Why are amphetamines given out to kids so often?

Why are amphetamines given out to kids so often?

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idk they're really bad for children. i probably """needed""" them but thank god i didn't get.

your grades are more important than health desu

I blame these for a lot of the issues O have as an adult, the rest is my mom's fault.

>tfw my friend is addicted to rilatine

Been on them since grade 7 and I'm 30 now.
I don't take a whole lot but I dig em'.

>Yes goy, forget your health just keep working.

It's easier to medicate the problem then train both the parent and child to deal with the issue. Also life long patient to pay dem shekels.

this is now a mom hate thread

It's only a temporary fix until the child can learn to control themselves.

Allows you to sit for long periods of time doing one thing.

Kids who are more active are fed stimulants to make them sit still and do work.

Stimulants are god-tier, but only for adults.

You can do this with willpower too.

how do this

I'm on instant release Adderall right now absolutely murdering my to-do list. AMA faggots.

Do what?

Its easier than parenting, mama dada want some.

whats on your list pham?

Why is the same image used for every thread about Adderall?

It's almost as if the same person is making these threads

Short answer is because parents are shit at their job now a days

>what is a subtle post-meme?

>get prescribed adderall for "adult add"
>2 ten-miligram pills per day, for 30 days
>after one week completely gone, spend 12 hours a day fapping with 10 tabs of porn open at one time
>one night of speedballing 100 mg of adderall with 18 year single malt

The best and worst shit in the world

Maybe he just likes talking about Amphetamine.
I do. As well as other drugs.

Very interesting topic.

>"Would you rather be successful and die at 60 or a NEET and die at 90?"

1. Watch iOS reverse engineering video
2. Do more Adderall
3. Drink seltzer water

The man who helped introduce government funded psychoactive drugs to first graders. Way to go. From a family of war criminals, this one could only declare war on schoolchildren.

guilt for not knowing how to raise them

Been on Vyvanse for about 7 years now, failed every grade before 10th, then after taking it I got all A'S and B's and and same in college.

It's good if you ACTUALLY have ADD/ADHD

It's good even if you don't.
Enhanced dopamine will greatly enhance your abilities all around, as long as you're on a tightly controlled regimen of stimulant.
Go too hard though, and you're looking at insanity and possible heart failure later in life.

Gotta be careful with the wave.

it's legal meth and it turns you into a conduit for satanic energies. take enough and you'll not only gain insight, but will gain a new friend for life. the gays love meth and many republicans are closet cases.

This man knows what's up.

It hasn't been called ADD since 1994. ADHD without hyperactivity is called ADHD predominantly inattentive subtype, or ADHD-PI for short.

vyvanse fag here too. do cardio on your offdays so you don't accelerate your cardiovascular system into complete shit mode by the time youre 30 if you plan on taking amphetamines long term.

it's more necessary for the super lazy genetic lottery loser fags who (((have))) adhd than it is for the normal people that just want to get high off it.

I don't have problems playing attention, I'm just really bored in school and would rather be doing something creative! why wont you listen to me mom!? guidance counselor!? school psychiatrist!? doctor (((rosen)))!?

People act like "just getting high" on stimulants in like smoking weed or doing meth.
Riding a stim wave is so much more than that. Only tripping can match rocking out on the wave.
They're experiences one just cannot get normally. It's not about hiding from reality or just getting high if you're smart enough to appreciate the breaking of the mind on the rocks.

"just getting high" to me is a parallel to marijuana abuse.
while i use the pills to actually get out of bed and not just be comfortable in my own mind every day, recreational users either do one of the two activities
1)jack off marathon
2)procrastination for school related activity

it's degenerate and fucking gay. i don't want the US to become japan and ban stims because of fags ruining it for the people who don't use it just as a aphrodisiac.

>Tfw you've literally had everything in this picture before.

Modafinil blows, had that very same brand too.

TV and the internet reduces the attention span to the point that the average child raised on them is incapable of learning

Tell me, what do you do in life?
A lot of times people who feel as you are merely serving the wrong line of trade in life.
You might have been forced into a particular study or carreer that just doesn't agree with your brain set-up.

I myself could never work in an office or any place where I'm not engaged in at least 80% hands-on constructive work.

