Trump Ban on incoming muslims

Trump Ban on incoming muslims

Help guys. I want to defend him on this position but I can't quite find good reasons. Why did he do this?

and no memeing "cuz less mudslimes" give me some points that I can make in front of a logical liberal

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>Hey guys, why did Trump follow through on his campaign promises? I don't understand

Risk mitigation.

>Trump Ban on incoming muslims
not true. fuck off.

your on pol rofl you really think anyone here actually does anything but meme?

Muslims tend to spontaneously combust and rape children.

Pick one

>Guys why do I believe what I believe
Are you retarded?

>fighting on the enemy's terms
Read the Art of War lad. Attack egalitarianism and rip it to shreds. Watch as their entire worldview collapses.

Fan service plain and simple--it accomplishes nothing but furnishing a scapegoat that he and his crony capitalist friends are about to burden you with. Keep your eyes peeped for another boots on the ground war soon. When the rich start pandering to the poor it is inevitably because they are about to take them to the slaughter. Never fails.

>Why did he do this?
Because the vetting process currently in place was deemed insufficient. Once additional measures are in place, including the cooperation of the originating country, then we will begin to accept immigration again. This is a temporary 3 month pause, not a indefinite ban.

He's not banning Muslims, he's banning the non-minorities refugees.

There is also a new process they have to go through in order to be vetted.

>Mecca is Muslim only, this is fine
>A few Muslims aren't allowed in the USA, this is awful

Most terrorists are muslims. Liberals don't listen to logic so why even try?

Erm to make the country safer?


>a logical liberal

You don't argue libshits. If you do, you argue them to convince people listening in.
Arguing with someone is never going to convince your opponent. Listeners are less involved and can be convinced, though.

Regardless, '>muh rationality' is literally irrelevant. People aren't logical. You need to play on emotions, not on facts.
Facts are only useful to make people feel more secure in their position once they've already been convinced emotionally.

Emotions to get people to your side, facts to keep them there permanently.

He did this because he looked at europe.


all damaged beyond repair by parasites.

America doesn't have a muslim problem yet.

It's better to prevent then to have to heal.

>logical liberal

if I sift through the shit for long enough, I find the occasional diamond

>Bill Maher, Rubin
There's two

This video.
It's almost 5 minutes long but it's gold.

The terrorists who attacked France were refugees. There's one reason.


1. muslims from these countries are potential dangerous creatures. When US will delete ISIS with Putin, there could be a chance that many will come to seek revenge.

2. It doesn't help other lands, that their civilization is fleeing. They should be fighting for their country and not trying to reap benefits in other countrys, when america is getting great again.
He's making more jobs for HIS population.

3. Why only muslims? Well... ISIS is muslim and not christian.

Looks all legit to me. That's what you call security.

>hold very strong political opinion
>have no idea how to defend it

Are you fucking retarded?

na, I have a group of liberal friends who are somewhat logical. I love them too much to let them go

Thanks anons!


>Bill Maher
Watch this video and tell me if Bill Maher is LOGICAL

He's fucking nuts, he shilled the hardest a man could possibly shill for Hill.

I've been watching him for at least 2 years, and out of all the other major liberals I find him the most logical one.

Sure I disagree with him on alot of things but at least he talks with substance instead of muh feels

The countries banned are currently involved in civil wars or being bombed by the US military. There are plenty of muslim enriched countries without a ban (UAE, Turkey, Egypt, etc.) which are not banned.

>Hold a political opinion
>POTUS makes a decision I can't quite comprehend
>Ask for clarification and rationale

no fuck you. since when is asking for discussion and knowledge a bad thing? I hope niggers fuck your dog in the asshole

Saudi Arabia and Egypt are exempt from this EO. Explain.

As someone in the medical field , we always say prevention is the best treatment .
Trump is doing good.

>na, I have a group of liberal friends who are somewhat logical. I love them too much to let them go
And you're not going to convince them with facts.

Nobody is convinced by facts unless they prove something they believe wrong, but then only because it takes them off guard and allows a slight window for you to inject something.
The muslim ban is based on emotions. They feel sorry for muslims, and right wing people hate them because they're dirty, foreign and dangerous.
Even if you prove that immigrants from those countries are bad for the economy, are more likely to commit crime and have a high chance of terrorism, they'll still be against the ban because a picture of a single crying child will convince them beyond any argument.

>Sure I disagree with him on alot of things but at least he talks with substance instead of muh feels
Did you watch the video? It's all feels.
He's spouting obviously wrong shit in order to convince his audience to loathe Trump.

>hey guys, I can't defend a ban on refugees from areas full of active IS members

Either shill or retard

These are the banned COUNTRIES.


