Why are Germans so smart, tall and goodlooking Sup Forums?

>invented letterpress
>invented the light bulb
>invented the phone
>invented the dynamo
>invented car and motorbike
>invented x-ray
>invented television
>invented the jet engine and were the first to shoot an object into space
>fighting against most of the world in ww1, still put up a good fight
>come back stronger and do even better in ww2, again against most of the world
>now 72 years after we were beaten simply by outnumbering us 4 to 1 we conquered most of europe without using weapons this time

When will you realise that we are unstoppable and finally bow to us?


>we are unstoppable

>lost two world wars

I feel like I recognized that girl from somewhere...can't quite but my finger on it...

>start 2 world wars
>kill 100 million europeans
>complain about it


>invented the phone
>invented x-ray
>invented television

nice try hanz

yet not smart enough to realise you're being genocided.


Hitler did nothing wrong

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

>still put up a good fight
That's not enough, though. Every other western empire manage to BTFOd Europe without a single "but" at some point.
Did Germany manage to beat France and England to become the world power? Checkmate, Germ.

>outnumbered 4 to 1 by states owned by the kikes
>beat poland and france in less than a month
>filthy bolsheviks didnt stand a chance, got saved by winter

Master race

Not sure about the smart part, my buddy enforced the "dumb blonde" stereotype for me.

He's tall and handsome but Christ alive is he as dumb as a board and so is his blonde girlfriend

>we invented color tv

the german civilization from 1800s-early 1900's is an awakening of philosophy comparable to athens greece with socrates and his students

Once you uncuck yourselves, we'll respect you.

Don't most Germans have Slavic / Turkish intermixing now though?

we simply didnt have the access to the atlantic ocean like france, britain and spain to become a colonial power. The few colonies we gained after the unification were stolen after ww1

Germany has too few people. There are good and bad things about it. The good thing is that Germans can't manage things long run and destroy everything, like now their own public safety. The bad thing is that Germans are obviously great in science, so we have fewer good scientists. All in all I wouldn't mind being governed by a German, as long as security issues are in polish hands, but then Germany is anyway too small to rule 38 mil people...