We didn't listen... USA is literally burning up in flames

We didn't listen... USA is literally burning up in flames

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At least babies are not being ripped out of wombs and murdered

>burning up in flames

only in places that are left leaning majority

Congrats, dumbasses. ur helping isis

Business as usual here.

maybe try not living in a shithole red state

>says the states experiencing civil unrest every other week


because we are resisting the trump administration, what dont u understand?

3 million more votes

Trump is a time traveler. Everything going on he is planned for. 50 steps ahead.

Wow establishment shills are at it on Sup Forums again

look check the digits the shill is right

When will this meme die? I'm ashamed to be grouped in with people who talk like this

>> We didn't listen... USA is literally burning up in flames

Is it ((Literally)) burning up in flames? Or are you just Correcting the Record.... faggot.

She didn't warn anybody. She didn't do anything; that's why she's not president. You have to come out of your crypt once in a while and campaign if you want the job.


and 74 less electoral votes.

yknow, the ones that matter.

They honestly never left. What I love is that now that no one trusts the news not to completely bullshit them after the MSM blew their wads during the election, no amount of shilling Sup Forums or anywhere else accomplishes anything.

I know you're trying to get your .25 cents a post , but please reconsider your life choices and stop shilling on this website. Thank you.

I'm a christian and i don't want these saracens near me. REEEEEEEEEEEEE

Clinton is a bag of wet garbage

say the words, pol. MADAM PRESIDENT.

Whats wrong with killing fetuses?

It amazes me that there ever existed real shills at all. Is an imageboard really that dangerous to them?


Please tell me some retard actually ran this headline

You've already lost the argument, leaf.

>"Hey ahmed, you know what would be great for making terror attacks in American soil?"
>"getting banned and it being outright impossible to enter"
>"oh my god abdul you're a genius! That's exactly what we want!"

Which is hilarious. Let NY and California tear themselves apart, why should anyone else give a shit?

Aww, kawaii desu.


Not to mention the fact that BOTH the house AND the senate are Republican majority.

Needed to happen Us Americans were getting too comfy.

>tfw dont live in a prairie house in texas, own a ten gallon hunt and a side arm to carry with me at all times

it hurts

What argument?

A question was raised, no answer given.

Also, your memes are weak

Chaos is the only thing I desire

>a fetus is a baby

WTF u talking about this is exactly going as plan. What? You though we didnt expect you shit heads to protest and riot? GTFO you guys have been doing this shit for years .

>Libtards insist Trump will destroy america
>Proceed to destroy america because Trump won

with 800 thousand being illegitimate. Recounts that were started were stopped after seeing so many false votes for hillary, so the total is likely much higher.

Yeah, thanks to her and the libtards...wait was she trying to threaten us? Oh well, not like she would've cared anyway, just so long as she gets paid.

Well at least we're not glass (even though we useless humans deserve to be).


Don t worry , death squads are coming for these anarcho fascists . They will cry for their mommy