Why are right wingers so easily manipulated?

Why are right wingers so easily manipulated?

Most of them think terrorism actually poses a risk to them, when you are literally more likely to be struck by lightning.


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[population of the US]*0.00003 = A reason good enough to ban immigration.

From a beans on toast faggot, id assume youd be worried that your country is turning into pakistan?

its not always about me. i like to think about the people around me. 1 person dying on american soil because of a muslim is 1 person too many

The probability of dying by a gunshot is 0.000000066% but the left still wants to ban them.

>foreign born terrorist
that doesn't even count domestic terrorism by ethnics.
Needless to say, lightning is something that cannot be controlled; immigration and population can.

Fuck off op

That settles that.
I'm never gambling with a European.

"If there is even a slight chance that it could happen we must treat it like it absolutely will happen" - Bateman vs superman

1 post by this id

whats the chance to die in mass shooting?

Look at Countries with higher Muslim populations like Germany, France, and Sweden. They're turning into Third World Shit holes. We don't want it over here. How can the left be so easily manipulated? The only reason why Liberal Politicians want them here is so they can get future votes from them. Why won't they bring in Refugees from South Africa?

>unlikely to be struck by lightning
>so I'll walk around in a field carrying a piece of sheet metal what could go wrong?


Nice fake statistic.

I expected nothing more of a right winger, and you probably accuse the left of "fake news".

>Gun violence results in thousands of deaths and injuries in the United States annually. In 2013, there were 73,505 nonfatal firearm injuries (23.2 injuries per 100,000 U.S. citizens), and 33,636 deaths due to "injury by firearms" (10.6 deaths per 100,000 U.S. citizens).

Hypocrisy at its finest.

Well if the chance of merely dying by a gunshot is 0.000000066% then the chance of dying in a mass shooting must be 0.0000000001% or so.

thats a high enough percentage for me

> t. ShareBlue

Why not aim for lower?

Even if thousands of refugees can be saved they are not worth one Anglo/ European life.

Your chance of succeeding -> 0.000000%

The problem is we assume shitskins and whites have the same voting weight and logic.

Let's see how warm the left is to importing shitskins when they have no voting rights.

Boy, they really like those made up statistical odds

remember when they said hillary had a 99.99999% chance to win

>Why are right wingers so easily manipulated?
People on the right and the left vote based on their emotional needs, not the actual issues.
When we're really lucky, we get a President that appeals to people's emotional needs, AND makes a good President.
Obama was one, Eisenhower another. Probably FDR too.
Definitely NOT Trump, Carter, Reagan, GWB. Probably not Kennedy either.

Now, what is the chance of a second generation terrorist, user?

Because second and third gen immigrants from shitstain countries (islamic) are much worse than their parents.

You have to think like, dare I say it, you're playing 4D chess.

>non-zero chance
Good enough for me.

>Why are right wingers so easily manipulated?

We currently have international outrage against a 7country travel-ban designed to last 3-4 months.

When Obongo bombed these countries, nobody batted an eye.

It's not even a muslim ban, its a seven country travel-ban. But based on how people are acting, you'd think Trump had opened a fucking death-camp.
This is called propaganda, and OP is a paid shill.

Sage goes in every field.

2/10. Made me reply.

There are things that cause infinitely more deaths like guns, cars, alcohol etc that can be controlled but right wingers are silent when it comes to them. Only when it's people they can look down on to feel all comfy and superior. Pathetic.

Foreign born, add 1st generation aswell please.

>including suicides


the highest probability of dying by gunfire in the USA is 0.00003%

They're not even trying to be subtle.

>lightning is something that cannot be controlled
>leaf education

Give up lad.

The retards here neither want nor deserve the truth.

>33,636 deaths due to "injury by firearms"
Includes like 23,000 death by suicide -> 10,000 killed by firearms (still includes the people that clean their weapon and forgot it still had a bullet in it)

73,000/400000000 = 0.0001825

do you even math

>let's stand on top of a tall building to increase our chances of being struck by lightning lads!

Better idea. You should do a flip faggot.

>suicides and criminals with illegally obtained weapons

fake news

>look at how many gun deaths athere are!!1!!

>most are suicides


pic related

also fake news and consider suicide


So better not create a few more generations of people even more likely to kill you?

Also what is the chance to die to cancer? If it is equally low does that mean nobody should try curing that?

Now look at how many of those deaths are suicide and black on black gang violence. If you want to do something about gun deaths then do something about mental health and the inner cities

0.000000066% =/= 0.0001825

Common core working its magic I see.

That's why the anti immigration based on terrorism goes nowhere. Terror is not the only reason we don't want them here.

Thats 9,567 Americans dying in an attack by a foreign-born terrorist

banning muslims isnt about terrorism, it's about the kind of society you want your children to grow in. who you let in today defines the society you'll have in 10-20 years

Conservative politics in america is about selling doom&gloom 24/7, just listen alex jones or browse breibart.

OBAMA and FDR good presidents? Oh, you still have a lot to learn little shill. Go back to the shill bootcamp, you are still not ready!

