Explain this, conservatards. There is hardly ANYTHING wrong with marijuana, ESPECIALLY when compared to alcohol

Explain this, conservatards. There is hardly ANYTHING wrong with marijuana, ESPECIALLY when compared to alcohol.

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That's why cuckservatives should all be killed.

unironically this. the gop is such a fucking backwards party its ridiculous

10 year daily marijuana smoker here

It is retarded, and it is degenerate. It is also addictive as fuck and if you stop smoking, you're gonna feel like Life -1 whereas you smoke it's back to 0.

Great many shills on here today, where did you spring from?

Both alcoholics and drug abuser are fucking depressing to be around, they just don't realize that. I don't know about the cancer part, all I know it's used to ease the pain–cannabis/hash kills (pushers kill) pretty sure there's OD to both, hashpsychotics at the very least. Nobody CARES if they're legal or not, they'll always be in either market.


Um...if Cannabis is this good. Why did they make it illegal in the first place...? Did they not want people to discover it's benefits? Or....what....

For the record, I'm a straight edge whitey. I don't do drugs.

Im not in favor of cannabis but the use of cannabidiols and products derived from the plant should be explored for potential treatments.

I remember being a teenager

I love pot, smoke all the time, but it's not an antidepressant and it does not kill cancer.

If weed was legal you fags would have nothing to talk about

From 15 to 25 I smoked weed every day. Even sold it for a couple years, in which I was smoking like 3 grams a day. It totally fucks your shit up.

I now buy weed maybe 3 times a year. I'm not dependant but there is still a part of me deep down that always wants it.









Fuck you NhrtpP2l

If you stopped smoking weed it would make more sense to you.

A lot of things do.

Lurkmoar reddit

In the song 'hoplessly stoned' singer-songwriter Hugo has a lyric

>Back it up... back up to zero

really hits home man

Because people hundreds of years ago when the laws were made didn't know as much as we do now, dumbo.

The definition of an addiction is that you become biologically dependent on it.

Caffiene is addictive,
Weed isn't.

There is no such thing as going cold turkey on weed, you stop smoking and at worse you think "Wow I want to get high so I don't care about all this political shit."

>live with ex-gf
>she got chronic stomach issue
>medical prescription given
>after 6 months turns into a major pot-head
>smokes 6 times a day
>lost short term memory
>lost ability to multitask
>can't concentrate anymore
>no motivation anymore

fuck off, weedfag. canabis makes you a retard in the long run, and it's just as addictive as any other drug, recreational or prescription.

this xD fuck drumf and fuck white people!

>Kills cancer cells

> not being a conservative that smokes weed legally

Your post lacks you finding all her "marijuana needles"


Blame the hippies for pushing Soviet propaganda during the Cold War.

Nixon was right for doing this.

I quit a week ago when my weed guy asked me for $2 for food and I realized how much of a degenerate he is and how I don't wanna end up like him. Keep in mind I had just bought $70 of grass from him. He smoked every single dollar I ever gave him, probably over $2000 over the last couple years.

There is a fucking difference betweeen physical and psychological addiction

You do know that the money you pay him is not pure profit right?

>still making this argument
>nobody literally gives a shit

Both lead to degeneracy. Get off your chemical crutch.

Because weed is for degenerate pothead losers and alcohol in moderation is not.

Yeah. But this dude gets it cheap from our childhood friend. I never realized how pathetic he is, and it made me rethink the whole thing. Paying money to make myself more like a nigger.

The concept of giving cancer patients marijuana isn't to treat it. It does not kill cancer cells that's a myth pot heads saw to justify smoking pot when they themselves find it morally questionable. Marijuana is only given to cancer patients to replace opiate and offer a less addictive substitute to numb the pain and keep their mind off their inevitable death. Marijuana is known to increase the likelihood of heart attacks.

Both should be legal


don't worry, each day we are moving closer to a world where weed is legal in all civilized countries

> The definition of an addiction is that you become biologically dependent on it.


honestly stoners are so insufferable that I want weed to stay illegal purely out of spite

WTF. I hate alcohol now.

Keeping it illegal just to fuck with degenerate leftists isn't worth it when you consider the fact that by legalizing it drug dealers would go out of business and the taxmoney wasted on a failed approach could be saved and the whole weed industry could be taxed so it would actually create something to the state instead of the other way around

weed is a depressant, you retard.

it might not have killed anyone but it has destroyed many many lives.


yes legalize it so i can sell it to retards like yourself

I agree, Tobacco should be illegal.

what's the big fucking deal if I smoke a harmless plant, it honestly helps me not feel like shit all the time and I still hate niggers and kikes like any decent person

Kill all druggies like Dutdut will. Dutdut for president of USA when Trump gets deported to Germany or Israel.

Proof that the government does want to kill us. Looks like Alex Jones called it right again.

what in the fuck would lead you to do so

jesus i cant even take adderall anymore because it's too strong and makes my eyes dry and my entire body feel worn out, and you're sitting here blazing it every day?

