Why is murder illegal? it seems one of the most reasonable ways for any animal to respond to threats or aggravation

why is murder illegal? it seems one of the most reasonable ways for any animal to respond to threats or aggravation.

rather, why is any murder other than completely unprovoked, illegal? if someone were rude to me and I throat punched them, maybe other people wouldn't be so rude, so on so forth

it's illegal?
uh oh...

how easy is it to fuck jap chicks or is there too many aussie tourists there anyway for it to matter?

wanna go on vacation soon but im only going somewhere with easy pussy

>why is murder illegal?

Because if it wasn't, your mother would have strangled you the second you popped out of her womb and she realised what a mongoloid you were.

how would my mother know that without allowing me to mature to atleast toddler if not prepubescent stages considering i have no physical ailments?

The state must have a monopoly on violence in order to achieve even a minimal level of societal stability.

so basically if i could kill a man for ripping me off i have no need for big brother to take half of my pay away?

It's pretty fuckin easy mate.
Download tinder.
I was a lanklet autist virgin in japan and i still fucked a couple qts.
cool country too, so it's good all round

aight thats good, just wasnt sure how burned out they are on foreigners, i guess that wouldnt stop me hitting up asian tourists here though so idk what i was thinkin

Cause if it were legal to kill people for being cunts there'd be no one left in your convict colony, except emus and roos and a few beta chinks

yeah a lot of nips aren't into foreigners, but there are certain areas where all the gaijin hunters go for white guys.
Roppongi in Tokyo is the first one that comes to mind.

sorry for the bad news guys

Just emus and roos

we as a species made it this far only recently punishing murder with anything other than retatliation. it stands to reason that making it legal would cull and strengthen the gene pool, if i cant defend myself from an attack i dont deserve the resources

try and stop me you fucking manlet, i can pick two of your women up in each arm and they fucking love it. your entire standing army puts out less watts than one of my biceps fucking antmen.

ur bitch pussy TIGHT tho

You've never heard of the Golden Rule?

Murder is pretty much universally considered taboo and reprehensible, because most people don't want to die.

t. varg

wow, a strayan that talks like a nigger.

if you dont want to die dont do something to piss off people who can kill you, everyone didnt die in the wild west, lots of people did, but if you acted decent and kept out of trouble you were mostly fine.

good one cunt, now I'm going to make an effort to go back and fuck some more nips

>if i cant defend myself from an attack i dont deserve the resources
Worked great for Africa and Chicago so far

lol go for it man.
there are enough to go around.

feels like seperate examples there friend. Chicago has no resources, has the support of liberal cry babies, and can defend itself from local threats by means of willingness to use violence and being more armed than most they will come across. Africa as a continent is filled with resources, also prone to violence, and also propped up by liberal tears, but by comparison is very very poorly armed and could be taken with relative ease vs modern powers.

im sure the only reason america, china, or russia hasnt glassed africa is its still currently cheaper to pay them to dig it out of the ground, and as soon as a major player moved in on africa the others would get involved cause they dont want to get cucked.

but in africas case, it comes back to another point, they didnt do anything to warrant having to defend themselves yet, when the cost of taking their resources supersedes the cost of taking their continent, then they will have to defend themselves.

you're so fucking edgy dude.

yeah sure, but we have an overpopulation problem, and in the west, a feminisation of man problem. I can't see how sorting out our problems amongst ourselves without a 3rd party to baby us is an issue.

in the school yard or the football field we had an issue, threw fists, issue solved. this bred thick skin, both mentally and physically.
continue onto adulthood and we're faced with fat pudgy fucks and twigs who you could snap there legs in half without even trying.
But, thats a digression, im not curious for reasons of eugenics and evolution going backwards, im curious why it was instituted that murder and violence are illegal when theyre natural reactions to stimuli. people, women, scream and holler when men fight, but thats the natural response to the situation. someone coming up, slapping ur ass and kissing ur woman shouldn't be met with a swift phone call to the cops, it should be met with a swift fist to the face.

I can agree with you there but you went from legalising murder to having a spine.

much respect Sup Forumsbro, from phone poster

i know its outlandish, but i just draw having a spin out to its utmost limit. If I wish to use lethal force to an external stimuli, so be it, whomever did such a thing to set me off better be prepared to deal with it, or not be a tosser to start with.

ofc this comes from a reasonably level headed person, i do know the kind of man who would kill you for looking at him if he wouldnt get locked up for it.. perhaps thats the reason we just make it illegal.
For every man who killed someone trying to rape his daughter, 10 would kill a man for looking at them too long.
I guess that leads into eugenics again because if you cant go toe to toe why do you deserve to breed, but thats another level of edge.

Have a good day ameribro

Well you see, if killing people was legal you'd be pretty high on my list because you piss me off alright. Probably do a lot of people, I don't think you'd like that world.

At the end of the day society has already come to a consensus about when killing someone is justified, and the answer is, pretty much never, cause people vastly prefer to live in a world where nobody has to fear for their life every second. The laws that are in place everywhere on the entire planet are just a reflection of that consensus, nobody ever sat down and "decided" it.