This is a list of Muslim countries.

Indonesia 204,847,000 (87.2%) - NOT BANNED
Pakistan 178,097,000 (96.4%) - NOT BANNED
Bangladesh 145,312,000 (90%) - NOT BANNED
Iran 74,819,000 (99.6%) - BANNED!
Turkey 74,660,000 (98.6%) - NOT BANNED
Egypt 73,746,000 (90%) - NOT BANNED
Algeria 34,780,000 (98.2%) - NOT BANNED
Morocco 32,381,000 (99.9%) - NOT BANNED
Iraq 31,108,000 (98.9%) - BANNED!
Sudan 30,855,000 (97%) - BANNED!
Saudi Arabia 30,770,375(99.9%) - NOT BANNED
Afghanistan 29,047,000 (99.8%) - NOT BANNED
Uzbekistan 26,833,000 (96.5%) - NOT BANNED
Yemen 24,023,000 (99.0%) - BANNED!
Syria 20,895,000 (92.8%) - NOT BANNED
Malaysia 17,139,000 (61.4%) - NOT BANNED
Niger 15,627,000 (98.3%) - NOT BANNED
Somalia 10,864,733 (99.9%) - BANNED!

A country is not a religion. Did you see a ban on Egyptians coming into the country? How about people from Indonesia? Only retards don't actually look at the list of banned COUNTRIES and determine this is not a ban on religion, but a ban on a COUNTRY.


Because they are hot beds for terrorism atm. Our vetting process was garbage and congress found out immigrants were getting admitted on thier word alone

To stop terrorist attacks, what do you mean? It's good for Muslims too. They are tired of being called terrorists after attacks.

Dude, if you know the structure of his show, the first 5 minutes is a gag reel. I don't take it seriously and enjoy the laugh. It's the discussion panel he has in the middle or the interviews in the beginning where I give it some weight. Same with the monologue at the end or new rules = they are just shitposting

And hey, that's what friends are for. I'll try my best to save them from ignorance and hopefully they can do the same for me if I go off the far end

Because mudslimes are more likely to be terrorists.

They will call you racist. Mudslime is not a race. If you debate them on their terms (political correctness) you will lose because they wrote the rules. Don't play by their rules.

Mudslimes are disproportionately terrorist and sympathetic to terrorist groups.

Holy kek, I wish he would ban the rest for fun. It will be fucking earthquake.

I give you a bag of of 100 Skittles. 99 of them are perfectly normal, delicious Skittles. 1 of them is laced with cyanide.

How many Skittles are you willing to eat?

ISIS, Al Qaeda, etc.

State sponsor and nuke deal, but probably more as a bargaining chip for the nuke deal

Failed state, ISIS

Pirates, extremist Muslim terrorist groups of all kind

Same as Somalia


You don't defend something you don't understand, retard. This was the entire premise of your post.

Depends. Are you racist or not racist? Because if you didn't say that you would eat all the skittles then you are clearly a racist.

The Left.

Couldn't I say this about men being rapists though?

Thank you for the based statistics, brother. Many redpills will be taken today.

1,000,000 refugees in Germany... 10,000 terrorists. That's a fucking army.

Came here to say this


Saudi-Arabia easy. Relations and oil.
Egypt no idea. Should ask Trump on that. Maybe because Egypt is under military-control. So there's no need.

He's specifically singling out Muslims and letting in Christians from those countries

Yes. The majority of people are so uneducated they're incapable of discourse. Aristotle in middle school again pls

Skittles bro Skittles, you are safe tonight fellow ameribro.

trump said that migrants should respect the local culture and love the country. basically you don't just go to a country without willingness to assimilate on your part. if you hate america or western culture you shouldn't come to america in the first place

Saudi Arabia was responsible for 9/11. Did you forget?

He did it so he can start sorting out the ones that already got in. There's no use in adding more problems on top of the ones you already have.

Not all muslims are terrorists but most recent terror attacks were done by muslims. It's just pragmatic to put the safety of Americans over the feelings and convenience of muslims.

America's not energy independent yet.

yea but it makes Trump look like an inconsistent retard at best and a Saudi shill/cocksucker at worst. i mean, saudis literally did 9/11 and they eport the most terrorism and spread jihadi ideology. the only difference is that we suck the oil out of their cocks and they are pals with israel. there are clearly reason but it shits all over the "we need to ban muslims: thing, cos you're letting the guys who did 9/11 continue business as usual.


>Islamic Jehadist immigrants:2


On December 2, 2015, 14 people were killed and 22 others were seriously injured in a terrorist attack consisting of a mass shooting and an attempted bombing at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California carried out by an immigrant from Palestine.