So I build for a living, despite loving science. I can't sit in a lab. I know, I tried.

Because they invented bullshit medical terms so that big pharma has an excuse to try and medicate the human condition.

How to get prescribed?

Im questioning making it to 30, so there is that...

law school next year.
if im off stims and with nothing else to do i can spend hours just daydreaming sitting down doing nothing, but ill be really content doing nothing
i have a huge ability to empathize with people but that's also one of the main reasons why i hate people so much.

the only trade in life that would match up with my sober personality is some sort of autistic explorer who tries to get really close to dying and fucks around with stuff just for the fun of it.

sober me would want to live in his own autistic lala land and not have to deal with any artificial societal construct or gay ass mechanism as a way to pass time

Actually, one of the reasons stimulants became more heavily prescribed for ADHD was because in the 1970s, the US government banned amphetamine and like compounds from OTC sale, scheduling the drugs. The companies manufacturing them faced an immediate budgetary problem as a huge seller suddenly became Rx-only. So they funded research to find other uses to sell their pharmaceuticals for to make up for the income hit.
It had been known that stimulants enhance focus and aid in ADHD, so they pretty much immediately had a go-to application to reorganize to.

This is what happens when you let the government ban drugs. Unintended consequences.
The market wants to thrive, government gets in the way, the market finds a solution.

Go to a normal doc, not a psychiatrist (they will be much more strict about who they cut a script to and make you do other shit first), tell them you can't concentrate, etc. Tell them it's always been like that for you but it's getting worse/more noticeable now that you're getting older/in college/have a job/etc.

ask for strattera because the erectile dysfunction that comes along with it is suiting for a degenerate fag like yourself who is taking shit that he doesnt need

>not taking l arginine alongside your stim dose to offset vasoconstriction symptoms


And I take it there's not many employment options for you...
Well, I'll say this as an avid "druggy". You don't wanna really be using ANY drug habitually.
Even those aspirins a day will cause harm eventually.

It might seem good now, but in 20-30 years, your heart might disagree. Dopaminergic stimulants are cool in bursts, but over time they can lead to insanity(in typical minds) and heart damage as well(a risk for atypical minds such as yours).

I'm not ADHD, though I had teachers try and label me as a little kid(who the fuck died and made you a physician, cunt?).
But I don't have a typical mind myself. I'm one of those types with a stable personality but the capacity to enjoy states of mania and insanity without becoming dangerous. I like to use stims(NDRIs in particular) to get close to the realm of intense psychosis, until the music and voices start getting to me.
I'm a binge user. Basically I use stimulants like one would use psychedelics. Occasional, intense trips into the void.

i saw a psychiatrist early last year and got diagnosed with adult adhd, i had to move away a couple months afterwards and never followed up with getting more stims.

can i just see any doc and show them the letter from the psychiatrist and they'll write me another script?

>can i just see any doc and show them the letter from the psychiatrist and they'll write me another script?

Idk, maybe. It's hit or miss with those fuckers. Worth a shot though for sure.

>why'd you wait so long to follow up about this with your psych?
>oh I thought I'd try some self help books and programs to see if I could do it on my own, nothing helped, I think I need meds
>writes script

i hav a BS in csci right now and have done internships to serve as a backup job opportunity in case law school either is complete shit to me or the firm opportunity offered from my brothers place manages to go completely defunct.

of course habitual use is bad. i use the stims 3 times a week but i do cardio on off days as a meme way to slow down the damage it's doing to my heart over time. i'd rather be 90% for 40 years than 40% for 70 years.

dont forget zinc and lecithin for those milky white loads

Doesn't sound like you have ADHD at all. ADHD stem from a low base level of dopamine in the brain making people who suffer from ADHD have a constant urge for stimulation. This is why many people with ADHD are very physical hyperactive and have trouble concentrating on stuff that isn't stimulating (the brain constantly tries to get you to do some other more stimulating activity).

