What's Sup Forums's genuine opinion on Martin Luther King Jr.?

What's Sup Forums's genuine opinion on Martin Luther King Jr.?

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A poor bastard that's rolling in his grave right now.

He had a dream but dindus turned it into a nightmare.

niggers killed him.
he never really invented civilization.

Nigger. Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

tried so hard
and got so far
but in the end
it doesn't even matter

What the fuck does that have to do with the thread?

Thought blacks were smart enough to actually work together and prosper.

Unwilling cohort of the Jews.


he was a great man who unfortunately was betrayed by his people. if he could see what black americans are acting like today he would probably go on a shooting spree himself.

Nigger and a charlatan

All you need to know about King



Commy plagiarizer with good intentions, but ignorant, and helped to destroy the black families and neighborhoods leading to all of the problems they have now.

Agreed, this is normally posted in shill threads to derail. This could be one too since there are not any other posts by the OP.

read a book either about him or by him a long time ago, remember one part where he said in college a white douche kid pointed a gun at him, for a while he resented white people then realized how dumb it was to do so, and went on to do all the great things he did. He dealt with legit racism, today people on campuses protest over the dumbest shit.

Great man who tried to turn the black man into respectable people, only for him to be killed and the black man to be lead by the democrats using his memory in order to ironically disenfranchise them.

>Thought blacks were smart enough to actually work together and prosper.

Which set in the false precedent that the average blacks could be like the average white. This contributed to today's racial tension and groups like BLM.


He beat his wife so he must have been a good man.

Also, I'm retarded

He could have made blacks respectable citizens, guess it's why Jews had him killed.

He's a man of good character. Sad that he could never fully fufill his dream and now we are stuck with what negro culture is today. If more blacks were like him then a good amount less burgers would be posting here.

So many famous white figures have beaten their wives

He was charismatic.

His cause was just.

He plagiarized most of his PhD at Boston University.

Neither he nor his father made a single move to change his name from Mike King to "Martin Luther" King.

The completely honest name of the holiday would be "Mike King Day".

That he was ordained? That is true so the holiday might also be called, "Reverend Mike King Day".

He often patronized white prostitutes and about half the time he beat them up.

His political mentor was a Jewish American Communist; Mike King was a student at a Communist training center and did privately describe himself as a Marxist, though officially he was a Republican.

my thoughts too.

real nigga

Treating all races equally and judging based on content of character has always been a guiding principle of mine due to the ideal he preached, and a key reason why I'm no longer a liberal.

Originally the FBI did not dislike MLK, he strayed into their sights because of his relationship with the American Jewish Communist Stanley Levison.

The FBI hated Levison like hell, and only after they had tons of research matter on him did they begin to suspect, investigate and record MLK.

99% of the American public has NO idea at all about just how close MLK and Levison were.

Levison often wrote speech material for Mike King (his real name).

>niggers killed him

wrong guy

not a troll post but why is every street named after him in each city usually in the worst part of town? What's the history behind it?

Forgot to mention:

Mike King ("MLK") also plagiarized most of his first book, Stride Towards Freedom.

A good nigger.

He was killed for speaking out against the Vietnam war, generally beginning to promote socialism in his later years, and probably accidentally naming the deep state.

Though socialism in the 60s meant closed borders so mass immigration didn't undercut union workers.

By today's standards, he's an anti-Black racist.

Conservative, man of God, pro gun rights, preached accountability and peace - seriously, what's not to like?

Communist womaniser.

Except that's not realistic. The average black is not going to be an engineer or entrepreneur.

"MLK" was shot and killed at The Lorraine Motel" in Memphis TN. It is said they kept the room in exactly the way it was on that day, but that is not quite correct:

He had spent the night with 3 white prostitutes, one of whom had been beaten up (by Mike King) and it would be a political contretemps to include likenesses of these working girls, so that detail has been pushed to the side.

But it IS the truth.

He had the potential to turn his entire demographic into hard working family oriented citizens who strive every day for a better future. Which is why the Democrats had him killed.

Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the blackest of them all? A man named King, and there ain't no doubt that he's causing lots of trouble with his baboon mouth.

Sure, but at least give the few .0001% exceptions a chance to succeed (the rest can fuck off and rot in prison though).

He's a fucking nigger. Niggers dont deserve equal rights.

Whish niggers would have a sense about bettering themselves. (All of them)

"...content of their character, not the color of their skin..."

That's very widely attributed to "MLK" and it is a fantastic clause, probably the most famous turn of words ever attributed to "MLK".