Alcohol, especially whiskey, is redpilled. It is the white man's drink. Other races can't handle it like we can. It is part of our history and culture. To be against alcohol is to be a beta cuck.

ironically hang yourself

I heard Greenland is full of alcoholics

Let me introduce you to an old friend of mine...

It's not an anti-depressant and it doesn't kill cancer you fucking moron. I live in Colorado, where pot shops are everywhere. And every fucking useless, welfare degenerate spends all their time wasting away getting high. And you guys defend this pathetic lifestyle vigorously.

Pot is a loser's addiction.

We all know him by his mighty tripcode...

And we all know him by his mark he left on this land...

KEK wills it. Alcohol is the redpilled drink of the white man.

Luckily some other states legalized it, so maybe all the marijuana migrants will start to emigrate back out of the state.

HAH that picture is pretty retarded. The marijuana ban is pretty retarded to.

Marjuana doesn't kill cancer cells it simply alleviates the affects of chemo, and both alcohol and cannabis are depressants.

Depressant and anti-depressant are not antonyms in the context of drugs. Also weed is most certainly not an SSRI

There's more that goes into deciding the "safety" of a drug than merely it's LD-40

His mark is left on multiple boards, for justice...


Its not a good thing, but shouldnt be illegal.


To deport Mexicans during the depression, to keep the IRS funded after prohibition ended, and to protect the interests of the paper industry.

They had all sorts of propaganda like that blacks would smoke it, become invincible and rape white women. They actually said black potheads were impervious to bullets.

Go back to /r/The_Donald

...and liberty...

No it's not you fucking mong. Alcohol is disgusting, tastes and smells like shit and there is zero benefits to ingesting it. Only retards drink it, they love numbing their brains.

...and his name is QUENTIN!

>t.non-addict googler

I was addicted to it for 2 years, doing it at least 3-5 times a day depending on strain. Those whole 2 years I lost motivation to do anything productive and just wanted to get high, listen to music, and play games. The withdrawals are shit and last 2 months, mostly on the gastrointestinal side. Now imagine the effects of it being legalized. Absolute complacency in the masses. Sure I'll do it from time to time in social settings but I never go out of my way to search it anymore. It's more degenerate than people can understand the scope of

You are probably one of those Muslim migrants in Denmark. Shut up fag.

I absolutely agree. They're both for degenerates though.

>tfw you agree with Quentin on drugs
>tfw he's still a faggot
Such is life on Sup Forums

It was popular among black people. It's illegal because it gave the government an easy way to arrest and confine niggers. It continued being illegal later on because it gave the government an easy way to arrest and confine hippies.

Based wop. I feel the same way, though it contradicts my lolbertarian views.


It's like I'm back on Sup Forums in '08


Nothing to explain op. You're right.

tobacco is fine. it may be degenerate but at least smokers don't lie about it

>h-he's a faggot guys!!! haha i totally defeated your argument fair and square!!!
go ask your stoner friends for money, ugly ass.
You go with him too.

nothing 2bh. this thread is more making fun of stoner lies

1776 my brother!

Honestly, pharmaceuticals scare me. I'd rather people smoke dudeweed than take some of the more radical prescriptions.

I agree with him retard. Even if he's a faggot.

Alcohol is for degenerates. I bet you won't be saying these things when you crash into a van and kill 5 children.

>Thinks that depressant when talking about alcohol means mentally and not CNS

Literally a child or a handicap.


>Adolescents who smoke marijuana as early as 14 do worse by 20 on some cognitive tests and drop out of school at a higher rate than non-smokers.





Whoever made that graphic is an absolute retard who doesn't understand the difference between depression in a chemical sense and depression in a medical sense.

the kek cultists are the biggest cancer on the site right now

Do you think conservatives actually think, or just get their feefees hurt every 5 seconds?

Muslims are against alcohol and so are you. Fuck off Muslim scum.

I've smoked for years you're just a weak willed faggot. I can go from months of smoking daily, to full on stop and the only issue I might have is sleeping. But I have trouble sleeping anyways.

The Muslims and Leafs are the biggest cancer on the site right now.

How's 10th grade m8?

>Adolescents who smoke marijuana as early as 14
>Cannabis ever being legal for 14 year olds

Cannabis should be legal for adults =/= kids

Nothing wrong with weed physically but it is degenerate as fuck. I keep my smoking to once a week or less and don't let it interfere with school or fitness but I know people who let it take over their lives and are now lazy, boring, failures who smoke all day to the point where it's just their normal state of mind. They skip all their classes failing most of them, constantly borrow money (with no intention or way of paying back and then act like "dude get off my back I'll pay you it's only been like 6 weeks). Weed is harmless as long as you don't let it take you over. I know many people who smoke while being perfectly well rounded normal functioning people with jobs, friends, hobbies, and motivation but I've also seen once good people turn into utter degenerates

just because the muzzies don't like it doesn't automatically make it a good thing. Sandniggers can be right too.

Weed turns you into a useless hippydippy leftist. We have no use for it in a productive society. Alcohol in moderation makes you more sociable, lifts the spirit, and relaxes you after a hard day's work.

oh boy oh boy all true but for OD

you can definitely OD on thc