This is fucking insane. We have tens of millions of people in the West literally begging to be invaded...

This is fucking insane. We have tens of millions of people in the West literally begging to be invaded, conquered and ruled by Islam.

What the fuck is even going on anymore?

Other urls found in this thread:épanocytose#En_France

The whole 1% of Muslims that at most, in the most extreme cases, white countries have?

I don't know man, the protesters have really lost their goddamn minds.

what did you just say

Jewish propaganda has done a number on white youth

He's got a point brohamalama

White countries are, at most, 1% Muslim

The UK is 5% Muslim

France is about 6% or 7%

Germany is about 5% or 6%

You fucking idiot

France is like 14% Muslim now, Germany and Sweden will be at that point soon

so we need more? or you think that point somehow counters the fact that people are begging to let more of these animals in?

We want to keep it from getting higher.

Or else you end up like Sweden/France/Germany

[citation needed]

Seriously, why don't these shitheads just move to Canada already?
They're right next door and their government espouses the same feel good liberal bullshit that they chant at rallies all the time.

Also they clearly hate putting America first so why not make Canada firdt in refugees?

u fucking nigger
argentina needs to leave Sup Forums
just a bunch of cuck niggers

As if you can't look this shit up in five seconds for yourself?

Reeeee, fuck off Argenticucks and Canacucks.

>American education

You guys tend to inflate the numbers hard when it comes to Europe, thinking we're 50% """white""" like you, when in reality most of Europe is still at 90% average in the west with Sweden being the absolute worse at 80% at the very worst. The reality is Not that 5% is anything to be ok with and ignore, as they breed like rabbits and 5% soon becomes 10 then 20 then 40. Remember; this has only been going on about 10-20 years in Europe.

Post a real science, from a social science journal or similar reputable source. Images are on Sup Forums are 99.9% of the time bullshit.

The UK:



>he drank le1% kool-aid

Here's proof towards my argument

By the way, Germany is a hugely disproportionate ticking time bomb.

>Germany has 80 million residents, but only 8.4 million of them are between the ages of 15 and 24. Since half of them are women, that's 4.2 million young German men. In a country that's importing 800,000 young Muslim men per year.

Picture how that plays out when the new young men get married (and their wives convert) and then have 5+ children each

Considering how unstable things are with Europe still being 90% white, I shudder to think what'll happen when that number drops to 80%

Pew Research Center isn't an adequate source for you? What would be? Why don't you provide your own sources for this 1% number you keep throwing out?

It's from Pew Research, you fucking cuck. Shut the fuck up.

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Honestly, this election woke me up. While Trump was running I said there are two types of people, those who are with Trump and what he represents and those who are against him.

If I had one bullet and a nigger, or a white man numale protesting Trump that loves muslims, I would let the white guy have it. I can't wait for the civil war, the country will be bathed in the blood of these liberal numales.

We're fucked.

you know trump has been pretty disappointing as a president. you'd expect him to actually speak out against this kike shilling but instead him and bannon are too busy whining about cnn making fun of their weight or something

Better solution send them to the middle east. These cowards couldnt even move to Canada when they were proven wrong.

It's really reallly fun

Britain as a whole is still over 90% white yet London has dipped below 50% white. I hope you guys do something to shape up before that cancer spreads.

The United States has similarly uneven distributions, there are thousands of lovely rural and suburban counties that are 90%+ white and there are nightmarish urban hellscapes like Chicago and Detroit

If you're the type of person who thinks hitler is bad, than this should help to put things into perspective. Only about 10% of Germans in 1933 were nazis. But they were able to control Germany to commit war time atttrocites. At current time in America about. 51% of Muslims support sharia law. Just something to think about.

Without Christianity, the people hunger for a new belief system to subjugate their minds and souls and have a corrupt pedophile cleric wearing a funny hat tell them what to believe and what to do. Islam doesn't take shit from fedoras--they remove the head the fedora is attached to--hence it makes great headway in countries full of cucks who don't actually believe in the Athiesm+ they preach.

wtf, almost 10%
These fuckers will soon have a weight of 10% in the vote

Yeah, I just checked their methodology, and it includes SECULAR Muslims, it's not necessarily people who believe in jihad

This video made me reconsider lobotomization

We need to redeploy the mines. ASAP.


run those goalposts into orbit, my white friend

Refugees are ESCAPING Islam. Learn the difference. 是於

It's 87.1% white in Britain

Only 80% in Germany are Germans (but 11.6% are other Europeans, probably mostly Polish)

France is 89.4% French (some of those won't be white though)

You mean like rockets hitting rooftops fun? Islam should never effect society and government it just leads to trouble.


