Wake up

>wake up
>Trump is still President and just doesn't give a fuck

What did we do to deserve the best timeline?

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we had to endure everything that led to it.
we deserve it



liberals go full retard 9 days in

we made it 8 years


I regret voting for him, he's a child-like idiot

anyone else feeling regret?



1 post by this ID

How you think things are going in the timeline where Hillary won?

>best timeline
>not having a 1000 year reich
>judaism still exists

yeah no


fucking this

Fuck off you keep posting this in every thread

Thank you for CREWrrecting the record.

What is SHAREBLUE? I would like to know more.

>best timeline
>women have the vote
You people think small.

>01/31/17(Tue)07:18:11 No.110228846
really puts things in perspective.


>What did we do to deserve the best timeline?

God has taken mercy on the white race.

soon mate.

Trump has no reason to give a fuck. in the normal dimension, he would just be the funny tweeter from The Apprentice. he's somehow managed to stumble on ownership of the White House... he's not going to be a Barack Obama, thinking about how his period as President will be seen in the corridors of history, from day 1. he's there to fuck the establishment up, and get back to The Apprentice in 2020 or 2024.

he's going to be in Primary mode for his entire run.

>not going to be an obama
obama will only be remembered for being the first black president, even the democrats have said that. he has no legacy, he failed to do anything good or anything he promised about "hope" and bringing back the american dream.

Trump will be remembered as one of the greatest presidents of all time. He's already changed so many big things and delivered on all his promises, that the people want.