Stop replying to shill threads

Stop replying to CTR, JIDF, JEWCREW THREADS.

Stop replying to muh I wish I didn't vote trump.

Stop replying to (((neocon))) Anon5.

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm not familiar with this meme, can someone give me a quick roundown?

no, fuck off shill

This man is Varg "get your hands out of your pants or you'll feel my self-defense" Vikernes and he tells you to stop doing things that'll prevent you from living the völkisch way, as you're supposed to.

Are the HWNDU thread a part of ther plan to invade /pol ?

I mean those thread are full of 9gager and r/dditor

It is the biggest influx of normies since a long time

I mean HWNDU is worst than CREW or they are the same .

Trump will be impeached
Stop supporting Donald Trump
Report Donald Trump to your local authorities, he's a thief, a rapist and a liar
He'll sell the US to Israel and to the establishment

What's wrong with anon5? He makes some good points, but sure, he's vague. I'm still not sure whether he's legit or a larp'er, but he gets a lot of hate I don't think he deserves.

Go over his points and how he makes them.

He uses Jew techniques to push Jew agenda.

I'll take a look again then. Thanks user

HWNDU bringing normies into red pill firing range

Normies coming to Sup Forums now with the media coverage.

The Jews don't want them to get red pilled, that's what CREW is for, that's what Anon5 is for.

Former Alien here, not gonna lie. This is fucking hilarious watching Alpaha Centauri crash and burn.
But in all seriousness, we cant let the Nazis on the dark side of the moon let get hands on the Proton-ciclefiyer.

No way we can't let that happen can't be distracted by space Jews!!!!

Gotta find Bigfoot.

>be distracted by space Jews!!!!
But i didnt mention any space jews!?
What are you talking about?

Destroying shill threads is half the fun around here. Don't be a faggot, OP.

((((Jew power is a conspiracy, goy)))


Jew spotted.

Dare i say it, are you an antisemite by any chance? Just asking for a friend..

>when varg gives good advice

Buckle up motherfuckers the meme war's back on.


>word for Jews to hide behind.

>(((Faulty))) Benghazi reporting

>>word for Jews to hide behind.
thats racist, reported to SPLC

>not all Semites Jew, not all Jews Semite
>silence opposition without calling attn to yourself

Who gives you little bigot?
I have this thread screencaped yo.
your done.

hence the filename
It's going to be like this for 8 years unless Trump can shut these cunts down or somehow prevent them from meddling in US news media.

Still can't figure out if your serious Ivan.

Are you calling me antisemite?

First of all fuck Clinton and jews
second fuck off stormfags and take Trump with you, he's the worst president we will ever have except maybe Taft.

you will never know,
im not IVAN btw, its proxy brah
braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap brap

What is you rationale for this ?

Are you trying to mischaracterize red pilled anons

You have to be this old to post on Sup Forums

Yeah I figured that, CTR-speak gave you away but you were so stupid I thought you were joking

Still think you might be

Reply but sage so that pollacks of a weaker mental firmament don't start to doubt themselves and their believes.

>on Sup Forums
>Yeah I figured that, CTR-speak gave you away but you were so stupid I thought you were joking

Is this the Jew who called me anti Semite, or was there a shift change

>Is this the Jew who called me anti Semite