Damn..... this really made me think

damn..... this really made me think....

>dying to toddlers

>islamic-jihadist immigrant

makes sense since they're most illegal immigrants

Number of people killed by motor vehicles in the US last year: ~35,000.

What's your point?

Why is it always *since* 9/11? What happened on 9/11?

Also the figures for Jihadis excludes both 9/11 and the nightclub in Miami. Your two biggest terrorist attacks of the last 20 years.

That first link isn't the infamous "nazis killed more people than muslims (discluding 9/11)" piece is it?
That was rendered wrong when san bernadino happened anyway....

Something that might make the stats look a lot worse for a certain group the graph is trying to shield.

Jews attacked wtc

10/10 idea, but brother we can't just throw all the nogs in jail like you want. you have to think a little harder on this and get back to us with a more reasonable approach.

Because then jihadis would be the 3rd most lethal on this list which would ruin the narrative.

Omar Mateen killed 79 people in one day. Since he did it as an American citizen, and he was oppressed by the toxic masculinity of American culture, his kill count goes in the bottom row.

>far right-wing terrorists

>thinking on Sup Forums

come on now.

So, correct me if I'm wrong
Far right wing means a strong belief that the state should enforce hierarchies.
Isn't that sharia?
Isn't that what the dems want, with their affirmative action, safe spaces, etc?
Isn't egalitarianism, something feminists on the left hate the mention of, the core of left wing politics?
Have liberals gone full right wing and not realize it?

2 Americans dying because of foreigners with completely different values to westerners is 2 too many. These 2 deaths could have been prevented if not for the SJW libtards wanting to virtue signal. I dare them to go to the family's of the victims and tell them they're just a statistic. Blood is on the leftists hands.


"Other Americans" means niggers.

> Miniscule numbers of people compared to a huge landmass.

Try harder, Jew.

*raises paw
How about we get a breakdown by race of the last column?
*wags tail

why they don't add
>being killed by nigger

Fuck it, lets leave out 9/11 stats rite? xD

Oh yea, those nigger Hillary voters?


Over 9000 killed in the 9/11 bro

>No San Bernardino
>No Pulse nightclub massacre
>No Chattanooga shooting spree
>No Boston Marathon bombing
>No Fort Hood

Well Omar Mateen was born in the U.S.
That means he isn't an immigrant. We still should keep muslims out though.

>Being shot by another American

Do you understand the difference between proactive and reactive? If that got you thinking then maybe you should feel more comfortable in Liberia rather than the West.

People killed by Islamic Jihadist Immigrants

> TMW Number is > 0
>> Pic Related

Immigrant doesn't matter. We has a jihadi.

We've got plenty of home grown ones too.

In fact that makes it worse.