Now keep on having your wet teenager fantasies about pulling a gun on random people because they call you names in high school

Because of interpretation. If all it took was a perception of rude to justify murder, there would not be a society, and there would not be a human race. Murder would devolve us back into animals as survival became the primary life goal instead of self-directed evolving that is being attempted now. Hell, I find your inane post annoying, I wouldn't get out of the car to curb stomp you. I'd just run you down and move on with my day.

t. A genuine autist

Because if the state doesn't control violence (its primary justice method) then it allows competition to grow domestically, thus undermining its sovereignty.

yeah thats the conclusion i came to in this post i think youre right, from what ive observed in other animals escalation of violence seems to follow a pretty linear path, but humans can turn into rage machines at the drop of a hat.

im fairly confident i would manage to survive most attempts on my life discounting firearms. i live in a place with no guns and all violence ive participated in has been fists. dont project some weird reasoning for my curiosity thanks

>dont project some weird reasoning for my curiosity thanks

Don't tell me what to do, turbo autist.

>"I just went 'ever wondered why killing people is illegal' and they call me out on being a weird fuck waah waah"

typical germany, just accepting whatever is served out to you, take some more refugee dick cunt. ill be over here with my question everything populace putting them all in detention centers.

If we could Righties would have died out 5 years ago

There you have the core of why murder is illegal. But, It's easier for the general population whom have a conscience to leave the messy job of social control (ie, 10 warning shots in the back) to a central organization.

Well, yes. And that most of society would want the taboo task of murder handled by "trained" professionals.

If the weakest link was culled over and over you would end up with a tribe of Arnold Schwarzenegger's who would spend their days fucking nubile virgins on a throne of skulls made from their enemies. Meanwhile the weaker scientists would develop their only weapon, intelligence. Eventually they would develop guns, tanks etc and in the end nuclear bombs. Now here is why it's nice that murder is illegal. You don't want a man with a nuke to feel that it is right to nuke the everliving shit out of some chink just because he spammed your fur thread with spooderman. Because nuclear fallout is not cool, period. Look what happened to the japs. Their men are addicted to body pillows and their country is struggling to repopulate their stagnating population. If murder is wrong and socially shunned and punished as a capitol offense it creates an incentive to not push the button that ends us all.

i think your longterm evolution example is good, we'd end up back where we were because scrawny cunts would still have to defend themselves, good thinking friend

Because eternal blood feuds are not conducive to a well ordered society, nig.

yeah but im a labourer so all im good at is lifting heavy shit, fighting cunts and sinking piss. itd be more fun

yeah, fucking gubmint forcing upon us this most evil of mandates, it is VERBOTEN to kill my fellow men, and VERBOTEN for him to kill me, ridiculous, what a terrible world we live in

you should just kill yourself and show the world what you think of that stupid policy

one third of murderers spend less than 10 years in jail.

Murder is not such a big deal. you can get as much time for carrying illegal weapons, tax evasion, rape, sex with a minor.

we'll see how you feel when you finally start a family and jamal rapes your two little daughters, you catch him, but you dont even kill him you just break a few bones. he gets 2 months probation and you get 10 years for battery and hate crimes

this thread is an embarrassment of monumental proportion.

It isn't illegal, merely licensed.

Cops, doctors, military personnel. Quite a lot of people we sanction to kill.

Well I mean if you just randomly killed someone because they walked into you and you said they provoked it or threatened your life, I'd get a strong 'psychopathic influenced laws to get away with murder being thrown out the unregulated door of legislation' kind of taste.

As opposed to making it legal for him to do that?

it's crazy. whenever i'm talking to an uppity low test beta or whatever, i often feel like i need to remind them that i could kill them on the spot and nobody would be able to stop me. having a nice respectful conversation with somebody who i feel like would put up a good fight is always more pleasant. too many of these faggots nowadays dont know their place. i think it's at least partly because of overpopulation

Because you wouldn't post here anymore, hurt feelings are not reason to kill someone Ahmed.

this of course only applies to whites. niggers have no innate sense of respect for anything

Murder by definition is an unjust killing.
Also, there's a thing called porportionality, which means you're entitled to retaliate, but not in a manner such a manner that is unreasonable. (e.g. killing a man for talking shit)

It's illegal because you touch yourself at night.

It's more of a cultural problem really. If we apply Sun Tzu's logic of chain of command in an army (which is structured in similar ways to our educational system, academic, social and cultural) we can draw some interesting conclusions. "If words of command are not clear and distinct, if orders are not thoroughly understood, then the general is to blame" --> Government & Laws. "But if his orders are clear and the soldiers nevertheless disobey, then it is the fault of their officers" --> Moral and basic social guiding from parents/community+formal education from schools. Somewhere along the American chain of cultural education there is a missing piece. Somebody fucked up. And as a result you have acquired brain-dead citizens, incapable of either a higher chain of logic or a severely broken understanding of social concepts. Fix the chain or reap what you sow.

It always tickles me how everything we say about niggers in relation to whites is true of whites in relation to asians.

BWC Bix nood pay muh taxes

can't argue that senpai. except for the whole "white people have jobs" thing. otherwise yeah pretty much.