a days goes by when I don't hear about some college touting its credentials or retention rates. I can only roll my eyes.

He will through his Illegals for Education Act.

You earn debt forgiveness for turning in illegals, helping to build the wall, and patrolling the border.

I wonder how fast they'll sell out Jose, "Who only wants an education/better life."

>um, mate, government guaranteed loans?
Um, dipshit, college is not a necessity? If the price of something exceeds your desire for it, don't pay it. If your desire exceeds the price, the don't complain about buying it.

Tuition at most state colleges is 6k a semester at most. There's no reason to graduate with more than 30k in debt, which is a good investment if you bother to see if your degree is marketable.