Try to disprove this, Sup Forums

Try to disprove this, Sup Forums
You literally can't.
Racists and White Supremacists BTFO.

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More Americans have been killed by Muslim terrorists. I'd like to see the stats for death by vending machines.

The Attackers in the last two big attacks in the US were both muslims despite beeing less then 1% of the population.

>white wing christians

so tolerate

>providing "facts" without factual data

how surprising

You deserve to be on this planet less than those goat fucking pieces of human excrement called muslims. Stop breathing my air and kill yourself, you're too stupid to be among us.

David Brock likes nigger cream in his ass to feed the superaids.

Sounds like we've already got enough problems of our own to work out first.

How is any of this going to get any better if we keep piling in new people with new problems?

>accidents are not done on purpose, murder is done on purpose
>simply fucking bullshit
>white wing
>more death is okay as long as non-whites do it

liberals BTFO
how will they ever recover?

There are more white men on American soil than anyone else

You should comment fact : Muslims have killed over 3000 Americans while only making up 1 percent of the population

What did he mean by this?

Conservativism is dying at an alarming rate.

nice sources lmao

Don't fucking reply to shill threads

Don't fucking reply to shill threads

Don't fucking reply to shill threads


David Brock likes nigger cream in his ass to feed the superaids.

>you're more likely to die of x than y so let's increase the chances of dying of y

>vending machines have agency and moral responsibility for their actions
>the majority demographic has committed the highest number of terrorist attacks therefore there's no reason to look at the per capita stats

kys, OP.

Math is hard, quit mansplaining and smartsplaining

Unless he thinks that the Jews did 9/11, that is objectively wrong.

He meant: "let them in here so they stop attacking embassies and shit."

Literally where?

>white wing

That's funny

Alt-Right BTFO

FACT: saying fact and following it with unsourced lies makes retards think you're being truthful


The 2nd one is WRONG.
9/11 killed more people than all right-wing attacks combined. Most domestic terrorist attacks are leftist in nature.

I don't care what the odds of robbery are, I'm still going to lock my house and car.

I don't care what the odds of me being hit by a car are, I'm still going to look both ways when crossing a street.

I don't care what the odds are of me being ass raped in prison, I still wouldn't want to go their for that reason alone.

>More Americans have been killed by Muslim terrorists.
hell more people have died due to Islamic terrorism than any other ideological motive for murder. Remember that Muslims also started the crusades because they couldn't handle "other religions" and thought Allah willed them to make everyone bend to his will, they're fascist as fascist does and no one cares because its labeled a "religion" rather than a political and moral belief set

Fact: The majority in USA is white and christian

Now we should look at the statistic per capita darling.


>“Kill the idolaters wherever you find them, and capture them, and blockade them, and watch for them at every lookout...” (Quran 9:5)

FACT: Quran advocates violence against non-believers

>in America

Yes, bring in refugees while ISIL promised to sneak agents into US soil.

When are we going to get some common-sense vending machine control?

>FACT: something that isn't a fact

impose a law that states all machines need to be bolted to the floor

problem fuckin solved

>white wing
what is this? how does a person have lisp in written form?

To be fair, if Trump gets what he wants we won't be importing vending machines either.

Thats the point of stopping immigration. Its good now because there arent many.

FACT: Trumps are the most powerful race in the world.

[citation needed]

If shitskins and muzzies were the majority of the population, the united states would be a torturous hellscape - there would be no need for "stats", it wouldn't even matter.

Muzzies are a sliver of a fraction of 1% of the US pop, yet they're already responsible for the deadliest attacks in United States history, including the worst shooting and attacks with highest death counts.

