Ibo Africans > whites (IQ) - Never believe Sup Forums shit, just use this board for the memes

>believing Sup Forums lies that whites are more intelligent than blacks
>argue with black girl, tell her she is delusional and we shouldn't ignore the problem if we want to solve it
>she posts facts and statistics that prove blacks are LITERALLY more intelligent than whites in the UK



>now I look like a village retard nazi

Maybe UK whites are just mentally retarded but it's a fact they're dumber than Ibo Africans.

This was the last time I make myself look like a retarded idiot nazi outside because of Sup Forums.

This is your average white/UK boy these days.


>Sup Forums ignores thread

Damn, what a shock.

Indians are the richest group in America.
Does that mean Indians are the best at earning money?
No. It just means rich Indians immigrate to the USA.
Same here. Don't post stupid bait threads and you won't be ignored.




this whole Igbo are high IQ meme is just a bunch of bullshit by a Nigerian scam artist


No one is talking about wealth, though.

And what this statistic proves is that you can improve your IQ and that the culture and environments can affect it. So stop fapping to low IQs in Africa, take an African, give him a fair chance and apparently he scores higher than whites.


Sorry Sup Forums.

Point is they're a self selected minority rather than random boatpeople.

You're an idiot if you think that addresses my post.

The long sentence does.

Igbo Nigerian reporting in.

You Sup Forumsacks are pathetic people. I honestly only come here piss you guys off with dissenting opinions

No. It doesn't.
Protip: it is a matter of averages.
You are an idiot.
No wonder Germany is fucked.

You have to go back to Nigeria nigger! No really you'll have to go back.

>we wuz Einsteins and shit
>lives in a mudhut for thousand of years

Shut up, fucking nigger. You should be smarter than this, see the statistics. Stop disappointing me.

Let me explain it slowly so that your lowly Germancuck mind can understand.

There is a lot of White People in the UK.
This means there is a grater chance of genetic deviation.
There is not a lot of blacks in the UK.
This means only the type of Black that moves to the UK is represented.

If you took the GCSE test to the average Black (globally) and then took it to the average White (globally), the White would score lower.
80% of IQ is inheritable.

Intelligent Blacks move to the UK because they don't want to live with other Black people. And so they do well, that is to say, they score about the same as the Average White British person on the GCSE.

Blacks also receive more social support in the UK, because of racecucks like you.

Nah. I'm better than you.

I meant higher.

>ooga booga
Shut up, nigger. I don't even read this shit.

You're dragging down the IQ of your people and make your people look bad when they are actually smarter than whites.

Go burn some witches.

See an IQ test of the Africans in their home country and see how well they do. If they can migrate to the UK clearly they're higher up and better off. Meanwhile chavs pump out as many babies as they can so their welfare state gives them top dollar and nice housing. You can't expect these kids to know shit when they have no father and their mom uses all her gibsmedats to get drugs.

GERMfags are too arrogant to listen to reason though

wtf i'm fine with whites being replaced in their own countries now

You insulting my culture?

>niggers are smarter than me
>look I found a reason to betray my race
boy Hitler would gas himself if he saw modern germany

Why did this make me laugh so hard?

The Unz article is interesting but it uses school GCSE results which aren't perfect correlates of IQ.

I doubt the average IQ of Igbos in Africa, as opposed to the very select group who've managed to immigrate to the West, is higher than whites but I do think they're one of the few respectable African ethnic groups.

It's a shame Biafra was invaded and re-annexed back into Nigeria, it'd be interesting to see how well they'd do.

>import the smartest migrants from foreign countries

GCSEs aren't a measure of intelligence you fucking dingbat. If you read the first few paragraphs of this article where it outlines some proposed reasons for African immigrants to the US outperforming natives Blacks the same reasons can be used for why the same groups of immigrants in the UK could outperform native whites.

The fact that so many immigrant groups are outperforming whites on GCSEs should be a huge alarm bell. People are asking the question but as we can't acknowledge differences between races on net we won't get the right answer any time soon.

>Sup Forums too racist to just accept some facts

Compare IQ tests from African nations to those of any developed nation. You'll find that more often than not, the best of their countries will go to other ones because they can escape being in a third world shithole. Meanwhile the poor of a developed nation has nowhere to go and lowers the national average.

The fact that so many immigrant groups are outperforming whites on GCSEs should be a huge alarm bell
They never fucking listen, is this what you gave up on empire for?

>1 example
pick one

You are just retarded yo accept the facts in this case you gave 1 example.

That's the point of the thread, retard.

How is this fair? You can rise and lower your IQ, it absolutely depends on your environments and culture.

Put Africans into the same environments just like thos Ibo Africans in the statistics, and they perform better than whites over time.

