Hundreds of LEGAL immigrants have been detained and turned around at the borders. USA isn't honoring its promises...

Hundreds of LEGAL immigrants have been detained and turned around at the borders. USA isn't honoring its promises. Even green card holders have been deported. How the fuck can you defend this?

He's king so he does what he wants.
Why did you vote for him if you didn't want this to happen?
fuck off.

send them all back

I didn't vote for Cheeto

You didn't, but the majority of Americans did.
That means people wanted Trump which means you should either stfu or do something about it that's not related to bitching on Sup Forums.

>let Obama get away with using sweeping and questionable executive authority
>Woah guys the new president is using sweeping and questionable authority? How the fuck did this happen?
I'll defend it on the grounds that it doesn't effect me and the irony of the situation is incredibly assuming. I'd say the left will learn the dangers of silencing opposition simply because they aren't the ones in power but leftists are retarded.

Also before you try and call me a spiteful hypocrite I'll preempt you by saying that I am indeed a spiteful hypocrite and I'm going to enjoy my time in the sun.

>A majority of Americans did
The popular vote says otherwise

Does the popular vote even hold any significance?

It's our country. Our right to revoke access to our country at our whim. Where's the problem?

They are citizens of the country not being allowed back into their country.

No, it doesn't. I don't know why people act like it does

You mentioned people with greencards. Citizens don't require greencards.

I defend it with a smile across my smug face, faggot!

First world problems; the post.

Government employees are idiots. That's not a defense, that's just a simple statement of truth.

>first world
oh you sweet summer child

If you weren't born here before 1776, you need to leave.

that's not how this works. You don't win at chess because you have the most pieces on the table.

>is too young to know what 1st world problems mean

Obama was too soft with his immigration policy. Things are going splendidly now. These are just minor growing pains


Can I have one (1) proofs with and extra side of sauce?

Awwww, that sucks

God I love 2017

doesn't exist, just keep protesting because the news told you to

>I'll defend it on the grounds that it doesn't effect me and the irony of the situation is incredibly assuming.
>Also before you try and call me a spiteful hypocrite I'll preempt you by saying that I am indeed a spiteful hypocrite and I'm going to enjoy my time in the sun.

This is pretty much how I feel, especially the spite. The most ridiculous thing about all the liberal protesters is that these policies don't really affect them either. At least 95% of them, and really that figure should be 99%, but I'm being generous because either way, practically none of them are affected.

Maybe some people don't understand what I'm getting at so I'll use an example. I know a few people on Fb who are vocal liberals against Trump. One of them even went to one of the airport protests. He's 24, maybe older, and owes thousands in student loans for a film degree he got and is doing nothing with. He works some shitty job at the moment. Most of the other liberal friends I mentioned also work shitty dead end jobs with no end in sight, or are going for useless degrees that they think are fun.

These people are more concerned with global politics and policies than they are with improving their own lives. Don't they realize none of this shit affects them? They're gonna wake up tomorrow and go to the same shitty job they hate, eating the same shitty food that's slowly crippling their health, and then go home to the same shitty apartment they can barely afford to repeat the cycle. When they have some free time during this shitty cycle they'll virtue signal on social media because they're hiveminded egoists deriving what little satisfaction they get out of life from likes and upvotes on their posts, which are usually just reshared articles or shitty comics anyway, not even their own thoughts.

What pisses me off the most is that they'll go to bed at night thinking they're good people and that things will get better.

How do I an green card>
>tfw best years to be American

You mean 109

if they arnt granted visa's they arnt legal.

The law that obama signed and used in 2011 that trump is using is unclear about greencard holders. trump already clearified that he does not believe that the law extends to foreign nationals granted residence.

What people? What is the source?

They have to go back.

oy vey the chutzpah of this goy

Those 109 weren't turned away. They were just temporarily detained for more-thorough-than-normal processing.

you really compare chess with democracy ?
Really ?

American lives are not worth letting them in. The end. Thats all there is to it and thats all that matters.

i think we both know it's not direct you fool, everyone does it to help make a point

How could I not defend it? Trump is awesome.

I feel like I live in Israel. That's how bad it's gotten

Fuck off we're full.
Don't blame me, I voted Libertarian.
Maybe they should've snuck in from Canada.

There's a bunch of ways

Not strictly true, people were delayed or 5 hours; and if anyone gets 'turned around' isn't that just a result of 'extreme vetting'? Are you a salaried shill or nah?

His point was based on individual 'mericans voting.

> majority
> more people voted for shillary
> his argument is incorrect

Not hard