Critical Thinking Basics
How to Read a Book - Mortimer J. Adler
The Trivium - Sister Miriam Joseph
A Rule for Arguments - Anthony Weston
Thinking Fast, Thinking Slow - Daniel Kahneman
The Intellectual Life - Antonin Sertillanges

Social Skills Basics
Improve Your Social Skills - Daniel Wendler
HTW Friends & Influence People - Dale Carnegie
Influence - Robert Cialdini
UCB Improvisation Manual - Matt Besser
No More Mr. Nice Guy - Robert A. Glover

General Education Basics
Western Philosophy: Anthology - John Cottingham
The Art of Fiction - David Lodge
How to Think Like a Mathematician - Kevin Houston
The Character of Physical Law - Richard Feynman
The Machinery of Life - David Goodsell
Origins of Consciousness - Julian Jaynes
Gödel, Escher, Bach - Douglas Hofstader
Socratic Dialogues - Plato
Justice - Michael Sandel
Atlas of World History - Patrick O’Brien
The Interpretation of Cultures - Clifford Geertz
A History of Economics - John Galbraith

Other urls found in this thread:!fo0TDC4a!Ck2n3wuqWutm3FyLtxZB8A!4FJSUTyL!gRWJW5eBK0ydunfSzDB3xg!scMFjYZY!MKTKFWGVVuA7kV4OMHgkcg!UdxSVLJB!bgBwqzuFIV3z0HvCswA0dQ!AE5yjIqB!y7Vdxdb5pbNsi2O3zyq9KQ!cE5yWZoI!sU90kbAR!pXKWaWnZcY8eTIA2wUSDBA!LotEVRxT!YE-YrG6SZ54nJqltrYN8Nw!6kJzEIJb!aVVgmWAM-aP_bU_8Co43FA!K8wTjbiZ!mWFZsQRr2SZYC1AsoE6Shw!m00SjRRA!R_I9wzUTEhSN6spP35TyZg!zQtglTAY!JZ8y7bZpqPz6od5WmtLfIg!MQ8ziQKK!rzb0LRaZoyL6te1tguBNnA!RBs1mRhC!9RAkwRwR!4oXYTi7YoIEXVK_gSPBY0Q!6sgETKCa!vGFF5iTfCR6lH3ZLXaQorQ!0F5GXTjS!oGdz8UP5JbcleNMy6YKLvg!cZoSEbpC!kdnYuLw3hvYSus9uZl6PRQ!4MJE0L6Q!teKAfBlT2m3Ija-Tun-EFw!pYRnSJaC!HrC3Siqyioo9PjdGMNWs3Q!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg!QoRGARhZ!sKun_Jw7izZcNYngYvfs_90Wi6obUcialZf80c2DTYg

Economics, Geography, History, & Politics
Principles of Economics - Greg Mankiw
The Enlightened Economy - Joel Mokyr
The Bottom Billion - Paul Collier
Machine Dreams - Philip Mirowski
An Engine, Not a Camera - Donald MacKenzie
Energy & the English Ind. Rev. - E.A. Wrigley
The Great Divergence - Kenneth Pomeranz
Ecological Imperialism - Alfred W. Crosby
The Long Twentieth Century - Giovanni Arrighi
Carbon Democracy - Timothy Mitchell
The Collapse of Complex Societies - Joseph Tainter
A History of Western Society - McKay, Hill, et. al.
Democracy in America - Alexis de Tocqueville
Tragedy & Hope - Carroll Quigley
The Global Revolutions of 1968 - Jeremi Suri
War is a Racket - Smedley Butler
Confessions of an Econ. Hitman - John Perkins
Politics Among Nations - Hans Morgenthau
Diplomacy - Henry Kissinger

Principles of Philosophy - René Descartes
Problems of Philosophy - Bertrand Russell
Critique of Pure Reason - Immanuel Kant
Phenomenology of Spirit - G.W.F. Hegel
Being and Time - Martin Heidegger
The Metaphysical Club - Louis Menand

