Has this cow ever been BTFO hard than this?

Has this cow ever been BTFO hard than this?

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r/ing patton oswalt wife comment

Holy shit REKT

Why is she still in the US? She promised she'd move out.

holy shit

Its weird how all movies and tv shows joke about white people being inbred when medical science actually says jewish people are inbred to the point they require special treatment for sister and cousin fucking based disease

>its an inbred brit joke I've heard a thousand times but I still find funny

Why would you even think that? I don't get the connection. Sure, if she said she was glad she had never interacted or had to talk to them, but what does she mean by never having sex with them? Is she commenting on their attractiveness?

I don't have a Masters in English Lit so maybe I'm just to dumb to understand her subtle meaning in her writing.

hi im 10 and is this picture real ?????

It's a joke that she admitted to molesting her younger sister back when she was a kid.

Shit comeback, should of just gone with the classic "Believe me, I'm sure they're all just as grateful"


wat does should of mean ????
i know should have is it like that ????



Is she saying that men existing isn't literal rape and thus sex?
Im so triggered I am shakingly literal

That wasn't the joke though. Methinks the lady doth protest too much!


That's actually an even shitter comeback. It's just "no, you". This one was biting and relevant.

Why do you think 23andme exists? Ashkenazi Jews have some of the most prevalent genetic disorders of any ethnic group besides Mediterraneans/Arabs. Those only become prevalent due to what's known as a genetic bottleneck - low population with high degree of inbreeding. Tay-Sachs is the prototypical example, but BRCA 1/2 are also heavily over-represented in those groups.

t. medfag

Every time

This. If anyone wants a baby aspirin tier redpill, go look up the effect of Middle Eastern and South Asian immigration on the health system in the UK. In short, due to high levels of inbreeding within populations (estimated to be as high as 50% of all British Paki marriages being between first cousins or closer), doctors and hsopitals are having to deal with disorders that were historically very rare and it costs fuckloads.

>original tweet: 2015
>'btfo' moment 7 minutes ago

>Stuffing your kid sisters can't with pebbles isn't the same as fucking them.
Small nuances user



Feel bad for Brits. Their immigrants are Mexico tier breeding, black tier violent, and Mid East tier radicals.