So apparently a bunch of German social democratic faggots that like this Schulz cock sucker started a reddit page...

So apparently a bunch of German social democratic faggots that like this Schulz cock sucker started a reddit page called /r/the_schulz .

They're 1 to 1 copying our memes in order to get Schulz elected as Germany next and last chancellor.

They are actually gaining momentum.

So... do we raid the shit our of them or start some /r/the_frauke shit in order to work against them?

Other urls found in this thread:

That shit feels so "artificial" and cringe-wordy.

Reddit is a mess now btw.

so it's proven further that gommunist can only copy not innovate

It was an ironic ploy, set up by German commies to swamp the new filter on reddit and push out the_Donald posts. But they gave up when the_Donald was effectivly quarantined and the truck slammed into the xmas market. They are only active now because Schultz will face off against Merkel.

As if somebody gives a fuck about Schulz

we just need to meme harder!

He will turn Germany into a fucking wasteland

this is too much cringe.
Let's just way till they're bored with it.

It's a difference to actually meme a politician who is meme worthy than to just pump out half-assed copies of Trump memes.

Forced meme is forced.

+ I have the feeling that this is started by some CTR-like group initiated by the SPD (Social Democrats in Germoney).
I guess they are well aware of the psychological effects stuff like this has.
(This is essentially just propaganda.)

Why stop Schulz from being elected? If he's going to finally ruin Germany for good, we definitely want him in.

The collapse of Germany will be the wakeup call Europe needs. You are to be martyrs, Germabros.

I came across this place few days after its creation. The place had immediately 500 subs and kept increasing in linear fashion for a few days then abruptly stopped, a total astroturf mess from the beginning, see below

>Reddit is a mess now btw.
get out

Cringe, they will fail

I went to check it out becuase I heard David Brick is spamming the site with anti-Trump content, holy shit it is incredible, all subplebbits, even the non-political ones are being spammed kek

>reddit is a mess
>not germany


Wie originell.

forced memes don't work. best response is just keep memeing organically. If your memes mock them, so be it. if they ignore them, even better.


>hey vsauce, michael here


Wew. Good thing he doesn't believe in copyright law as principle.

>get bored

They won't. The unpaid ones will push him as a counter balance to nationalist sentiment. The rest are literally paid to astroturf his campaign.

Have you learned nothing here?

The cringe. The good goyim.

Forced memes do work but not as intended. The left works from a very limited politically correct framework, so their memes will backfire when chaos ensues and they have to shut it down.

Nobody noticed that OP is a nigger lover? Close your "blacked" tab nigger lover!!!

Is this meta?
Are they mocking the idea of stealing the memes and it is actually a critique of Schulzcucks?

Threadly reminder that 99% of those accounts were made on the same day as the subreddit

Perfect example of a payed Schulzbot. Account went unused for two years, but started posting pro- Schulz and anti- Trump material since last week. What do you think, do they get payed more than Clintons CTR?

>They are actually gaining momentum.

And that's when I knew you were a psy op.

it's intentional

Germany is broken but Trump will fix it.

>our memes
Posting content of someone else does not make it yours. Unless you're the original creator, it doesn't make any difference if something is posted on site A or site B.

Are you just pretending to be retarded?

I don't speak Germany but this looks like a parody. His face is almost directly opposite of Trump's, memetically speaking.



This is how you know lefty ideologies are utter failures. They can't generate anything new, so they steal.

Time to cointel this shit up and shoah (((Schulz))).

>I want to check it out

I saw this over a month ago and tried posting it here but it got no attention


>European German patriots

every time they try to copy memes they fail miserably
I remember their #dankemerkel from #thanksobama
since merkel fucked up seriously it backfired rapidly and wasn't taken ironic at all

the few normies still there wont be able to handle it


the german state is evil an can only exist in the context of an EU subordinate

theyre copying what we DID. not what we do. we have the upper hand

Have you seen that pathetic Schulz thread? It is exactly like CTR rhethoric, word for word. Just ignore and sage those threads, there will probably be more. They are nothing more than those communism general raid threads.

it's like every circle jerk ever, they don't gain momentum, they just assemble because it's new.
Why even care? That fag can't pass as anything but a filthy lying kike.

I already got an idea to destroy the cuck. Check his picture on the front page of the sub. Change MEGA to MEGA KEK then plaster it all over the sub

Why not just creat as much cring as posible and spam the board with low quality memes and dilute the content?