Give me one reason why I shouldn't spend the rest of my life snatching leftists up and burying them miles deep in the woods.

what about the about death ratio 911 was 2,996

FACT: Islam has enslaved over 100 countries
FACT: Islam has been murdering or enslaving people for 800 years
FACT: Muslims are less than 1% of the population but have committed more terrorism than any other group

>over 3000 casualties

Get back to me when a domestic Christian terrorist has a score that high

Inb4 Mossad, George bush jr, Cheney did it etc

Point 1 - Doubt thousands of people have died to vending machine attacks, but still how rare actual terrorist attacks are is a completely valid point. I would say that terrorism has consequences beyond its direct death toll however, more died after 9/11 than during 9/11 because they became afraid of flying and thus died more often in car accidents. People handle risks and anxiety by accepting certain risks and not worrying about them, terrorism makes people afraid of the unknown.

Point 2 - Not even close by total body count, not even close per capita, the best defense of muslim violence is that there are 60x more White people than muslims so they have technically commited more attacks, although killed less people, wow how convincing.

Really the more convincing angle is pointing out the economic strife and war caused by whites, although it's hard to divide how much of that is a result of fucking white people and how much of it is white people just being powerful. At the same time, this argument hardly justifies muslim immigration.

The whole angle of "Well terrorism doesn't kill many people, so why not let people immigrate" is still ultimately intentionally choosing to favor letting people into your country that blow people up above ones that don't in the interest of tolerance.

Tolerance, being the "virtue" of not standing up for anything even if you disagree with it. It doesn't actually make any sense, it's just that people feel it's going to be relatively rare they actually face the consequences for their action and die in a terrorist attack, which is correct, so they're willing to let their countrymen suffer that fate to virtue signal.

Why do they bring up right wing terror attacks but not left wing terror attacks?
Someone pull up the infographic please.
And "on American soil" doesn't mean shit. More muslims = higher likelihood of terror attack. Leftists are scared to death by per capita stats as those tell the true story.

Technically they started a Jihad that lasted a few hundred years. the crusades are what the Christians did.

What about the extreme lefties that have been killing and targeting cops and Trump supporters?

Can't disprove something that hasn't been proved.

Shitty opinions are just shitty opinions.

There's also the fact that as a reaction to terrorist attacks, we now have a surveillance state to keep us safe, one that the left at the time voted for, and one that the left under Obama expanded.

So terrorism, due to its ability to make everybody afraid, has put us in a position where the government is more powerful relative to the citizenry than ever. By inviting terrorist attacks, the problem isn't the terrorist attacks I believe, because the deaths are fairly rare.

The problem is the strife that is created justifies a stronger and stronger government, more expansion of spying powers, and more calls to suppress free speech. Countries that have had such powers have been much more lethal than ones that haven't. The real danger is the pathological government at top that will justify itself using terrorism.

By inviting ethnic strife into our countries, we are inviting a world where the government will more tightly control the citizenry to make sure everybody gets along. That can go terribly wrong in the long term.

I've been arguing against this shit since the start of the Patriot Act, however, increasingly, I'm realising the problem isn't the fact lawmakers are willing to sign these bills. The problem is that we're creating an environment where these bills are easy to pass without the population protesting in outrage.

Can't access

Could it be true that Shias dindu nuffin?

Wtf ban vending machines

Leftists are truly retarded

A vending machine doesn't kill me deliberately.


Vending machines are firmly attached to the walls though, not potential psycopath following a set of rules that is manipulated into teaching that the westerners MUST be killed

FACT: You are more likely to die from a car crash than crack or crack dealers #legalizeit

>white wing

liberals really only have a couple shallow arguments and then it's insult time.

Fact: OP has sucked more dicks than any other poster in history.

fuck off CTR


>If one more child dies from a vending machine, the blood will be on all our hands.

Ft Hood wasn't terrorism. It was "workplace violence."
San Bernardino wasn't terrorism.
The Orlando shooting wasn't terrorism.
None of the honor killings were terrorism.

Just as how "mass shootings" only count white people, while calling the thousands of black-on-black shootings "gang violence."

It's easy to lie with statistics when your statistics are lies.
The Jews are masters of lies.

We call'em angels

And the most amazing part of this is that a lot of the smaller terrorist attacks in this country are Muslims shooting Jews.