Why Trump banned Iran

Imagine the year is 1488 and two men are about to enter your village and you know they are both murderous rapists.

The first man is dumb as a brick and will get caught and lynched the very second he acts creepily towards a woman.

The second man is intelligent will gain the trust of your short-sighted villagers before he rapes, murder and bury women.

The first man is Saudi Arabia. The second man is Iran.

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only if you are isis they will kill you

Iran is against the Baha'is in Israel

>Baha'is in Israel

Bahais are Muslims.

Trump didn't "ban" Iran, he temporarily pulled visas for 60 days, possibly 90 days because that country cannot be trusted for proper vetting of any rapefugees or tourists.

All the Iran shills here would you want to take people the Iranian mullah's are trying to kick out of the country? It's the same with China how they encourage all dissidents to leave because they consider these activists "complainers" and will just turn on their host country instead of complaining about China anymore and they're pretty much right.

If it was 1488, I'd be more worried about the Turks invading.

jews love that shit, hes ´knows how to outjew the jew.

he cant attack (((media))) and not doing anything favour to jews like no money for palestine, moving us cia base to jerusalem

Trump is a bitch unless he also bans the entry of saudi nationals.

The ban means that if you left Iran 40 years ago to escape the Islamic Revolution you are now banned from the US because you cannot give up your Iranian nationality. Even if you have a citizenship of another country and have lived there most of your life no dice.

I like the banning of TPP, stopping of Hellary, and Syrian/Sudanese 'refugees' among other things but remind me again why Trump being a good little goy to Israel and a Saudi lapdog is a good thing.

I may be wrong but Iran didn't do 9/11 and are fighting ISIS instead of funding them like the US and the Saudis.

No u

No, they're not. I've known many of them unfortunately. They're mostly old white peace and love hippies who believe all religions are the same and that they all pray to the same god.


The people will never win, the Saudis have infiltrated all levels of power in the US, the US will keep fighting wars on behalf of the saudis and the UK will follow them, your sons will keep dying supporting Saudi Arabia.

you are wrong. iran funds terror also. it's a temporary ban.

The weird thing is nobody actually seems to like the saudis either on the left on the right in terms of the ordinary people. It's just the politicians across the board give universal support.

Funds Hezbollah maybe against Israel which isn't a bad thing. israel and Saudi need to go.

The fact is a lot of Iranians are banned even if they are atheists who haven't lived in Iran for 40 years.
Funny we didn't ban Americans when you funded IRA scum and continue to fund ISIS.

My main concern is why he banned Iran but didn't ban actual state sponsors of terror like Pakistan, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

First guess is that we need Pakistan's ports to get military equipment into Afghanistan (ironically to fight a proxy war against Paki funded "taliban").

I hope Mad Dog addresses this, I would gladly join the military to fight real terrorist like Pakistan.

hello mahmoud ali, what happens when the mullahs issue a fatwa against sponsors of the Zionist entity? there's no reason for us be involved with such a shit tier people


Not an argument Israeli cuck.

Why does a filthy Peruvian spic care about what the God Emperor does?


>Mfw trump banned iran which didn't do any terrorist attack on the west meanwhile he didnt ban my terrorist producing factory country
thank you orange retard

Persians are dirty sandniggers just like the lot of em. Just because Trump was wrong about leaving some countries off the ban, it doesn't mean he was wrong to ban the ones he did.

hi jidf, fuck off with your stale meme

>hating on qatar and saudis makes you a muslim because the israelis love the saudis
literally gas yourself.

Iran has been a state sponsor of terrorism since 1984 and is still designated by the US Department of State


The jew and the wahab have this autist in the white house tight in their grip. This move was beyond retarded. True terrorists win obviously at the end everytime. Fuck Trump, you jew puppet loving saudi sucking burger.


>mfw there are retards that fell for the trump meme

then why ban this qt the fuck out?

>Trump literally says multiple times he's going to have a temporary ban from Muslim counties

>People are fucking shocked

She picked a really fucking bad time to travel to Iran then.

the funny thing is most iranian immigrants are trying to escape the relegious system of iran like that women . trump and his dick suckers are fucking retarded

>there are shitty women who marry sandniggers

They have to go back.


I don't care what you have to say, but i need your flag

The real reason is that Israel and Saudi Arabia don't want to see Iran rise as a regional power.

It has nothing to do with terrorism and everything to do with the long-running disdain American conservatives have had for Iran.