Hey Sup Forums, just wondering why some of you hate EVERY person of certain races/religions...

hey Sup Forums, just wondering why some of you hate EVERY person of certain races/religions. how can you judge someone you don't know? looking for real answers as i'm trying to understand that mindset i guess. if one grape is bad out of the bunch must they all be bad? i will wait in my corn fort untill i get a real intelligent conversation going, as the last thread i had no one would actually interface with me

post a pic of yourself and then we talk.

why does how i look have anything to do with this? the only way to understand an opinion is to ask, and that is what i'm doing. i'm white if that helps.

here i am i guess. and no im not some sjw snowflake idiot


>why some of you hate EVERY person of certain races/religions
Because as white males, we are simply inherently superior to such subhuman scum

As a white man, I am better than women and nonwhites who are barely conscious


how are we superior though? what about having a different skin colour makes us better than anyone else?

The other races started encroaching on our territory and culture. Its no longer about fairness logic or being a good person.

Were going to dominate minorities...

see my ancestors as white and they created everything while nonwhites were nothing but barbaric savages who flung shit at each other, while the blood of white innovators, artists, philosophers, and kings runs through me.





So there are no innovators, good artists, philosophers, or kings that are non white?

I hate those that prove themselves to be of the type I despise of their particular group. I hate niggers, not black men. I hate spics, not mexicans, I hate gooks, not asians.

Blacks have a very high percentage of niggers in the population though. Mexicans have a large number of spics. Asians have some gooks in the bunch, usually in China or such. Most of these types share the trait of being unable to think for themselves or having any aspirations beside materialistic ones.

Take Muslims. Is every Muslim violent of course not. I'm sure many of them are great people but I can't find a single instance where you increase the amount of Muslims in an area without the violence going up dramatically and then it just turns into a no go zone. Islam DOES NOT INTEGRATE so I want as few Muslims in my area as possible preferably none. I don't want my town turned into a Muslim shit hole


And that makes me INHERENTLY SUPERIOR to such scum like woman and nonwhites

I am a philosopher
I am a king
I am white aristocracy
I am an innovator
I create masterpieces

Because I'm white

Vantage point...

Do you philosophize with a sniper while hes looking at you from his scope?



I don't. I just hate having them here.

isn't that just a personal opinion, though?

If a minority group commit the majority of the crimes than why should you not be on edge around a minority you don't know.

stop remaking failed threads

it is bananas, not corn, you shit-gobbling autists





how am i a snowflake? i'm just trying to understand a point of view i don't have. have i decried anyone yet? no.

Hey, I'm black
>Commits murder
You see, I'm just like you
>Rapes a white woman
Why do you have to judge me?
>Scores 85 in an IQ test
Lets be friends
>Takes welfare

can you link me to these facts?

Because if the minorities think you're on edge it makes them angry because they think you are racist. Then they beat you up and take your wallet. If you hug them and tell them you're equal to them then all will go well and they will respect you. That's totally how it works.

Thanks for healing my heart...

Now Die....

dude i don't like anyone who murders or rapes anyone, no matter the race.

see history, who created everything? The white man like me. I created everything. It runs through my veins, while inferior shits like women and nonwhites did nothing

is that why i have black friends studying at UW Madison to become brain surgeons?

Neither do I, so fuck off nigger

Wut About Sports!

White Men Cant Jump!

So if you had a poor white community and a poor black community and you had to bet everything you owned on which community was less violent you know which one you would pick. You may deny it here but if you really had to put the money down you know what your choice would be.......

Look at me mama, I be dun operatin' on dem brains, I be a real mufagga now

only because of affirmative action and discrimination against whites. There is no way those niggers are as smart as a white male.

They will kill more people than they'll save because their minds are inferior and they'll invariably succumb to savagery and rape

Would you trust your daughter to be anaesthesized with a black doctor alone? Thought not.

Ah yes I forgot society takes on the characteristics of its exceptions

Reminder to sage and ignore all shill and plebbit threads

Du er det værste stykke lort, jeg har fundet herinde.

voodoo doctors are da best.

natural medicine works

are YOU a brain surgeon?

easy, we don't try a second grape after the first bad one because we know where to get grapes that are always good.

