Daily reminder

Daily reminder

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Keep signing, that's a good goy, Donald.

do liberals think that jews aren't allowed in the whitehouse?

The funniest thing about this is if people and the media scrutinised Obama in the same way they are now doing to Trump they would not be in this mess and Trump would not be needed.

Proofs pls

this is true. Oblather dropped 26,000 bombs on those 7 countries last year and not one protest.

but muh ban!

Daily reminder: You are working for pedos.



Mwahaha! Beat me to it!

That cat looks like a boss.

I really think Trump is doing this "definitely not illegal but very shady" shit to try to generate adversaries for midterms and the next presidential election. I know he has plenty of obstruction going on, but I mean real enemies, like Ken Starr to Bill Clinton. Clinton's popularity skyrocketed because of that shit. And I mean, it'd be really easy for Trump to just not do that shit.

Accuse me of buying into the 1488 dimensional chess all you want, but Trump has shown time and again that he is very deliberate, even when it looks like he's being random and crazy.

Calculated chaos

Modern Ghandi will succeed where Hitler failed

Do you think they know the secret?

>Doesn't cite what law they're referencing
Failed to activate my almonds.

This is just like the "Countries Trump has business interests in" claim where they don't bother to state what businesses or what interests.

friendly reminder that the left uses the phrase "legal loophole" to demonise things that are legal and frame them as being illicit

What is the secret?
tell me burger


I hate the word "loophole". It implies someone is going against the intent of a law.

The thing is, intent is meaningless. The law is represented by a blindfolded woman holding scales. Who is anyone to interpret intent of the law? That's why you go to school for 20 billion years to become a lawyer. So you can decipher any ways the law will be read and make sure you write a law that people can't skirt around. And if you fail, you will have to write another law. Not some armchair fags saying "w-well the writer meant......"

Really chaps my ass when they use that argument on the Second Amendment.

>Really chaps my ass

ctr is back
there called shareblue now

only rural and suburban retards voted for trump

Give me a quick rundown.

search(Final Judgment: The missing link)

Media Matters? What a terrible name.
More like a bunch of Media Shitters

look at ctr
trying to fit in

I didn't start the day as CTR but, Kek says it is and so i am now CTR.

He's playing the 24hr media cycle exactly how it should be played - by creating a narrative. A strong narrative needs ups and downs, the hero needs a fatal flaw to overcome, etc.

By keeping up the pace he is he's controlling the media because they simply don't have the time or resources to adequately analyse everything he does. It all gets lost in the noise.

Arguably he'all put in place all his "unpopular" policies as quickly as possible so he can focus on the positive part of his plan and message leading into the midterms. If the media continues to focus on the negative things he's done early on it'll reinforce the message they're partisan hacks and people will once again root for the underdog.

Ironically, this means the most damage the media can do to Trump is by reporting on him fairly so they regain the trust of the masses. Since that won't happen he'all most likely dominate into the midterms, help pick up significant number of senate seats and be in a prime position leading into 2020.

I used To think he was playing it by ear and just had great instincts. More and more I think he's done everything deliberately since he first started on Obama about the birth certificate.

Trump's not creating the narrative


What's wrong with a guy standing next to Trump?

Why are liberals so fucking retarded?