Sorry, whites are dumber.


You contradicted yourself at least 3 times in this post and you haven't read anything else posted in your own thread so I'm abandoning ship. Enjoy the death of your country, Hans. Or is this Ahmed speaking?

>it absolutely depends on your environments and culture.
Guess who built that environment?

>You contradicted yourself at least 3 times in this post
Cool, before you go, at least point out where. At least one time.

but black americans raised in affluent white homes do worse IQ wise than white americans raised in poorer circumstances.

God so it is the enviroment now so we are just going to ignore every fact right now beacuse some (((German))) say something?

There have been a lots of test and all of thembsay the same thing. Both Cambodia and Moldova are much poorer than Botswana,Equartorial New Guinea and Gabon but guess what Cambodia and Moldova scores a lot higher. But no lets just listen to you even though you dont present any facts.

>Environment determines IQ
>Africans need the best environment possible for this hypothetical
>Poor whites have to remain in a bad environment
>Blacks are smarter ecks dee
You almost had it.

Except this isn't over time- blacks have been in the UK for what, a hundred years tops? The blacks that went to the UK are overwhelmingly recent arrivals, and the ones that can make it there are intelligent enough to be able to do so. The blacks the UK let in weren't random tribesmen in Botswanna 40 years ago who got admitted and then magically became the upper echelon of society and went on to be doctors and lawyers in businessmen. They were ALREADY doctors and lawyers and businessmen in their own countries- proven success stories, and THUS they were let in. They escaped their countries because living around their far less intelligent countrymen fucking suck. The blacks in the UK are the cream of the cream of the black race, whereas the whites there just happen to be there, they weren't admitted to the country on the basis of merit. Also do you not realize that "your intelligence depends on your environment and culture" implies that white environments and white culture are inherently superior? If these people are innately smarter than whites do their societies suck so bad they flee to white ones?

Ashkenazi Jews are the smartest

You're all playing for second place

>all this cognitive dissonance

Big talk for a hunter gatherer with no written language. Every society suffers when you add blacks to it.

Every single one, without exception

What dumbass retarded, LITERALLY RETARDED, liberals fail to realize is that if Igbos actually have high IQ it enforces racial realist ideas.
Igbos aren't genetically the same as other Africans.
Race isn't just skin color, just because someone has darker skin doesn't mean they belong to the same race as someone from Zimbabwe.
IQ is inherited.

If Igbo really are smarter than the average white it should be the final nail in the coffin of Marxim, of all the SJW shit, liberals. It's fucking game over for these morons.

Blows my mind every time I see some I D I O T liberal pushing this ''haha, look at this, this race of Africans is clearly superior to all other African races HAHAHA checkmate!''

>Immigrate to usa and get 5 years tax free if you open a business.
>Transfer your minimart to your brother after 5 years so the family business remains tax free
Gee, I wonder why they have money....

>Rhodesia, South Africa, Biafra

all of them were jewish puppets

Somethings off with both articles. It's like they set out to proove that blacks are equal to whites and used any means to get the numbers there.

Africa has a billion people. On the distribution curve of IQ, this means that millions of Africans will have a higher IQ than the average White, regardless of where the Black average IQ lies.

Average IQ, is just that, an average. Some will be lower, some will be higher, which means that outliers from one group can easily surpass the average from another group.

Western immigration typically has tended to favor the people from the Third World who are on the higher end of the curve, attracting them with prospects of education and pay that they cannot receive in their own shithole of a country.

But no society takes on the characteristics of its exceptions. This trend will just as easily be reversed if we let in thousands or millions of Africans who are lower on the curve. As for the smart Africans currently present in the West, one could easily argue it to be quite immoral for the Western countries to steal Africa's most important resource; capable people, from the continent which so badly needs them. Every African who does well in Europe or North America is an African who is not back at home working to improve the conditions of his ethnic brothers and sisters.

>this means that millions of Africans will have a higher IQ than the average White

Lol no, i`m not racist, but it is obvious, that there are no conditions to make millions of africans with high IQ, except Angola, Gabon and Malik Obama maybe

How the fuck is that cognitive dissonance? What two conflicting ideas am I espousing? There are some blacks who are smarter than the majority of white people. It is these black people who manage to flee to better countries. When you then compare the average white in those countries to the global elite blacks living there, it seems like the blacks are as intelligent if not more so. Meanwhile, if you compare a white living in Africa to the native Africans you see the white being far more intelligent. If you were to do what this study does, compare, let's say, a Danish doctor to a group of random people in Tanzania, he'd blow them out of the fucking water.

Illustration for you fags who can't grasp this simple concept.