Existentialism, Phenomenology, and the Psyche
The Ego and Its Own - Max Stirner
The World As Will & Presentation - Arthur Schopenhauer
Either/Or - Soren Kierkegaard
Genealogy of Morals - Friedrich Nietzsche
Being and Nothingness - Jean-Paul Sartre
The Second Sex - Simone de Beauvoir
Escape from Freedom - Erich Fromm
Interpretation of Dreams - Sigmund Freud
Modern Man in Search of a Soul - Carl Jung
Four Fundamentals of Psychoanalysis - Jacques Lacan
Maps of Meaning - Jordan Peterson
The Phenomenological Mind - Shaun Gallaghe
Phenomenology of Perception - Maurice Merleau-Ponty
Doors of Perception - Aldous Huxley

fuck off

Masculinity Core
Norwegian Wood - Haruki Murakami
Anna Karenina - Leo Tolstoy
Man’s Search for Meaning - Viktor Frankl
Meditations - Marcus Aurelius
Under Saturn's Shadow - James Hollis
The Art of War - Sun Tzu
The Count of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas
For Whom The Bell Tolls - Ernest Hemingway
Assault on Lake Casitas - Brad Alan Lewis
Storm of Steel - Ernst Jünger
To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee
The Call of the Wild - Jack London
The Bible – KJV - Various
The Abolition of Man - C. S. Lewis
Divine Comedy - Dante Alighieri
Reasonable Faith - William Laine Craig
Out of My Life and Thought - Alfred Schweitzer
Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
The Antichrist - Friedrich Nietzsche
The Miracle of Theism - John. L. Mackie
Bhagavad-Gita (Translation) - M. Mahesh Yogi
What the Buddha Taught - Walpola Rahula
Sayagyi U Ba Khin Journal - S. N. Goenka

Esotericism & Occult
The Ritual Process - Victor Turner
Corpus Hermeticum - Hermes Trismegistus
Kabbalah - Gershom Scholem
Introduction to Magic - Julius Evola
The Essential Rumi - Coleman Barks
Prometheus Rising - Robert Anton Wilson

Political Philosophy: Liberalism
Discourse on the Origins of Inequality & The Social Contract - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
The Complete Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers - Hamilton, Madison, Jay, & Henry
Reflections on the Revolution in France - Edmund Burke
On Liberty - John Stuart Mill
The Open Society - Karl Popper
Theory of Justice - John Rawls
Commentary on Politics & Society - Max Weber
Anarchy, State, and Utopia - Robert Nozick
The Road to Serfdom - Friedrich Hayek
The Problem of Political Authority - Michael Huemer
After Virtue - Alistair MacIntyre
Conscience of a Conservative - Barry Goldwater
How To Be A Conservative - Roger Scruton
Conscience of a Liberal - Paul Krugman

Reactionary Philosophy
Crisis of Parliament. Democracy - Carl Schmitt
Democracy—The God That Failed - HansHermann Hoppe
The Glass Bees - Ernst Junger
The Decline of the West - Oswald Spengler
Revolt Against the Modern World - Julius Evola
Ride the Tiger - Julius Evola
The Death of the West - Pat Buchanan
Sexual Liberation & Political Ctrl. - E. Michael Jones
After Multiculturalism - John Welsh
Capital in the 21st Century - Thomas Piketty
Minimalia Moralia - Theodor Adorno
Das Kapital - Karl Marx
Karl Marx’s Theory of History - G. A. Cohen
Anarchism: Theory to Practice - Daniel Guérin
Life and Fate - Vasily Grossman
Homage to Catalonia - George Orwell
The Gulag Archipelago - Alex Solzhenitsyn

Modern Media & Politics
1984 - George Orwell
Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
The Social Animal - Elliot Aronson
Propaganda - Jacques Ellul
Manufacturing Consent - Noam Chomsky
Propaganda - Edward Bernays
Rules for Radicals - Saul Alinsky
How to Bag a RINO - Gray Delany
The Art of the Deal - Donald Trump

God forbid Sup Forums gets educated.

If you're going to have Hayek's Road to Serfdom you need to include Mises' Omnipotent Government & Bastiat's The Law, it's sort of the holy trinity unless you want to throw in Rothbard as well but they all play off each other quite well.

Thanks for the advice. I'm trying to avoid Rothbard because he's too much of a /crank/ but Bastiat and Mises are both good reads.

Book threads are one of the best things about pol along with the Syria General.

Plus this book thread is a bit noble. It begins with effective primers for learning & thinking. Then it moves onto social skills and general education. Once that's finished, you can start investigating important themes throughout history, so you can understand why ideology functions the way it does today.

