Reminder that if not for pussy liberals and their (((safety))) regulations you'd be riding around town in one of these...

Reminder that if not for pussy liberals and their (((safety))) regulations you'd be riding around town in one of these bad boys with a hot chick right now
But you're stuck in your egg-shaped fiesta for now I guess

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Remind me again why liberals want "safe" cars?

Is that a stealth car? Pretty advanced for its time.

>driving a japanese car

stay beta


Most redpilled car coming through

My cruise control doesn't work when its freezing outside because of a fitted temperature probe that disables it.

Now, I know there are a lot of accidents during a blizzard, but cold temps doesn't imply heavy moisture in the air you fucking glorified momma boy.

>tfw if shitskins weren't so stingy with the oil and they made roads a foot or two wider you could be driving this now

u wish

Wie nett. Ein Überraschungsei auf 4 Rädern.

I question if it's even worth learning about cars because of how regulated, electronic and pussified they have become. If they force automation it will literally be a whole lot of wasted time and effort.

I can't even change my own oil

>pussy liberals

I have no car. But if I had the money I'd import a full on V8 Mustang Fastback.

I've got a bike though. Do liberals plan to ruin them now as well?

Actually own a nice Modern turbo charged hatchback with a good engine.
It comes from the manufacturer deliberately neutered for no real reason and requires chipping to actually use it as it was designed.

nigga pls

If you have good insurance you don't even have to know a single thing about cars outside of driving them. I don't really like this specialized world.


Whoa, 38 horse power!

This isn't even my final form

fuck safety. baja seats ftw.

Imagine how badly those rear wheel wells would get clogged with snow and mud and shit.

Open those wheel wells and we'll talk.

Fuck emission standards, 2 stroke power FTW:

I will show you true power