Why are the Japanese so far ahead in toilet technology?

Why are the Japanese so far ahead in toilet technology?

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They aspire to one day annex India, their archnemesis

they fearing the day I come to their country.

> t.pajeet

because the rest of the world doesn't give a shit about those ""innovations""


you haven't taken a real shit until you've had water sprinkled on your asshole.


you know I was wondering just yesterday if the Japanese view whitey as their "poo in loo" because their dunnies are so advanced compared to ours

>doesn't have a dildo feature

their lack of land means their forestry industry is dead.

they had to find an alternate method.

>no shit robot to butle your sphincter

I miss those so much, cleaning your butt was trivial

Toilets shouldn't be that complicated. I just want to take a shit, not pilot an Imperial starship to endor.

do nips have meth or destructive minorities?, then there ya go

Should I get a bidet? I listen to this podcast, Your Moms House, and the two comedian hosts insist that a bidet is the best and most efficient way to clean your butthole and avoid skids.

They talk about it like it changed their entire lives.

Are bidets redpilled?

When I first read this it actually sounded realistic but the more I think about it the more I think that there's no way this is true, even though I want it to be so badly

sup jeans, bert is still a fat fuck

Because they're full of shit.

in india, not even the indian space agency could invent such advanced technology

I often just use an anal douche and squirt it on my butt, works just as good.

>anal cleansing is complicated to the American
This explains things

japs also have squat toilets in public spaces as well. I was outside a train station in Fussa near the air force base and I needed to take a shit - only a squat toilet. I went to McDonald's instead because they have real toilets.

you sir are a fucking leaf faggot, and when sweden says it its undeniable true.

sincerely yours
cuckistan aka sweden

Are you referring to Burnt Chrysler? Yes, he is objectively the fattest comedian alive. Thanks mommy.

Is that a sex toy? I wouldn't want to order anything from a degenerate website.

Washlets are red pilled.
Those shitty Arab hose things not so much.

By all means go for it, its truly a game changer

Because they're too lazy to simply shower afterwards.

When I was 18 my family moved into this really really nice house because we moved from Northern Virginia to South Texas and were able to afford this literal mansion, MTV CRIBS style. Sauna, steam shower, indoor and outdoor jacuzzi, wine cellar, and yes a bidet.

Nobody in my family ever used the bidet for the three years we lived there. It gave everyone the creeps. Maybe it wasn't a good one or something but even if you did wanna use it you'd have to like squat over it all awkward and weird. I don't see how they're so popular, why not just shit in the shower?

if you dunked your hand in shit, would you go wash it or be content to scrape off the bulk with some paper and go on about your day?

>Is that a sex toy? I wouldn't want to order anything from a degenerate website.
It's just an anal douche, you can buy it on amazon

Stop trying to sound tough Sweden, it's like watching a skinny trap trying to be a manly man lol

Yeah, washlet, that's what it's called. I have been interested in buying one for a while. I should bite the bullet.

Look at this waffle-stomping wipe-gater.

Most of Japan is forested mountains. Country is the size of California. Yet the cities and farms take up only a space the size of Louisiana.

They prefer bidets because it is cleaner.

it's my dream to buy one of these

shitting is the worst part of my day

how do strippers get such clean buttholes? Even with buttwipes it feels there is residue on my butt

japan is fucking based.

they have the best standards in the world - for workers, for life expectancy, for crime, for health. these people know how to run a safe and clean society. the rest of the world should try to be more like them.

u are the one voluntarily inserting 20 cm tubes with liquid up uranus

Japanese men like to where dippers

> Too lazy
Yeah just waste a shit ton of time and water showering instead of just taking 30 seconds to wash the only part of your body that needs washed at that moment.

>for crime
>for health
They're pretty ok
>Life expectancy
That's where you're wrong kiddo, better lube up and start doing overtime from Monday to Sunday, no need for housing either since your office cubicle will double as your bedroom

On the bright side you can get away with not doing any of that if you're a gaijin due to "cultural differences"

Fuck off and suck an emu cock. I know for a fact you fucks don't have space age toilets everywhere in the desert.

Fuck, most of you probably just shit in a hole you dug outside.


Yet they still commit seppuku and countries like Denmark are happier overall in comparison

> Best standards for workers
Dude, Japanese people work themselves to death, have their own special term for working themselves to death, have the highest suicide rates in the world, are oftentimes expected to work 10-12 hour days, get relatively shit benefits and most don't even take most of their allotted vacation days. I mean it's a nice country by many means but it isn't a utopia by any means, especially for workers.

>Do far ahead
>Likes shooting water up their ass like a homo
If you mean closer to effeminate sure

>best standards
>for workers

Countryside life is cozy and freewheeling. But in the big cities people literally work themselves to death (or kill themselves trying). Look up 'Karoshi'

didnt know they had toilets, thought they just had a hole in the ground they squated over

They're literally killing themselves to sell Hondas.

ya but same can be said here. you're talking to a guy who is in the process of helping a retail chain store open. i've put in well this is from a notepad log i'm keeping ot make sure all my hours are acredited for -

1/21 - 7.30 hrs
1/22 - 10 hrs
1/23 - 8 hrs
1/24 - 10 hrs
1/25 - 10 hrs
1/26 - 10 hrs
1/27 - 10 hrs
1/28 - 10 hrs

i'm making 10hrs. ya i made decent money this week but worked my ass off. that's hte fate for many americans who are unskilled workers we literally slave away for dollars. it's a sad fate.

there are many americans working themselves to death we just don't stop and look.

Fuck I just read?

> Opening a store
Well obviously you're going to be working more than average then, the people referring to workers here are referring just to simple office workers and the like not engaged in any extra business activities or the like.

Even look at engineers or high-end software engineers or the like, people who in Europe or America would have insanely high qualities of life, good working hours, benefits, etc., but in Japan are routinely asked or expected to put in weeks of 10-hour workdays or the like and not to take their vacation days.

Ever heard of an outback dunny mate?

so many hours at 8$/hr must be nice
I'll work 6 hours tomorrow and make the same as you all week.

>use toilet paper
>wash your ass with a separate bar of soap when you take a shower
>don't take a bath - that shit's for unclean freaks who like to swim in their own filth

fat ass americans cant into smart toilet.

>outback dunny
Its a goddamn outhouse, we stopped shitting in those fifty years ago.


Niggers. That's it.

Public Toilets here in the cities are slowly going away because they vandalize them.

Because they have an anal fixation.

That grouting has not been properly maintained

Most people I know are so fucking stupid that they think a bidet is somehow gay, and would rather smear their own shit across their asshole with toilet paper because that is evidently the manly thing to do.