How many of you here have seen Er Ist Weider Da/Look Who's Back?

How many of you here have seen Er Ist Weider Da/Look Who's Back?

I think if nothing else if captures probably the most human side of who Adolf Hitler was. He could be charming and sweet and genuinely emotional because he did care about improving the lives of people. But it also shows his Machiavellian nature and his temper-tantrums that made him act upon some of the worst things ever witnessed in modern human history. It also shows how good he is at manipulating the social norms of the day to ally people to his cause, which is arguably the most dangerous talent of a dictator.

But my absolute favourite part is near the end. Hitler makes a very good point about how he was not unique in his behaviour, he simply was a mirror for what the German people wished to be. He was elected, not forced into power. And it's a sharp reminder that you should always beware the people who promise you the heavens, because for there to be a heaven you must have those you damn to torment in hell.

The worst part about Hitler is that a man who gave so much of himself for his nation is now hated by most of his nation.

Germans are too cucked and brainwashed to realize Nazi Germany was the best Germany there ever was.

Fuck off ctr


Hitler did nothing wrong

10/10 movie. very red pilled.

I might now, that was pretty funny

Had they not shoehorned in the scene where he killed the doggo, he would have been a likeable protagonist throughout.

I like to think it's a social satire of the German people as a whole: the very same people who laugh at the movie and think it's a comedy are the ones who would have allowed the plot to happen (again)

>it's a sharp reminder that you should always beware the people who promise you the heavens, because for there to be a heaven you must have those you damn to torment in hell.

Hillary pls go

Best part were the interviews in the first half of the film. Then it turned to shit when they started focusing on the story. The entire film should have just been him interacting with real people, forget the book.

Haha yes that based East German lady was /ourgirl/.

It wasn't shoehorned. Several people around Hitler noted that he could turn on a dime over autistic tier things and become enraged. He likely had some form of manic depressive disorder.

Just look at how he obsessed over Stalingrad just because of the name "Stalin" because he wanted to humiliate the Soviets.

Hitler was the inhuman monster who assassinated the beloved Chancellor of Germany Adolf Hitler.

A good movie for sure. Best part was his first speech to the TV audience .. "who would want to bring children into this world?" I'm sure that hit home for a lot of Germcucks.
Germany makes me sad.

>gave so much of himself
>never paid taxes
>at one point claimed all he owned was a desk

I mean yeah he dug Germany as a friend, but I don't think he was ready to commit to a long-term relationship.

The scary thing about sociopaths is that they understand how to use emotion only as a tool to get what they want. They don't genuinely empathize with what they say, it's just a Pavlovian response to social norms.

What Hitler wanted was a Great Germany and for history to remember him. He obviously had some mental deficiencies but he genuinely cared about his people. That's very clear.
More than you could say for 90+% of Western leaders today (Orban and Putin probably being the exceptions).

Hitler was the death yell of that last vestiges of Eurocentrism. His failure solidified the reality that we are living in a post-national world. Even Hitler had to concede and make hypocritical exceptions for some of what he deemed "lesser humans" and make them "honourary aryans". His failure was not in caring for people, but that he didn't see the potential of a Germany with a strong German pride which they invited all people to practice. Instead he created a highly propagandised notion of "elite humans" which ended up backfiring because he forgot to account for party members who would slowly drift away as they had loved ones affected by his increasingly jingoistic policies that betrayed his original promises of economic growth.

He was also kind of into the hipster shit of his day with a lot of Europeans looking to their pre-Christian pasts and thinking they could equate themselves to vikings and old Kings despite those cultures having been disseminated and influencing pretty much all of Europe. The French had as much claim to being "True Normans" as Hitler did to being "Aryan".


Go back to rebbit you fucking kike

Why forget the book? It's better than the movie imo.

Hitler was a Crisis Actor.

Careful there Hans, questioning the (((narrative))) in Germany might get you blacklisted, especially since that cryptokike might become Chancellor.

I haven't read the book, I just wish they had taken advantage of the chance to make a Borat film, but with Hitler.

Smart, though. Strike down a symbol and you can demoralize a nation. Wars are won in the will: break the will, win the war.

He was born too late. A few centuries earlier, and he'd be recorded in history as Adolf the Great.

He threw himself and his people against a financial order that was evolving into the NWO of our time (or whatever you want to call it). His biggest mistake was attacking the Jews and other "non-German" people in the Reich. Had he built a civic nationalist order instead, we'd live in a highly ordered, well-regimented world of based people from every color and culture group.

But in the end, he had to be a storm fag about it. And now we know the inevitable end of any storm fag policy.

Let us now await the autistic howling of imbeciles and fools who think the best way to run the world is to destroy anyone who is different, rather than to include them and through that inclusion, subtly change them to suit the vision of the ruler.

Oh, and btw, Hillary and Donald colluded on behalf of the financial oligarchs to create the illusion of free and fair elections. She never intended to win. In fact, she campaigned for him.

You should read it. Much better and the main protagonist (can't remember his name) becomes Hitler's right hand man and the film ends on a much higher note than the movie

civic nationalism is a meme, the entire point is to remove shitskins

also, kill yourself for that last sentence about Trump you fucking retard