Scandinavian republic

Scandinavian national socialist republic when?


Fuckin' love NordFront. Tfw Americlap.

Ask them

Hell seger!

Uncuck yourself, goy


Oh yeah because Sweden dominating Norway and Denmark would lead to such a beautiful utopia. Sweden is as large as the other two combined.

What does the banner say

Fight megacorp and race traitors.
northern resistancemovement.

There honestly wouldn't be any difference at all, if I wanted to move to your country I could do it right now, but no thanks, seems depressing.

Finnland is the country with more books per capita than any other nation on earth.
out of the entire scandinavia, i would say i respect finnland first, then denmark then iceland, norway and then theres sweden.

Lillebror du vann på lotto du har inget annat

Fuck off, commie.
Helicopter rides for all you cunts.

Cool story, don't really care about others opinions though.

Sure what ever you orjas want
Just leave Finland out of your circlejerk

>union with Sweden
Why would i want an african country in a Scandinavian union?

Don't be butt hurt Pekka.


Can only happen if we take all voting rights away from Sweden.

Er ikke penger det står på om du vil ha en lykkelig nasjon med fred retferdighet og storhet.
Det er folkets relasjon til hverandre.

What if i told you it was possible to not have laws based on peoples behavior and how people have basic common sense and respect for one another.

In todays society every little hole there is in a nations legislation will be abused to the fullest, because people hate each other.

Uniting people under a common goal, makes peace, makes happiness, makes great nations.

For noen år siden stod vi på valg om å arrangere Olympiske leker her i norge, jeg hadde ikke mye sans for OL og syntes da de hoye summene kunne vært brukt på noe annet.
Jeg var en typisk norsk slappfisk, for de pengene kunne aldri i livet vært brukt bedre om så disse idrettsanleggene skulle stå ode etter OL.

Too be fair in all these question Sweden has been the only target by the international jews, Because if Sweden falls all fall.

Swedens cancer is the others cancer aswell.

Polis :DDD