lol choke xDDD
[a million emojis and beyonce gifs]

Time to deploy


>Directly addressing the nation as a President should, rather than hiding behind executive orders
O B A M A BTFO for all time

I can't believe how good not voting turned out for me.


It's like he was browsing Sup Forums for an hour with that response

The White House -> The Conservative Tree House -> Sup Forums

WTF, I love OBAMAM now!

>(no ban on Saudis)

Trump BTFO

>The seven countries named in the Executive Order are the same countries previously identified by the Obama administration as sources of terror.
And that's where you fucked up Drumpfy. You should have known Obongo was a muslim terrorist.

Basically, I like that site, but I don't browse often

Rudy says otherwise...


Inb4 people say he's lying about Obama

Honestly it's going to be a long 8 years of war and other shit being an issue now because a republican is at office.

Saudis just agreed to let there be a safe zone established for Syria. In addition, we rely on them for oil. We shouldn't pick a fight with them yet.

Besides, these were countries already established by the Obama Administration and his DHS and being terrorist hotspots in the future.

>nation of immigrants

This meme needs to die

Trump just made the Saudi king bend the knee faggot

How will the media/raging leftists recover.
My god.
Forever BTFO.

That being said.
Trump is still a multiculti globalist hack.
The wall and constitution are useless if there are no whites left to follow its written word.

You think spics and niggers, and refugees from the middle east give a flying fuck about this country?
Think again.
They know we are weak, stupid, and easily taken for fools thanks to the easily betrayed kindness and stupidity of democrats.

We're going to be forced by fascists to carry the burden of the third world on our backs till it snuffs out existence out like a dying fire, having never reached the top of anything because we had to drag these animals along with us.

If people didn't go fucking ballistic with Trump being elected, and actually voiced their opinions reasonably, everyone would understand the idea behind it and maybe fix the reasons why the orders was executed.

It would literally be easier for everyone, on everyone, to just not bitch about everything.

Sometimes I wish I didn't live in the middle of nowhere in an cozy all white mountain town so that I could actually do something about these anarchist scums. But then I remember that Trump will fix everything and I can just stay cozy. GODSPEED TRUMPU!!!

wow and of course he has to blame poor Obama. disgusting

Shut the fuck up loser

>this is the kind of faggot that still blamed Bush when nearly 8 years into the Obama administration.
Neck yourself.

It's really sad that something this obvious needs to be said

He is not blaming King Monkey Nigger, you retarded, flaming faggot. Fuck off from this board and neck yourself.


Need a source on that user.

This, I do believe however that Trump is a true believer and is slowly pushing us right, steadily, and knows what must be done.

Why the fuck didn't they include so many other countries like Afghanistan and Pakistan though

This will probably do nothing to get through to the left though.

This man inspires! When was the last time a leader talked about his country and people that way? Come on, even Libshits have to give him a bit of props for that statement or they are anti-American.

This was his plan all along, trumps talent lies in manipulating the media. He conditioned us to believe that this was a muslim ban, but he never said it, and the media took the bait.

It's probably difficult enough to get visas from those countries already.

except saudi arabia keeps track of all their citizens and has papers on everyone. You cannot hope to creep into Saudi Arabia (lol) and then board a fucking airplane. It's just not possible.

People from Saudi Arabia can be vetted. Yes, they are terrorists and supporters of terrorists, but they also give us alot of intel in the region and vet people flying into their country, in terms of security, there is no comparison to Saudi Arabia and Lybia.

You may have made a coherent argument but here's an insult paired with a gif of Beyonce sipping water.

>obama was the worst president
>my policys are very similar to obamas

pick one Sup Forums

Genius I can't wait for the media outcry and blatant lie over this

Of course the protests will continue but that's also a brilliant strategy we must incite the maximum amount of protests from the lefties because that will have four positives effects:

1. Protests will be normalized and thus not a big event anymore

2. Many normies will be affected by the lefties blocking infrastructures and resent them for it (even if subconsciously)

3. Protesters will be demoralized when they realize their protests have no effect and the FBI will be able to identify the organizations behind the protests

4. Trump will write a new EO making all spontaneous protests illegal. Organizers will have to get approval from the authorities

Funny 8 years ahead

why are you here libtard?

>proud nation of immigrants
fuck this guy

These are memes that presidents are expected to say. He may even believe it, but believe his actions more.