David Brock's confidential plan to take down Trump


It should be illegal to pay for internet shills and it should also be illegal for super pacs to continue to campaign against someone AFTER the election has ended.

These people are literally acting like there is still a presidential campaign. They are citing approval ratings instead of polls now.

ITT they see the next few years as merely positioning for 2020.

We won't make it to 2020 if they propagandize the public into overthrowing our entire government and crashing the global economy. This is exactly how Arab Spring happened, with Twitter as a brainwashing tool.

These protesters are surrounded by imagery of all this unrest and hate for Donald Trump that they are brainwashed into becoming part of it. This is why social media is so dangerous and we are about to get our country destroyed because of it.

if the US is overthrown how will europe and mexico react?

They will probably praise it bc overthrowing the US is justified if it gets rid of Donald Trump.It also ends the strange hold the US has had on the entire world since the end of WW2. A lot of countries would be grateful if we were overthrown and turned into a failed state.

Tell that to the Russians that bought Trump the election by selectively airing the Dem's dirty laundry. Tell that to the reddit sub dedicated to Trump that has basically destroyed the site by doxxing Admins and Mods into submission. Tell that to Bannon- aka Goebbels 2.0.

Also, are you actually referring to Arab Spring as a bad thing? People actually think Arab Spring was a bad thing... wow...


Everytime regime change is enacted, innocent people die. If regime change happens in the United States, innocent people will die as well. I am against regime change, are you?

It should be. Money out of politics, NOW!

What does it matter? Don't debate them, just call the CTR shill and move on.

Shill, shush, go read your memo in silence.

I think the GOP should grow some nuts and realize that they have a wildly unstable President who is itching to push the big, red doomsday button. Trump will be assassinated by the CIA if he isn't impeached before it gets too out of control. He's already snubbed them enough to reap that whirlwind. To answer your question more succintly: Yes. I understand innocents may die so that the world may not be a nuclear wasteland. I am ready to fight and die for my country and for the planet, should it come to it. Are you?

Wait, i though this guys was arrested for posting CP, wtf

I hope Trump does push the button. I don't want to live in a world where the public is manipulated by people like you.

There's not really much to be said, then. You must hate life and everything in it to express that view. I hope you get on some good anti-depressants and maybe get laid once or twice.

Epstien was not Brock

At least I accept that the election ended and moved on. Unlike you, I can shut the news off and go about my daily life. Ever since this election ended, its like a burden has been lifted off my shoulders. I stopped going on facebook, I stopped going on reddit as much, I go on 4pol out of boredom. But my life has returned to status quo.

The world doesn't stop just because the election ended. In fact, I wished the election would fucking end so that I could keep better tabs on the world, without having people vomit talking points down my throat every time I try to look at the news. Apathy is the death of democracy. We may disagree on things(whether many of few, I'm not sure), but I firmly believe you should stay informed for the health of our democratic discourse.

I'm done being propagandized into picking a side, so I choose neither. The political process will work itself out.

I can't blame you after this shit storm of an election year. I hope you change your mind in the future. Either way, best of luck to you in your endeavors. I'm done checking /pol for now.