How can the obesity epidemic be solved? I think the genes of thin people should be researched extensively...

How can the obesity epidemic be solved? I think the genes of thin people should be researched extensively, so we can alter fat people's genes to be more in line with theirs. Not every fat person is a gluttonous pig, it's just out of their control for some reason.

Just eat less, you fat fuck

I like fat girls so I'm gonna have to be the villain on this one sorry senpai


Maybe they should try eating less and exercising.

just give everyone the gene that makes people feel like they're high or drunk when they exercise and it fixes it

fucking this

I've been on a 1800 cal diet for a year now and lost 70 pounds in a year

Like chubby or actually BIG?

Fix health education. One of the biggest problems I see with fatties is they really just don't comprehend how many calories are in that twinky or how many days worth of calories they get by going to McDonald's

In reality probably a little over chubby buy it's all a case by case basis. In fantasy whatever makes my dingle tingle

Fuck your genes and fuck your excuses. It isn't out of control for anyone. Nobody is forcing them to eat more calories than their bodies can burn.
Just stop eating so damn much.

all the problems have their root in sugar

less sugar means less obesity and diabetes

If you have really trouble losing weight try intermittent fasting

Mandatory physical tests once a year. If you fail, you become the main course in a state sponsored cannibal cookout for struggling families. You could even use it as a way to justify ending foodstamps and replacing it with this policy that would solve both problems at once, possibly also the homeless problem.

Guy who was thin, then fat, then fit, then fat, then thin, then obese here.

Most people who are fat are so not because they eat too much but because they don't move enough in their life.

>Not every fat person is a gluttonous pig, it's just out of their control for some reason.

Even skinny people can be fat fucks on the inside and just as unhealthy.

We're fat because of sugar. There's waaaay too much fucking sugar in everything. Cut out sugar, eat meats and vegetables, you will lose weight.

Sorry user, muffin-tops and thicc are GOAT.


be extremely nervous at all times like me

gives the ole blood pumper a good workout

meth in fast food

forced exercise safety squads that go door to door forcing fatties to move. they shoot them otherwise.


That already happens. Runner's high, or endorphin rush, is a real thing.