You Drumpfkins are really something else

You Drumpfkins are really something else.

A Muslim ban? Really? You know Muslims can just lie and say they're Christian, right?

You people are fucking idiots. Only a President and Chief as dumb as Trump could have come up with this.

Other urls found in this thread:

It isn't a ban on religion. It's a ban on people from certain regions of the world entering.

He's not banning muslims you idiot. God, you make me so ashamed of Canada.

>You know Muslims can just lie and say they're Christian, right
They can't because its not actually a muslim ban and everyone is banned

If it's a Muslim ban then why isn't Saudi Arabia and Indonesia on the list?

Oh because Trump does business in those countries? Try again that's fake news.

>red eyes
Dropped. She's literally a weed degenerate.

Draw Mohammad


now fuck off you piece of shit muslim


Who;s the bitch?

Well yeah, they can lie, but christians are registered and can be checked you idiot lawl.
Just a muslim comes up with that xD

Justin Trudaeu browses Sup Forums confirmed

Fuck off CTR. You lost. Trudeau sucks why would you use a Canadian proxy. Sage.

But obama put the ban in 2015 from Iran for 6 months

It's not even a muslim ban it's a ban from 8 muslim countries

And even then Trump didn't even choose the countries the Obama administration did

Trump is just enforcing the law already set in place

Are Canadians retarded?

>You know Muslims can just lie and say they're Christian, right?
Sure, however most ME countries require to have your religion on your ID card and an ID card doesn't lie and if you don't have one you're not entering the US anyway.
>1 post by this ID

>You know Muslims can just lie and say they're Christian, right?
only one way to test a muslim at the airport

>please sir, show me your passport and serve yourself a piece of bacon and a glass of wine

>muslim ban
propaganda term. let us know when you're ready to have a real conversation.

now u gotta draw Mohamad, eat unholy food and cut ur beard to prove it. Legislation for a clean shaven immigration photograph solves the beard thing.

Invite them all to canada, show them the strength of diversity

Simple minded leaf.
Trump really wants extreme vetting.
This ban is a negotiation tactic.
Ban them all then all them back as long as their vetted.
36D ping pong being played here.

First they came for the Muslims, and I did not speak out because I was not a Muslim. Then they came for the Mexicans, and I did not speak out because I was not Mexican. Then they came for the blacks, and I did not speak out because I was not black. Then they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not Jewish.

Things were pretty neat after that.

It's a ban on Muslim Nations with known ties to terrorism.

Muslims from Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Thailand, and various other areas of the world are still able to come to our country. Fuck off.

Eight Years


Trudeau, is that you?

Thing is, is that the Obama administration was the one that decided choosing those countries as unstable. Trump just signed the executive order based off of this information.

And it's not a Muslim ban. Your just virtue signalling. Like the left always does.

get that disgusting twink off my board REEEEEEEEEEEEEE




We're trying to be civil. Mandatory bacon eating will be the next measure.

Obama put the ban only in Iraq in 2011.
Still ALL the countries Trump banned come from intelligence and homeland security papers, which proved that if Clinton would've won the election l, the ban would have happened anyway, of course you can imagine leftists wouldn't have said anything or wouldn't have protested if that were the case

Do you ever read from reliable sources? You should step out of your echo chamber so you can see what reality is like.


There's an exception for members of "minority religions" in those countries; Christians qualify, but not Muslims.

This image style is my favorite. High test men only

Oh shit you're right

Why did I write 2015

Thanks for correcting me friendo

Rudy Giuliani said Trump came and ask him to make a muslim ban legal. So they picked some random muslim countries that could maybe be seen as a threat but aren't close US allies and then did the EO on them.

So yes. It's very much a muslim ban and a lazy one at that.

Source on Rudy's statement.

CTR are back with new David Brock company "targeting alt-right message boards"

>A Muslim ban? Really? You know Muslims can just lie and say they're Christian, right?
Than I guess you are aware of your ignorance. You can certainly lie about your life choices and beliefs....but you cannot lie about where you physically are.

>t. Mohammed Akbar Goatbanger

very nice, Mick

It's not a Muslim ban you retarded fucking leaf.

>Washington Post

Why are Swedes so fond of fake news?

probably just cut onions

Nah. You get it from sun, water etc too. I have a pic of her on a beach. Those tits are magnificent.

Who cares? We have aright to grant/deny asylum based on: Race, Religion, Nationality, Membership in a particular social group, and/or Political opinion.


they were not random, He used the threat matrix created by the obama administration.

>Muslims can just lie and say they're Christian, right?

Quote your favorite passage, I have a bible right here.
I know mine, do you know yours?

your stupidity is astounding.

learn to read or gtfo.

Could also have them denounce Mohammad on video

Romans 3:10 "There are none righteous, no, not even one"

this, and its the same list obabo banned in 2013 so FUCK OFF DISINFO SHILL.

you're a mudskin, fuck off

It's a temporary ban to analyze the vetting process and establish new ones if necessary, restrict the movements of people who are trying to enter from war torn areas, and vet people who live here but are returning to questionable regions.
Is reading this shit so hard? I found the full text on CNN's site in 5 seconds. It is fairly reasonable if heavy handed.
I legit understand why people are mad but immigration isn't a fucking right it's a privilege. Both my parents immigrated here legally. They wanted to stay and they didn't visit countries with terrorist cells running recruitment and here I am.

Good point, but why not just stop being a Moslem instead? Why not denounce that crap religion/ideology/lifestyle mandate instead? Why not have the eyes enough to see it is a conflict oriented ideology and it is incompatible with a peaceful life and everything the West supports and stands for?

I mean if you want to live in the West, why not be western in ideology and belief? Oh, no, you just want to the conflict free infrastructure we can create and maintain, which your culture does not allow. While carving out little pieces of our country to remake the shithole you left, but with our infrastructure. Nope, fuck off.

I see so many pictures of women these days and they always have these cracked fucking lips. Hydrate yourselves you rat faced bitches. Also, fuck your thread.