It's time to settle things, father

It's time to settle things, father.

Steve Bannon is Barron Trump from the future

I believe it's

>The nuclear codes, father.

cavegirls ACTIVATE
dinosaurs ACTIVATE

Not on my watch

Uncle Cruz delegates, give me them...

Leave Barron alone

Who the fuck is this creature from the depths of plastic surgery hell?

Could anyone give me a real quick run down?

He's 10. I know you morons forget this because he's so tall but fuck you. I know there are liberal shill posts because pol
As racist as it is never posted shit about obamas ugly ass daughters

the cavegirl's been captured by savages.

>Son, the moment you were born the forests of america whispered your name

>Who the fuck is this creature from the depths of plastic surgery hell?
>Could anyone give me a real quick run down?

someone give this leaf a rundown

>mfw Don is Big Boss and Barron is Liquid

Don't bother. The people posting pics of those freaks are trolls trying to provoke confusion. There is literally nothing interesting or off the ordinary about these freaks, except the fact that they look like fucking freaks.

>harnessed dark energy
>gives them power, which is stored in their cheeks and chin

>Strong ties to the French prime minister; evidence to suggest that they influence his every move, pushing for policies meant to weaken the nation's moral fabric so that they might rule over them without difficulty
>Belong to an ancient bloodline which has been associated with royalty and untold power
>Evidence which suggests that the Rothschilds are operating under their supervision
>Own DNA editing research facilities throughout the world
>Extensively funding NASA research regarding sustainable life on Mars
>Rumored to possess psychic abilities and are said to have IQs upwards of 200
>Largely believed to be in contact with alien life for
>Keep the electric car down so they can get their car based on string theory on the market
>Reptilians fear them
>Are working on several secret military projects

You just killed the thread, gipsy

that would be amazing.



Barron is taller than I am. Fuck this gay shit.


>aagh, the Bogdanoffs, they're summoning me to mount Olympus to complete my training