The chance of getting attacked by a shark in the wild is just as low but you don't see people dumping a dozen bull sharks in their swimming pools then diving in with them.

>A reason good enough to ban immigration.
Even the 9/11 terrorists (Saudis) weren't immigrants.
Only the Boston Marathon bombers were.
And they were from Russia and Kazakhstan, NOT any of Trump's 7 banned countries.

Oh, and 0.00003% is 0.0000003 * [population of US] (you forgot to account for two decimal places).

>less than 1%
>doesn't see the point

0.00003% is too damn high!

haha you are more likely to die from X then Y so why do you want to decrease your chances of dying from X you fucking idiot??


Me going for a drive increases your chance of me hitting you and killing you.

Should we ban going for a drive then? By the logic of that retarded meme, we should

Great rebuttle......

>guns, cars, alcohol etc that can be controlled but right wingers are silent when it comes to them

In what world do you live in where right wing extremists are silent about guns and alcohol? You didn't even mention drugs, and cars is a retarded argument that I'm not even going to address lol

>take back social media

They already own it. Conservatives were banned simply for being conservative.

So a % of less than 1 is irrelevant? Refer to the OP image.

You just got fucking destroyed.

>attacked by a shark
The chances of being killed by a cow are MUCH higher, but we don't ban cows.

how does this make guns any less dangerous?

I was thinking of comparisons like this recently.

They say you're more likely to die in a car crash than in an airplane crash.
Sounds reassuring but that can't be right considering how the amount of car trips a day vastly outnumber the amount of flights per day.

Funny how all of these statistics ignore the attacks that weren't successful or were stopped due to law enforcement and security personnel. Just because they were prevented doesn't mean they shouldn't factor in to these stats if you actually care about public safety and not spreading Islam.

see: The probability of dying by gunfire in the US is about the same as the probability as dying by a terrorist. Both negligibly small.

Fuck off

Trump had a 1.7% chance of winning the election.

So.....fuck the 0.00003%?

I thought CNN was for minority!

Next time read what the ban actually does.

right wing retards scare easily

they spend all day shitting their pants

Is that article in your picture real? I searched for it a bit, but I couldn't find it. That's not to say that I don't agree with what you wrote, but I don't want to save and use it if it's not really an article that was published.

Are you pretending to be retarded?

If we let them in would rape and murder count as an terrorist attack?


triggered the shit out of me. Life altering injuries ensue.
Boston bombings and all that ensued, 6 total deaths.
280 injuries.

Because I care for others as well? Just because it might not be ME doesn't mean it can't be someone else.

Well, they were in favor of banning guns when the chance was lower then that.

>its the same

citation needed

the difference is in a lightning storm a right winger is smart enough to go indoors. a lefty will stay outside and deny that its dangerous.

even discounting deaths the damages both psychical and otherwise from terror attacks are crippling.

>oh you got an arm blown off?
it's fine you didn't die right?
>they blew up a power plant?
live in the dark and don't be a bigot.

so about 100 americans will be killed per year from terrorism?

libs are ok with this?

Why are you so ignorant to reality, leftist?

Is that why the suicide rate doubled in the US after the election?

We are talking about the probability of a person dying from gunfire. Including suicides in the calculation is fucking retarded. Guns are dangerous, just like knives and baseball bats and cars and trucks are dangerous.


not really, explain please

>The probability of dying by gunfire in the US is about the same as the probability as dying by a terrorist. Both negligibly small.

Actually the probability of dying by gunfire is many times hire. Them being "negligible" is your opinion, and that's fine but it proves the thread image.

Well that is 0.00003% more that needed.

>there's nothing wrong in polluting your countries with third-world shitskins
gee, I wonder who could be behind this post

>Thats 9,567 Americans dying in an attack by a foreign-born terrorist
pic related except for math.

This as well, 49 killed in Orlando, but 53 injured that aren't counted in the statistic

Cows provide milk, meat, and leather. We have something to gain from not banning cows. What do we have to gain from Muslims?

Because if they really wanted to kill themselves they would find a way even if they didn't have a gun. It's like saying how does that make rope any less dangerous

>Next time read what the ban actually does.

>shitting on Fox

Fox is the only trustworthy news channel out there. They don't shit on Trump like (((CNN))) does.

>if it doesn't happen to me then it is fine
the apathetic left in true form

Don't ever go for a drive then if you care about other people. Driving causes hundreds of thousands of deaths a year.

>Most of them think terrorism actually poses a risk to them, when you are literally more likely to be struck by lightning.
this is the same as saying that you should eat random mushrooms you find in the forest, since only very few of them are actually poisonous

just because something is a low-level threat, doesn't mean we should make the threat more real before we wake up from our liberal slumber and scream bloody murder. Might be too late then and we'd be cucked by Sharia's law then.


Deaths by firearms: 10,945
3.4/100,000 = 0.000034%

That's basically the same as the % given in the OP.

Should be Zero. Absolute zero. we should -not- accept terrorist attacks on the soil which we were born.

So fuck off, ahmed.

CNN should be shut down.

No it isn't you fucking moron, it's only higher if you include suicides in the calculation.

bombings and peace

But then how will there be diversity

u retards just make shit up