The purpose of this thread is to cultivate a greater understanding in the most efficient & effective way possible. No books with filler. No cranks (unorthodox is a-okay, especially if influential). And I mean crank in a very narrow sense of the word--even based Julius Evola gets some love.

The biggest lapses, IMO, in this book thread is knowledge on world history (if there were encyclopedias of history for every continent, that would be fantastic), modern history, and modern economics.

Not enough books on Davos men, the World Trade Organization, and other globalist groups. The history of finance and the structure of modern finance would work excellent as well. Also lacking books on neoconservatives and neoliberals.

Finally, I think we need some based sociologists like Emile Durkheim, Auguste Comte, or Max Weber, who operated before Marxists took over the field and were definitely redpilled. If there could be works of sociology that investigated interesting topics without too much "woe is capitalism" crap, like the origin of the 1968 student protests, then that would be amazing.

Out of the long list you posted, how much of it have you read? Genuinely curious.

About a quarter. I've read all of the Critical Thinking basics, the social skills basics, most of the gen-ed basics (including the anthologies), a few of the econ, a few of the philosophy, a few of the religion, almost all of the politics & media section, etc. The rest I know is good due to their historic influence. Even if you don't care for the ideas, other people clearly do, and you need to know whether you should support or resist their endeavors.

If you have any question about the purpose of a particular selection, let me know.

I'm reading Being and Time right now.


> Even if you don't care for the ideas, other people clearly do, and you need to know whether you should support or resist their endeavors

Oh for sure, I've actually been reading the Fabian Society Tracts, incredible insight into Marxist plans & thinking over the last 100 years.

What stuns me the most is that these guys have considered counter arguments 50-100 years ago that 99% of leftists haven't bothered with. Their strategy & tactics are fascinating also.

I almost considered including The German Ideology into the Marxist section because it attempts to refute a lot of other thinkers at the time. But idk, it feels like philosophy niche.

The Fabian Tracts is honestly a good fit. Maybe some stuff by Gramsci or and less palatable works by the Frankfurt School. I included Minimalia Moralia by Theodor Adorno because it laments the same problems as many reactionaries did, placing the blame on "the culture industry", which seems like a prelude to globalism today. Interesting stuff. But the rest of the Frankfurt School is obviously far more radical.

I'll add the Fabian Society Tracts to the list.

Anyone have a torrent for digital versions of these books?

Could try to find them individually but maybe someone has a torrent with all of them together.

Start with the first five "critical thinking" books. You can probably find at least the first 4 online.

Critical Thinking Basics
How to Read a Book - Mortimer J. Adler
The Trivium - Sister Miriam Joseph
A Rule for Arguments - Anthony Weston
Thinking Fast, Thinking Slow - Daniel Kahneman
The Intellectual Life - Antonin Sertillanges

>Thinking Fast, Thinking Slow - Daniel Kahneman
definetly not needed. The book is a great read dont get me wrong, but the principles of books often fail when implemented on a macro scale

If only I got digits, then this thread might get some visibility among Sup Forums intellectuals.


I also agree. But I felt that Daniel Kahneman's book is one of the most lucid books on cognitive biases. You can't apply the book without effort. If you're not paying attention to yourself and keeping a journal, then you might as well throw it in the trash when it comes to self-improvement.

Anyway, do you have any other suggestions?


Is trump's book actually good or is it a meme

oh, I only read about economics and those books tend to be rather boring in nature
but some interesting probably are
1. myth of the rational voter-bryan caplan
2. Naked statistics-charles wheelan
3. the signal and noise
id really recommend books on basic statistics and statistical reasoning to most poeple because thats what most people get wrong when arguening on Sup Forums, misenterpreting graphs, confusing correlation and causation, making post-hoc statements, survival-ship bias.

Yes. At the very least, it provides insight into his gameplan.

Any good books on Caesar?

Good stuff. I'll keep it in mind.