Hes only banning muslims from shitholes. It just so happens that every muslim country is a shithole.

better ban all the kikes then

>It's just pragmatic to put the safety of Americans over the feelings and convenience of muslims.
Literally Hitler!

No you autist. That's why you search for reasons if you bothered reading. Every essay has to start at a presupposition regardless of what it is asserting

Word I hear is that it's a total ban; even if you are Christian and have a green card. I've seen a bunch of posts on FB about a christian missionary who after living in the US for years, went back to Iran to convert the heathen, was discovered and had to GTFO before he was arrested, and was just sent back.

>Why did he do this?
Because he said he was going to while campaigning, and people supported the idea and voted for him.

When polled even DEMOCRATS supported the idea (so long as they weren't told who proposed it).

majority of kikes are liberal shitheads posing for "human rights". its basically a question if you are a jew or an american first, if you are un-american then you should leave

Fuck off. We're not here to spoonfeed you. If you cant think of actual reasons why you support specific policies and rely on others to think for you, you're as sheepish as libtards who parrot the media.

Sit down and think long and hard about why Muslims are anti-west. The reasons are so many that if youre so uninformed that you cant think of any, fire up chrome and subscribe to buzzfeed and become a lefty.


That was actually where that argument came from. Feminists used that metaphor first against men, then others picked it up for other shit.

Except in this case it doesnt work for muslims because out of those 100 skittles, roughly 70 of them support sharia law, which is anti-western. Extremists are not uncommon in muslims. The peaceful ones are the minority.

Those chicks will be the first to get raped.

not even "conservative" jews are american first, they are israel first. shit we have a fucking ton of retarded evangelical christians who are israel-first.

Once you extract more of your own oil, you can cut ties. Saudis also dislike Iran. But yes, I wish he would ban them too.


Hahaha, how many liberal trolls are there on Sup Forums today?

At least they are conservative.

Trump is a business-man. This is a financial move. Immigrants from those nations don't bring any value to the US, and takes up alot of resources with background-checks etc.

By just banning them, he frees up capital.

lol yeah... let's talk about rape... as you support the culture that literally gave us a thing called the "rape game" ("Taharrush").

Then don't? You don't have to agree with the entire set of points. You CAN think critically about each one and work on a case-by-case basis.

I mean... you're still wrong... but whatever.

>photoshops white women welcoming refugees on top of aftermath of massacre by radicalized europeans on other europeans
what does this mean by this?

idk this seems like a HUGE mis-step for basically 0 gain. this is gonna be an unnecessary shitstorm, and since he excluded saudis and afghans and pakis, doesn't actually do anything to stop the main terrorism exporters.

Based jew

Should have banned Nigeria as well. That country is torn and filled with radicals.

>not showing the number of people killed by vending machines

>Sees retarded troll comment
>please don't be american, please don't be american
>look at flag


lol they can fuck off to israel then. these bastards did more to undermine us in a few short years after 9/11 than decades of homegrown liberalism. we need to make the jews pay in blood for tricking us into iraq, literally the stupidest thing we ever did in our history.

>Why did he do this?
Muslim mass migration is how they intend to conquer the west.

Muslim countries are backward hell holes, they are not modern democracies that respect human rights. Our countries will become more islamic, islamic countries will not become more modern.

Stopping islamic immigration will fight terrorism because it will make muslims feel as though victory is impossible. Muslims must feel like they are always on the march to victory, and this is impossible without mass migration into the west.

That's true, but idk if Boko Haram is targeting the US. Either way, it would be better to ban just in case.

if you have a leaky tap and you're trying to fix it, do you not turn off the mains before fixing it?

Idk user

No one asks the pertinent questions

>non-minorities refugees

What are these?

Pakistan is the next country on the blanket ban list. You're out next Ahmed.

>armed toddlers
i bet they're counting self-defense and suicide as murder in these lying propaganda numbers.

Oh noes, he's helping the group getting genocided!

>no memeing "cuz less mudslimes"
Do you thing this is a motherfucking game kiddo ?

You have to finish what we couldn't 1000 years ago. Next step is to invade Saudi Arabia.

I just mean if an argument can so easily be turned around to apply to nearly everything, maybe you shouldn't use it.

I didn't know that's where it came from. And I don't think Islam is a good thing, but are there numbers on what percent are violent?

>Why did he do this?

to troll liberals,

meanwhile Trump's sons have both used an immigration program to bring over wealthy foreigners who are granted citizenship for starting a business

tell them it's a logical temp measure based on nationality not death cultism as such