You idiot of course there are some black people who are smarter than some white people. But you're right about affirmative action if they did away with that the number of blacks in college would drop like a stone because on average they're way less intelligent.

>t. Achmed Mohamed Ali Kebab

Fuck off out of my WHITE country. You respect women and nonwhites? Fuck off with this plebbit shit. THERE IS NO EQUALITY, ONLY THE WHITE MAN DOMINATING INFERIOR RACES

Let's say I were. Then I wouldn't rape or kill as many as nigger surgeons. Because my mind would be better programmed to intellectual tasks

>corn fort
Literally a fort of bananas. The only race I hate through and through are niggers. Nothing worse than the black demon.

Want to find out nigger lover?

i mean is that based in fact? can you link me to any scientific writings proving this?

oh shit i guess i didn't realize they were bananas

See Western civilization and Africa, you dumb RETARD


>how can you judge someone you don't know?

Like this:

You're a fag.

Your anecdotal evidence is not admissible as evidence in this argument.

Get fucked, faggot.


is that why you have the same organs and nervous system as blacks/asians/mexicans?

Same brain and mind though? Not a chance. My brain is simply better and bigger.

>whites think they are a maority in the whole world

its made out of the same cells and everything is exactly the same

i know right? Asians are the majority

Then why Africa shit and me and my forefathers are superior in all things?

You can see half the torso moving at the end there. Daaymn

Do all breeds of dogs have the same intelligence? No intelligence is without a doubt HEAVILY influenced by genetics with education also playing a role but you can't educate a 70 IQ person to the same level as someone with 100 IQ

If whites are so superior then why did they let in hordes of shitskins in Europe? Don't use empathy as an excuse, white ancestors had already seen the savagery of these shitskins. It's sheer stupidity to hold such empathy for these barbarians. Don't blame Americans either, after all it's your leaders that are letting in those people.

1. Det er ikke dit land.
2. Jeg respekterer medmenneskelighed ikke vederstyggelighed (kender du det ord eller snakker du nydansk?)
3. Plebbit? Smut på /r/eddit, knægt.
4. Du burde læse lidt om "den hvide mands byrde" og dets retfærdiggorelse af slaveri og imperialisme. Går du på VUC?
5. Man er ikke gemt herinde. PET har adgang til siderne, men jeg tvivler stærkt på, at de vil gore noget ved dine ytringer dog bliver det sikkert skrevet i din blåbog. Held og lykke med at blive mere end kontanthjælpsmodtager.

Fred herfra

its inevitable, the numbers don't lie, even in their own countries whites are fading, and since 80% of world population is non white, in about 50 years whites will be inexistant

its simple math, no hate

The Jews brainwashed some of the weakminded ones (women primarily and numales , i.e. low test males)

most of the reason Africa isnt as developed as Europe and america has to do with geography

Why do you use individual cases to generalize groups, OP? Use group data.

i'm not generalizing everyone, hence why i said "some of you"

meaning not everyone

>han indser ikke at jeg parodierer 'rodpille' idioter

Hvordan går det med læseforståelsen, hvide bror? Forste dag på Sup Forums?

Id fuck you in the ass
No homo

Great point you guys just broke the glass Roof... I mean ceiling...

The true reason behind the west's problems. How do we get rid of the Jewish problem once and for all? Many of the Jewish elite have their tendrils in multiple media organizations and governments.

I don't hate any other race. I just want them all to stay in their own country. I want to live in an all white nation.

Pre or Post Curb?

One of those pieces of corn is a bomb. You don't know which one of those pieces of corn is a bomb, but we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is indeed a bomb there. You are in immediate danger if you stay next to the bomb for an extended period of time.

You may stay in that corn fort as long as you feel comfortable. However, when you leave, how many pieces of those corn would you like to keep in your loved ones home? Only one of them could be the bomb, and the rest of them are good. Would you like to take 50 to distribute among the people you cherish the most in your life? How about a hundred? Bear in mind it would be racist to accept anything less than half of them.

