When did you realize that Antifa were the cool kids?

When did you realize that Antifa were the cool kids?

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I would square up with any Antifa GOOF senpai

antifa is for pussy white kids


When I was in high school the cool kids used to win elections


when I realized I was dreaming

>Cool kids
Did you and your fag boy friend think this thread up while sucking each other off?
The "cool kids" have never been part of the Establishment senpai and that's all antifa are liberal Establishment thugs
Here's your (you) and a reminder that antifa a just degenerates and what the status quo want you to be so they can control you



The 'cool kids' don't have any real politics, at least not publicly. They just want to smash some gash.
>t. red-pilled expopular kid



holy shit no they're getting paid to riot they're literally the opposite of what they represent. they bring shame to their entire generation. nothing says anarchy like taking money from a rich old wall street manipulator.


Super cool.

edgiest shit I've ever seen

10/10 would kick some limp necked antifa scumbag desu

Stay faggy, filthy swede.


I wait for the day when the commies and the fascists in this country wipe each other out and we can get back to 1776 American ideals, maybe without the slavery.


When Mohammad's warm, salty sperm met my tongue.

How on earth could they think this poster would make them look threatening in any way, rather than pathetic?


swede antifa related

Antifa has always been the popular cool "in" kids.

Sup Forums is literally autistic screeching edgy rejects who can't even get the band nerd girl to go to prom with them.



When I went to school there wasn't anything considered "antifa" just a few of the skater kids wore anarchy shirts.




Can I get a quick rundown on Bjorn the antifa cuck?

Activist kids of any type are specifically not getting pussy. Activists = faggots

