Need redpill material on Canada Mosque

The attack is all over Danish media but there's very little mentioning of the origin of the attackers. I keep hearing that 1 was arab, 1 was from quebec but with moroccon origin and the last was probably a syrian refugee. However, whenever I try to convince someone i fall short on credible sources.

So - got any credible sources that tell us something about the origin of the attackers, Sup Forums? Muslims in Denmark seem convinced that it was an attack carried out by white nationalists and the left is sucking up to them big time

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No one mentioning race = non whites. If they were white instantly you would hear hate crime smeared on the TV for weeks or years or even like 90+years.

You would by now have been personally accused of committing said hate crime if you are white by the media.

Both Muslims. Atleast one Arab. Witness said they yelled Allahu Akbar

waiting for this as well.

Wait 6 more hours, it's 4 AM in quebec.

>Muslims in Denmark seem convinced that it was an attack carried out by white nationalists and the left is sucking up to them big time
Hvilke grupper folger du?

Se kommentarsporene på ekstrabladet og BT's facebooksider

Det er sikkert endnu værre på information og politiken, men har ikke tjekket dem

If they were white, they're names and faces would have been plastered everywhere within an hour.

This is my belief too but we all know how dense leftists are so it's unlikely they'll ever recognize coulters law.

Also, stating that they must be non whites because the media has yet to report on their race is not a very compelling argument to people who are not aware of coulter's law. Rather, i'd be discredited and called a racist immediately and then i'd no longer be in a position where I could drop redpills for the sheeple

Well it is pointless to argue it now then wait for the media to mention it quickly after the suspects mugshots are released.

They will make it disappear so quickly it will make your head spin.

Hvorfor venter du ikke bare til billederne kommer frem?

Dansk jævlar

Fordi det er kun her i starten at angrebet har nyhedsværdi. Venstreorienterede og perkersvinene gider ikke engagere sig i det længere når der er gået et par dage - og slet ikke hvis de finder ud af, at de tog fejl (igen, igen) og at det (selvfolgelig) var muslimer der stod bag angrebet.

Og det virker autistisk, hvis jeg bare poster en masse artikler som kun handler om gerningsmændendes race og religion.

Derfor er vi nodt til at få sandheden ud med det samme når der bliver rapporteret om angrebet

Her har du din artikel

Den artikel er jo totalt blue pilled. Den skriver næsten intet om, at det er muslimer der stod bag angrebet, og vinkler det i stedet som om at det er en reaktion på en generel modvilje mod muslimer i Canada.

Hvorfor fatter danskere ikke, hvad sektarisk vold i Islam er, og hvor udbredt det er?

of course they were muslim, thats why you dont know who they are.

how is life down there bro, in less than a week i will come to your country to study

Men der står de råbte Allahu Akbar

Ja, men så er der al omtalen af et svinehoved der tidligere har været lagt foran moskéen, og hvordan Quebec generelt er "fremmedfjendsk"

What a gay language, Swedish is so much better.

Trump did this.

Hvorfor gemmer du dig bag en proxy?

pic related

What's the difference?


Det lader til at være medie spin. De snakker om det svine hovede for at skabe et narrative...

Det er faktisk lidt spooky. Tror normale medier stopper med at snakke om det så snart det bliver for kent at muslimer står bag.

we're full

Vi ser det hele tiden.

Når klokken i Canada bliver 12 (kl. 18 ca. her), og de har fundet ud af hvem der gjorde det, motiv osv., så får det bare en lille plads hos de store medier, intet breaking eller lign.

Det var det samme med skyderiet på bossebaren i Orlando. De forste artikler handlede om manglen på gun control, had mod homoseksuelle i (det hvide) USA osv. Ingen beretninger om at det faktisk var en muslim der gjorde det, og da det så et par dage efter kom frem, var alt hvad danske medier skrev om, at nu var gerningsmanden identificeret

>endnu værre
gå tilbake til skulen og lær deg å skrive, preben

True. Men for hojre sided var det heller ikke en perfekt historie da Orlando skyderen hvis bare beviste hvor nemt det er at kalde sig en del af isis når man begår selvmord fordi man er skabshomo.

Vi har vores eget narrative, bla, at muslimer er organiseret. Latterligt.
De fleste er ligsom skole skydere.

