What does Sup Forums think about this man?


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Good president, bad person.

The released transcripts from the Watergate trial are hands down the best thing to come out of his presidency though not gonna lie

Always give your best, never get discouraged. If you hate your enemies they win.

boring compared to trump



God tier

>was doing Patriot Act kinda stuff way before it was enacted

a visionary

>I will end the war in Vietnam
>Brings in draft and increases the troop numbers

Yeah, na. He's a cunt.

But he couldn't end the war.

He was a crook after all

he was good right up until he sold out US manufacturing to China

he drew down US troop strength until they couldn't operate there any more. shitty way to do it, but he did it.

He would've been a better President in '60 than '68.

“The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”

thanks for the blog post

WTF, I love Nixon now.


Nixon should have pulled out of Vietnam on his first week in office.

Good president, good man consumed by his desire for victory. He was always fairly red-pilled. His best advice to all of pol: "Never hate your enemies, because then you destroy yourself."

Gave one of the most inspiring speeches i've ever heard
A good man who made some big mistakes and had to live with them

Rest in peace trs. Adios mi general. ;_;

What a fucking retard you are...

More schools were desegregated during the first two years of Nixon's presidency than in any other period of American history, before or after.

When the buildings trade unions, who do a huge amount of business with the federal government still refused to hire blacks, Nixon introduced Affirmative Action to force them to end their racist policies, or be blocked from fed contracts.

he should have nuked North Vietnam

Yes, yes WWIII really is the solution.

Adios mi general! Adioooooos!

TRS isn't dead you nev! FTN is gone but everyone else is still running there podcasts, including the Daily Shoah. Kulture Kampf/Darwin Digest have moved to another website though.

He shouldn't have stepped down, he did nothing wrong

Nixon wasn't the racist

B. Johnson was

Its as good as dead
I cant take them seriously anymore after the enoch dox

Watergate was pussy shit compared to the shit they did later.

All in a good president, the Drug War wasn't brutal enough but at least he got the US forces out of the quagmire in 'nam.

ww3 how? Russia was going to launch on us for shit jungle they barely cared about and basically abandoned. China wasn't even have an ICBM until after we left

he fucked american industry by opening up trade with China. he knew China wasn't going to buy our shit. he sold out our jobs

Ran as a Republican, governed as a Democrat.

mostly this
>110217705 he was good right up until he sold out US manufacturing to China
and even with that he didn't fuck too much the workers, wich is good compared with Reagan

But by doing that, he cemented the Soviet-Sino break.

And by that time, the americans still think outsourcing jobs to low-skilled workers mean more free time for them.

I think every foot of galvanized fence put up here was galvanized in Vietnam, and polluting the fuck out of your shit hole country. enjoy your 70 IQ children