This is why racism happens. That, and our countrymen who willfully decide to be ignorant, that causes the rest of us to be a little hyper vigilant out of the sheer absurdity of the lengths you'll go to ignore a problem.

That really makes me think

Syvende år hér.
Spog til side: Æd lort

Before I took the redpill I was a lonely virgin loser without friends and no prospects and I felt miserable.

Now -- after taking the redpill -- I'm exactly the same, but now I know that I am inherently superior to 99% of the population, i.e. if they're women, nonwhite, kikes, liberals, trannies, fags, cardigan-wearers, vegetarians, egalitarians, socialists, non-racists, sexually active people, and facebook users.

Try it

The entire board is satire. No need to debate a point.

for what reason does violence need to be used? because i disagree with you? do you need a safe space, snowflake?

Its not about hate, IQ is genetically determined, once you understand this fact and take it to the logical conclusion you stop wanting races with an inherent IQ disadvantage from entering your society, mixing with your gene pool and affecting your culture.

>dit ansigt når jeg hiver DF plakater ned

Pre preferably but post if no other choice

>> Dit ansigt når jeg er suppleant til Folketinget
>> Dit ansigt når du ikke har noget

why do we fall for jewish tricks and nigger music if we are superior?

Do you hate whites who fit that criteria? Who can't think for themselves and only have materialistic aspirations?

gotta play the percentages lad

>suppleant til Folketinget browser Sup Forums

Do you not understand medicine well? Like, legit question, how far along are you? Ask your friends studying to be doctors about why there are different medications based on race.

because they can't admit to themselves they failed at life

Shhh - Don't tell DKA

i am personally not in university right now, just go to Madison to hang out from time to time.

stfu. you're only good at childish memes

Har du en folder dedikeret til froen Pepe?

This trickles down to ease and comfort. In colder climates where white people originated they had to plan ahead for winter. Thinking ahead, planning ahead, abstract thought were important traits needed to develop for the species to survive.

In Africa, if you were hungry you could walk over and climb a tree. Have some food. Thirsty, go to a river. Want wealth, pick up the jewels at your feet even though they never quite figured that one out. The overabundance of easily obtainable resources led to no need of abstract thought or critical thinking or the need to plan ahead.

Okay, that's a retarded question, but kek blessed your ignorance, so I guess I have to explain.

We judge EVERY person of certain races as shit UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISE. This is merely a practical convention that proved itself useful over the years. The alternative is to presume you're dealing with a good guy every time until you get jewed or get your bike stolen, by when it's already too late. You can of course play the retard and claim that you don't judge people based on early and obvious clues like race or sex or smell, neither negatively nor positively, but that would be a lie.

It's not everyone. It's chance. Stereotypes exist for a reason.

In my time on earth I've learned that certain groups of people are prone to certain types of behavior.

I'm always cordial with people I don't know, so long as they reciprocate, but the naivete of trusting people just because of their manners has long passed for me.

>I am a philosopher
What are YOUR achievements?

>I am a king
of what?

>I am white aristocracy
If you are a king you are above the aristocracy.

>I am an innovator
Cool. What did YOU make?

>I create masterpieces
Cool. Can i see YOUR artwork?

You sound like a literally nigger that says "he" made something when a 1% genius black happens to make something. What are YOUR ACHIEVEMENTS? Not your daddy. Not your grandfather. Pathetic.

You said you have friends studying to be doctors. Talk to them about medicine sometime, if they've gotten past their first year. Ask them about the bullies online, who said that there are genetic and physiological differences between different races and that's just completely untrue. That people from the Phillipines do not have an average height/weight difference than people from Russia. The only possible marker of difference would be melanin content in the skin, right? Please. It's like you don't actually understand evolution.

Jeg lover dig, at næste gang jeg er på nationalt tv, så tager jeg en lille fro med.

>tfw when you scream like an autist

I am willing to die for a racial identity and the security of a white Christian nation.

I am willing to die for alot of things..

Thats simply who I am.

What are you willing to die for?