Det er rigtig stavet. Hvad er der galt med det?

på dansk er der intet i vejen med den formulering

"Une source policière a confié à Radio-Canada que les deux suspects sont des étudiants inscrits à l’Université Laval. L'un d'eux serait d'origine marocaine."

Copy paste this into google, it should bring up the article

Det er rigtigt, at de fleste bare er nogle udskud, som lader sig forfore af IS' propaganda uden at de har en direkte relation til gruppen.

De er på den måde ikke særligt velorganiserede, men det bevidner alligevel, at der er en masse elementer i Islam, som kan opmuntre ressourcesvage muslimer til at begå terrorhandlinger.

Jeg ved ærligt talt ikke om jeg tror på, at Orlando skyderen var homoseksuel. Det virkede lidt mere som en "undskyldning" venstreorienterede fandt på, da det kom frem at han 1) var muslim og 2) havde bekendt sig til ISIS inden angrebet, og så måtte de finde på en anden soforklaring FBI og CIA, mener jeg, var begge ude og sige, at de ikke havde fundet nogle spor på hans telefon eller PC, at han var interesseret i mænd

"This was an attack on Muslims" - Justin Trudeau

That is all you need to know, 6 dead innocent Muslims killed at a Mosque.
This was an attack on Muslims, Muslims are the victim, poor Muslims.


.....2 people arrested....of 'arab' origin...BUT THIS WAS AN ATTACK ON MUSLIMS!!!!
Feel sorry for the Muslims.
Innocent Muslim victims.

>Pic related is tmblr ,twitter, cuckbook in a nutshell

It was an attack on Ahmaddiya or Shia muslims by the Sunni majority, like virtually all other instances where Muslims are killed

>What a gay language, Swedish is so much better.

Swedish is the gayest language of them all.

shhhhh don't speak so loudly, just remember
lets the sheep read into that however they must teehee.

Sectarian violence in Islam is not an unknown issue/theme so WHY isn't there any fucking news paper anywhere in the world that reports on this? Because it would destroy the narrative that it is the West that is causing all the chaos in the Middle East? Because they know that people would have less pity for the muslim "victims" when they know that all the misery and death in the Muslim world is self inflicted?


where are you studying at?

A lot of people are gloating on social media right now.

>"I thought only muslims committed terrorist attacks? Where are the rightwing heroes now?"

What you do is wait until it's confirmed these were muslims/arabs and then reply to comments like that.

You will not convince whoever posted the comment, but you may redpill some onlookers.

Uni Melb

Mostly I'm just saddened by the general ignorance of my fellow mankind. It's like their memory reboots each time a terrorist attack happens. It's the same song all over.

>Attack happens
>Identity of perpetrator/motive is kept secret by media and police
>Leftwingers scream how we don't know it's a muslim, perhaps there has even been an early report that the perpetrator was white (this was not withheld by media) and they cheer for this
>Eventually, as the attack has been thoroughly investigated, it is revealed that it was infact a muslim who did it and he was inspired by Islam
>Leftwingers ignore this

Next attack happens
>Same process all over again

I have found it's very important to tightly control the narrative while the attack is still being investigated. Most people only read headlines and 90% don't follow up with the news like we do.

For example, the Orlando shooting. It was done by a muslim, clearly inspired by islam, but immediately after the attack the whole thing was spun as if it was done by a homophobe who just wanted to kill some gays. (He was in fact a homophobe but his homophobia was inspired by islam.)

This narrative was pushed so hard most people forgot or don't care it was a muslim.

But I feel the pendulum is slowly but surely swinging back right.

lol its Canada.
The narrative is already written.

Confused, easily impressionable, slightly autistic, depressed, history of mental illness, lone wolf ( even when 2 )
got crazed online and were angry about the Trump ban of Muslims.

All these things are wrong, but all of them will be trotted out to excuse this attack away.

Out of the media in 2 days, mandatory diversity courses for everyone else.
Except the muslims, of course.
They are just victims.

When you are so religion of peace you can't stop killing your own people

We need a leader that doesn't exploit tensions for political gain desu
Nobody is more guilty of that than Trump and Trudeau. They are on opposite sides but they exploit the same tensions and pick sides other than try to fix the problem

Canada media hides anything that might show muslims in a bad light. They don't want to alarm the population and drive everyone to rioting against Trudopes policy to save the world even if it fucks Canada. People are waking up though and seeing the light.