And this.

We're so fucked. And the cuckening here is only intensifying. Well, so is the uncuckening. But too many remain utterly cucked, which will lead to only a more violent uncuckening.

When will we learn.

Smh senpai.

5% increase of Muslims in western Europe, now count all the western European nations and let's see how much 5% really entails. Let's also see which States hosts the most of the "5%" and how their society is coping with the obvious anti western , anti democracy culture.

Muslims invented democracy, dumbass

Pick 1 (one)

Remember that even if 5-10% might not seem much, they're all localized in big cities.

The metro in Paris can be up to 90% arabs and blacks, depending on which line you're on.

Hippies and beat generation. West was so good at war people eventually broke down mentally and now you only have poor souls like cucks and feminists while normal people are a small minority.

Wrong. Muslims invented fire, you moron.

I'd say "You do realize nobody is going to fall for your low-quality troll, right?" but I'm pretty sure somebody will.

A civil war needs to happen in the US before it happens here in Europe. Otherwise we'll see a repeat of the NATO interventions in the Balkans in the 1990s.

80% of people over 50 in the Phoenix metro area are white, but only 40% of people under 20. Less than 30% of births in the NYC metro area, less than 25% of births in the Houston metro area, and less than 15% of birth in the LA metro area are white. The floor has dropped out like this all over the US, and it's beginning to happen in places like Germany as well.

How do you guys not recognize this as the same shit women always do when they don't get their way? They don't really want islam. They just want to say the most hurtful thing they can possibly think of. Standard shit every woman does after she's been denied, and all part of the routine bitch fit they throw when they don't get what they want.

It was the first religion to include democracy in their holy texts. That's a fact.

Argentina is 1% white.

>Muslims invented democracy,

The Jews maybe think that, but your average leftist is a hard-core cultural imperialist.

He believes that his ideals are true and will create a better world. A corollary to this is that his views will naturally and inevitably convert each and every Muslim he imports, so that after a difficult and time-consuming process of adjustment, what you'll end up with is a happy and tolerant middle-class white westerner who just happens to have brown skin.

The cult believes that this is not only true, but that anyone who doubts it is prima facie less intelligent.

>Western world is on the verge of civil war
like a meme one. our opponents are Soros political actors and paid protestors. Hardly 'half' of any nation.

PVV is going to become the biggest party in the Dutch Parliament right?

I realise it's very unlikely they will make a coalition

So they will probably form the opposition, yes? Will it be much different to how it is now?

We NEED to have this war while Trump is in office. God, I hope he doesn't wait. With Trump and Putin, there is really nothing cuck Merkel can do.

Before I laugh, you do know islam and arabization are separate concepts right? You are also aware Islam isn't a homogenous house but separate theories? And that you're a huge liar.

northern ireland is the last bastion of white in the entire uk.. think about that for a moment. those potato niggers don't tolerate any fuckery from the mudslimes.


Bro Pew is a liberal source if anything and is absolutely legitimate.

Have another.

>verge of civil war

shut up cucks. you people are sitting on twitter spamming people meanwhile we're actually doing something. we want a civil war you'd lose so fast we'd throw you in concentration camps.

If you can't see why Trumplethinskin's EO is bad you should kill yourself.

Exactly, which is why it needs to be dealt with now.

Yeah it's currently a containment center more than a city. London is nothing like the rest of the UK nor is it anything like England culturally, ethnically or politically. It's very weird, but if you remove London from England we shoot to like 95%. Thats how many are in London.