>i`m not racist
stop being a pussy, Ivan, I'm pretty sure we both don't like these churkas outside

Churkas are irrelevant, uzbeks had many great shit like Timur and Ulugbek, so as other azeris and tajiks, except dagestans and chechens they are neanderthal subhumans

so you like to breed bunch of mixes between russians and them? ebin :DDD

>muh conditions
It doesn't work like that, you stupid faggot.
You could take two 60 IQ niggers. Make them breed. Take their child away to Europe. Raise it right and it's IQ would still be around 60.

i missed the joke. i mean, it was funny with the abc's but i dont think i actually got it. please explain.

It is shit, look at Russia, we have more IQ then your butthurt-belt shitholes, but the population is the same, or look at Serbia and Croatia, it is the same people, but 8 points gap is serious

I`m mixing with georgian qt gf

That explains a lot of posts here.

>find three black people with 130 IQ
>put them in a room with a thousand ordinary-IQ white people
>try to use this as evidence blacks are universally smarter

This is because only the smartest are allowed in the country

>1 IQ difference
>same people

Don't even try to debate with him, I know these kind of retards keep flowing from vk shithole

Legit africans were probably dumping their worst shit to slave traders.

This this this. I grew up in a multiracial area of London and at that level, work ethic is all that matters. You only need an IQ of 80 to get A*s in all the GCSE subjects. I've dealt with high achieving blacks enough times to know that they aren't generally smart people.

>from vk shithole


Kek approves your message.

>let's take smartest africans, move them to europe so they could become low middle class servitors and their children eventually become paupers
How that is not the neocolonial pillaging of africa btw

Yeah. No.

When you prove to these people that different races have different average brain size, cranial capacity, frontal lobe development, grey matter density etc. All in line with average IQ, a response you often hear is something along the lines of "correlation doesn't imply causation". As if you can accept that all the aspects that generally correlate with intelligence apply differently to different races without believing in qualitative racial differences in intelligence. There's no hope for these people!


Can somebody give me a TL;DR? And credible sources? That'd be nice.

Because those people are the upper class of those respective countries that left the nigger shithole.

They're the best of the best, they're not the average nigger that became smart suddenly.

It's called brain drain.

Everyone just grabs the piece of """evidence""" that suits him best.
This thread is literally confirmation bias at fucking finest.
Anyway, have a nice day race traitor


We talked about the igbos last night here:

There was some interesting arguments.

"Das General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) und das International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) entsprechen in England, Wales und Nordirland etwa dem deutschen Realschulabschluss."

Top fucking kek.

africans from actual historical countries aka the nigerians turned out to be normal people
africans from tribal shitholes like congo turned out to be dumbfucks
I wonder why you need an academic research to prove it though, unless you are moron from kentucky who thinks that entire black africa is populated by literally same ethnicity

I feel ashamed that you actually believe you got stumped by a negress.

Then again you probably are a retard.

some idiot posted this and the thread 404'd before I could respond. some explain to me, why wouldn't there be more property crime and violent robbery in a nice area compared to a shitty rural area? besides, that area is dead center in the middle of los angeles, where drugs guns and other weapons are extremely abundant. fucking nonsensical infograph.

>abundance of weapons correlates with increased crime

>Sup Forums talking about IQ
But does Sup Forums have high IQ? Let's find out.

Biased tests from liberal echo chambers dating back years. Check the new studies done by non libshits.


That set-up makes no fucking sense.

Fuck IQ.

East Asians have higher IQs than us and I wouldn't be OK with those people flooding into our country either.


>t. nigerian prince
Nigerians are frauds.

>Fuck IQ.
says the anglo

>implying you can't make loads of money by building two hotels on the brown squares for a pittance

You didn't bother to actually check the IQ chart in the link. The GCSE scores are interesting though.

you say it's "your country". Incredibly funny. Who told you it's yours ? the mountains ? the river ? the dirt you stand on ?

It's nobody's. It's everyone's. Countries are imaginary lines on an innaccurate drawing of the world. The Earth doesn't belongs to anybody.

But please, tell me again how much better you are for being born completely independently of your will in a certain country
Give me one good reason we should not pursue unification of the Earth to explore the stars, nationalistard.

t. low IQ people

Is it B4? Albert (Letter) makes two plain statements but uses the word but which starts with a B to connect the two statements. Bernard (Number) then states "at first" or another way of saying Before. Before = B4. Now they both know the answer.

> hurr durr this group of immigrated professionals has a high IQ
This doesnt mean shit, same effect is also seen in US nigerians. Effect vanishes when you test the whole group in africa andnotthe outliers in UK. It's like testing only STEM students and then claiming that it's the white average, or testing inner city shanghai han chinese which have an av IQ of 120

How am I going to stop someone from going into a gay Nightclub and killing 50 people by crashing 2 trains into each other?