Here some download links fellerz

Approximately 520 GB of PDFs!fo0TDC4a!Ck2n3wuqWutm3FyLtxZB8A!4FJSUTyL!gRWJW5eBK0ydunfSzDB3xg!scMFjYZY!MKTKFWGVVuA7kV4OMHgkcg!UdxSVLJB!bgBwqzuFIV3z0HvCswA0dQ!AE5yjIqB!y7Vdxdb5pbNsi2O3zyq9KQ!cE5yWZoI!sU90kbAR!pXKWaWnZcY8eTIA2wUSDBA!LotEVRxT!YE-YrG6SZ54nJqltrYN8Nw!6kJzEIJb!aVVgmWAM-aP_bU_8Co43FA!K8wTjbiZ!mWFZsQRr2SZYC1AsoE6Shw!m00SjRRA!R_I9wzUTEhSN6spP35TyZg!zQtglTAY!JZ8y7bZpqPz6od5WmtLfIg!MQ8ziQKK!rzb0LRaZoyL6te1tguBNnA!RBs1mRhC!9RAkwRwR!4oXYTi7YoIEXVK_gSPBY0Q
A few dead links and some wacko occult books, but a lot of gold in the above too.

Here's some nice extra.

Sup Forums books!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg

/christian/ books!QoRGARhZ!sKun_Jw7izZcNYngYvfs_90Wi6obUcialZf80c2DTYg

Can someone help me? How can I stop playing videogames and develop my focus? It's literally destroyed, i cant focus in anything for more than one hour.
I've bought Ortega y Gasset book and read 3/4 but forgot most of it already.

Kill your fucking self my man

How can you propose red pill books with Julius Evola??

Julius Evola is the most radical right traditionalist that ever lived.

The italian fascists thought he was to far to the right

Dont you ride the fucking tiger brah?

Redpill book thread without julius evola...


You cant read ride the tiger, revolt against the modern world and men among the ruins without reading his other books...

Save the most important links you need. Get off of porn. Get off the internet. Eat well. Sleep well. Exercise. Meditate. Keep a journal.

And then start trying to accomplish small goals where you focus on a topic for "x" minutes. Keep on increasing until you can handle a healthy amount of information at a time.

It's literally the fourth and fifth fucking post you moron. I've got like three books by him.

But thanks for the bump. Thread was kinda dying.

I tried jumping in to Evola but every other sentence is "I have explained this somewhere else".
Evola needs a guide, and I was told to read Nietzsche before I tackle Evola.

Thanks man!

Good stuff here too.

im like you, you have to force yourself to get a job and work 60hrs a week, at that point gaming will start becoming a luxury rather than a way of life and you will become more productive

Not praising him more thoroughly he should be the patron saint of Sup Forums

to improve focus ability remove external stimuli to start. if that doesn't help play with a noise generator till you get it right. Practice until you can focus under any condition.
It is the opposite of vidya, which ALSO trains a separate skill of rapid pattern recognition.

Honestly you need both to catch the Big Lie.
Knowledge of the truth and rapid pattern recognition to catch it.

He gets mentioned a generous 3 times. Besides, this isn't a "get redpilled as fuark lol I love alt-right" thread. See earlier posts:

"Plus this book thread is a bit noble. It begins with effective primers for learning & thinking. Then it moves onto social skills and general education. Once that's finished, you can start investigating important themes throughout history, so you can understand why ideology functions the way it does today.

The purpose of this thread is to cultivate a greater understanding in the most efficient & effective way possible. No books with filler. No cranks (unorthodox is a-okay, especially if influential). And I mean crank in a very narrow sense of the word--even based Julius Evola gets some love."

I have developed rapid pattern recognition a lot. Whatever I do, I do it quickly and good, but if it requires constant atention in the span of days or weeks i get tired and drop it.

>Atlas of World History - Patrick O’Brien

FYI this is a fucking FANTASTIC book for history. no better book for a layman who wants to learn about economic & cultural development while also understanding major conflicts. If anybody knows a better book, let me know, but that will be difficult.

Establish a simple goal. Establish a series of steps that you need to complete the goal. Divide the steps into one per day. Get a simple calendar and hang it up. Write down an X on the calendar when you complete your step on the day.

It's called the X effect. If you can do this for 49 days, you'll build a habit.

Thanks, I will try it.

Also challenge yourself a little bit every day. And make sure you take care of yourself.


Respect the gets.



Surprised no one has mentioned this
This book has inspired me like no other
Codreanu and the Legionnaires faced incredible hardship, but through sheer obstinance and will managed to become a political force to be feared
I would recommend anyone who is currently in university and is interested in organizing to read this, as well as The Nest Leader's Manual

The Kybalion is the reddest of the red.


What does Sup Forums think about Stoddard?

>no Bulgakov
>no Mishima
>no Ted Kaczynski
>no Walden

Who are they?