>when in reality most of Europe is still at 90% average in the west

Sorry mate but, at least for France, that's bullshit. Real stats are hard to come by since they're forbidden here, but we have sickle cell disease stats. Basically, they only test newborns from african or middle eastern descent (plus a few anocdotal other ethnies). Those account for 35% of births nationwide. That was 2014.


what a fucking tool.
if it's on the verge of civil war, it's between freedom and wingnut corporate authoritarianism

There's a big chance they'll form the opposition. However at the same time, it will become increasingly difficult to justify this to the general public. There will be a lot of pissed off people, and general unrest will continue to increase. So it's a double edged sword.

>What the fuck is even going on anymore?
the jews are going on


France - 7,5%
Russia 6,5%
NEtherlands 5-6%
Sweden 5%
Austria - 6,8%
Belgium 5,9%
Switzerland 5%
UK 4,8%
Denmark 4,1%
Spain 4,1%
Italy 3,7%
USA 0,8%

Mate I wasn't trying to fucking insult you jesus fucking christ

I was just giving you some more precise numbers, you were pretty much there, I just wanted to give the actual numbers

For fuck's sake

Fuck off with your third degree bullshit

You're retarded

that's in 200 and only counts countries above 5% shitslims

and yet without those corporatiosn you wouldn't have half the freedoms you currently have. Also the most fervent supporters of immigration and miscegenation come from left wing anti-capitalist groups.


Wew calm down, i wasn't attacking you either, i was just clarifying what i was saying incase you misunderstood.

this is a lie though, France stopped collecting data on religion and immigrant status because they're all "French now"

I've been to France, theres no way its 80% white

Nigger. Paris and London are already Islamic.

1% of 1.1 billion people is a lot of people.

No mate, whites can get sickle cell too

And I do find it absurd that you, Sweden and Germany don't collect ethnicity stats. They don't even tell you the own truth about your own country. That's serious 1984 shit right there.

Same with Trump and Brexit then.

Why will it become difficult to justify? There will be a lot of people that support them, just like Trump and Brexit.

Everyone is waiting for the military trucks to roll in and hand out the guns. Then we'll sweep europe clean of all muslim pigs.

Good man

Alright fair enough m8



>been to France

You've most likely been to Paris or in the middle of some other big city. European capitals do not reflect their populace. Again, another mistake that burgers make when they come to Europe. Doesn't help that tv shows in our countries are almost always made in the capitals and thus the ethnic breakdown in said tv shows often reflects the capitals more than the actual country meaning you often get a 50% black cast when in the UK they're only 3% of our population.

>Yeah, I just checked their methodology, and it includes SECULAR Muslims, it's not necessarily people who believe in jihad
but you said:
>White countries are, at most, 1% Muslim
so what will it be? jihadists or muslims?
either way moderates support, feed, protect and breed radicals

bs, corporations gave me 1/2 my freedom?

you're a supremacist and a dumb one

We should hook them up. Drop them off in a Religion of Peace nation, where they can finally be free :-)


This is exactly how I felt last night, no wonder I love Kersey so much.

Thousands if not millions of people tweeting, protesting, and virtue signaling to beg their conquerors to come in. We should be trying to balkanize, not save America.

We must cleanse the left and then kill allah

Sorry, I worded that a bit awkwardly. What I mean is, it will be hard to justify to the people if the PVV is outplayed like that by the other parties which will have to form, so we assume based on the polls rigth now, a monster coalition. It is them who will have trouble justifying such a state of affairs, as so many people who voted PVV will feel (rightfully so) that they're 2nd rate citizens and unheard.

In the long run the PVV will only benefit, as they will get more sympathy, and will only grow stronger again.

racial stats are verboten in france

Everything will be back to normal tomorrow when people go to work. Besides I don't think any president has done as much as Trump for maintaining the health of American people.

Fat SJWs will be protesting every decision for the next 8 years, that should drop the obesity rates nationwide.


You're right, whites can get it too. These stats are actually more about white replacement rate, or race mixing rate. Still scary though.

Totally agree about the 1984 part, you would not believe what the fucks in government would do to keep the "civil peace". Although you've got your own 1984 problems with cameras and weapons...

actually no, London is 62% white. London is a global capital, was the FIRST global capital and also Britain was the first country to think about asylum laws. It still isn't as bad as your average American city.

You're literally fucking retarded

>do you want to be conquered by an authoritarian regime
>no? Then choose this authoritarian regime, we will save europe!

no one likes freedom anymore. sad!