I'm sorry user, my buddy just went full paranoid psychosis from addies (secret service is out to get him, etc). He is very intelligent and I think the speed pushed him over the brink :(

damn that's a good line, should do the trick hopefully

the entire system is a complete joke. you just display a personality/character of yourself to the doctor that you want them to see.
you could give any excuse whatsoever as long as it's not too fucking dumb. just say that you've come to terms with it and that you were in denial of it initially/ you tried behavioral therapy first but you think that meds alongside the therapy will be more effective.

you can literally lie and make your identity to the doctor anything you want. they have to assume you're telling the truth so there's a ton of leeway when you aren't being super fucking obvious

because some parents are either stupid or dont really care about their children.

Because parents don't know how to parent and teachers can't be bothered to discipline any more.

>i'd rather be 90% for 40 years than 40% for 70 years
Indeed. But just try to make it to 60 before you die man.
> i use the stims 3 times a week
That's not really bad. It gets bad when you're taking a couple pills a day or more.
You should be safe, from what I've read in journals on the subject, taking medication-based doses like that.
I mean if you were dosing 80+mg three times a week it might be trouble. But addy doses aren't that extreme at all so.

Really amphetamines should be given out more to Americans in general, or made OTC.
It is an extremely effective obesity treatment.
If not racemic amphetamine, EC stack should be easier to obtain. Instead the government gets its fat dick in the market and people get cornered into cigarettes to treat their obesity instead, and get lung cancer.

Grew up and got diagnosed with ADD early on.

Got ritalin as a kid, and then swiftly quit it. staunchly refused to take drugs as a teen, got mediocre grades but finished high school.

Tried drugs for depression, anxiety, etc in my 18-20's years, failed college, was living a life as a rapidly expanding neet, capped out at 6'4" 335lbs.

Started Adderall after realizing I had untreated, diagnosed ADD and now i've lost 15 pounds in 3 months, am learning a second language, can actually keep my house clean instead of living in a literal flyridden garbageheap.

I'm against drugs being used on kids but they honestly have some use for people who actually have brain problems as adults.

id counter you and say that the public education system is the most dogshit thing ever encountered and that i'd act out throughout all of elementary school because i was so fucking bored and had to fuck around to stay sane.

i'm fine being in a setting where i can day dream, but when i'm forced out of that mindstate and demanded to concentrate on anything that isn't extremely autistic or emotionally provoking, i get bored/anxious/exhausted from forcing the effort.

i can also argue that nobody actually has adhd, but that it's just some sort of personality trait that undeservedly received a label because those personality types don't work in the shitty judgmental linear structured world we live in.

increased aging/premature hairloss are also things people have to keep in mind. drink tons of water and eat actual foods if you don't want to look 40 when youre 25

the people i really feel bad for are the friends I have who are like 22 years old and they've taken adderall since like the 3rd grade. that's unpleasantly gay that their parents did that to them at such an early age. i fought it until i couldnt handle it anymore

>Really amphetamines should be given out more to Americans in general, or made OTC
>people get cornered into cigarettes to treat their obesity instead

Where do you get your information? The busybody neighborhood conspiracy theorist who thinks that mailmen are just a government scheme to spy on the inside of your mailbox?

>I'm against drugs being used on kids but they honestly have some use for people who actually have brain problems as adults.
In kids, neural pruning is still a vital thing taking place, and fucking around with psychotropics can adversely affect this pruning.
In adults, once you got your shit down pat mostly, it become less of a problem.

And with stimulants, like psychedelics, if you have the intelligence to keep up with the enhancement, you can really take advantage of them.
Most of the people losing their shit on stims tend to be of the lower-intelligence caste.

what's the redpill on ritalin vs adderall?

This guy

>increased aging/premature hairloss
Indeed. Heightened metabolism and the stresses therein. Also
Fuck you, return of puberty!

with the Frizz?

>no way!

Ritalin is a bit gentler as it's an NDRI. It doesn't force the dopamine out of you like an NDRA(Amphetamine). It mearly allows the dopamine to build up and not be reuptaken.

Phenidates may have a neuroprotective effect against the damages that can be caused by other stimulants.

So it may be advantageous to use methylphenidate or possibly other phenidates in supplement to other stims. Care is advised to avoid overstimulation however.

Idk but I had a Pajeet prescribe them to me at 23, and they're fucking awesome. Nothing like snorting some addy with a Stacey then partying with her all night

Why is posting on an anonymous seal training forum part of your "to do list"?

Hotrail some a-php and call the cops.
Have fun!