The original author of those words is Eugene Meyer.

You can always find weed on his streets.

This is why everyone hates you, Canada.

Well, well, well, lookee here! We got ourselves a nigger lover!

Doesn't mean I have to be an asshole. There are an assortment of other behavioral cues to judge people based on, even at a glance.

Furthermore, intelligence and human decency aren't totally mutually inclusive.

Not all niggers. Rip based sambo.

He was born as a nigger but almost worked his way up to gorilla status

A respectable man who's message unfortunately has been terribly misconstrued and misused by the niggers of the BLM movement and liberals as a whole. Honestly, he's lucky to be dead so he doesn't have to gaze at what his "people" have become.

Modern nigs don't deserve his legacy.

how about them gang rapes.

OOOo OOO I'm a sinner man

At least he hates communism for the atheist trash that it was and shits on shit heads for being violent.



>privately describe himself as a Marxist, though officially he was a Republican.

far too many like this.

Because America is a white country. Anyways the more intelligent are better off helping improving their poor home cpuntry. It's called brain drain, immigration doesn't just affect the host nation but also the home country. The more intelligent immigrants leave leaving nobody intelligent enough to improve the home country's situation.

They kind of are. People with around 80 IQ tend to me the most violent. The further away you get from 80 (in both directions the less violent.

I'm not being an asshole, actually I'm being generous. Black people would be ethnically, culturally, economically more comfortable in Africa, in majority black countries. Same goes to whites, asians, aboriginals.

hes a ctr bot, hes fucking posted that same line on like 15 different threads with two ids. Wheres the mods when you need them?

A dumb nigger jew controlled communist who said nothing right and did everything wrong. Segregation should still be in place and maybe then niggers would only be killing and raping each other instead of white people.

Its the worst street and school in every US city

Let's see what kek says about that.

he slept around and had crabs


He was a heretic that denied the Second Coming of Christ and went against scripture and tradition by teaching people its ok to rebel against governing authorities.

Martin Luther Coon
Needs to be wiped from the history books

The left has given up on colorblindness for a while now and now have embraced violence

The problem is all the blacks were born here, save for a few actual African immigrants. They wouldn't fit in Africa either.


>implying anyone wants to live in a 3rd world shithole with a bunch of filthy savages that would take hundred of years of eugenics and strife to fix

Also, most blacks in the US came here as slaves a few hundred years ago, just so they're more adapted to the US than they are to Africa at this point. Personally I think we should just sterilize the dumb ones or the ones with a criminal record (which really covers most of them) and leave the rest of them be, repeat this cycle over a few generations and blacks would be better, or just use genetic engineering. Too bad libcucks are against eugenics because "MUH HUMANITY N SHIEET!"

I think you have to be pretty badass for the CIA to assassinate you, so I kinda like him

This is the new copypaste

They'd be better off there than in a white country like America, Canada, or any European country. They already don't feel like they fit in here, but would eventually learn among other blacks. They'll never fully fit in in a white culture.

Authority is earned, not given

Perhaps, but it doesn't justify prejudicial action at the individual level or sweeping racially discriminatory policy (though doing so along IQ lines regardless of race is acceptable given your rationale), just discretion and subtle precaution.

They've shed sweat and blood working and defending this land (and genetically adapted to its ecology) as long as others here have, and many for far longer than others.

That would take generations, and by that time whites will have been out bred and displaced as the majority. You can convince them that it's reparations.

Look everyone, the only reasonable person on Sup Forums posted again!

I'm not predjudice on the individual level.

Yeah well they should have never been here in the first place, see the Naturalization act. Thomas Jefferson knew blacks living in America would tear the country apart.

Not as long as you really think, for one if we cut off all of the "MUH ETHICS" bullshit regulations on CRISPR we could just genetically engineer nigs in the womb to not chimp out.

Fun fact: Africans regard black Americans with suspicion, resentment, even hostility.

The awareness of degenerate ghetto culture has crossed the pond and most Africans want nothing to do with it and often frown on American blacks.

Furthermore, West Africans are still pretty butthurt about the Americo-Liberians colonizing and enslaving them, and see them as little different than Europeans in that regard.

You realize that would still take many generations, effort, and money? It's cheaper to either send them back, or give them their own homeland in America.


And a commie agitator.

Romans 13:1-7

This was MLK's dream.

This was 100% what the whole Civil Right's movement was about. Putting black kids in white schools= white genocide.

Not really, CRISPR is already in existence and it's cheap enough that an average schmuck like you or me can actually buy kits of it for $400 or so. That being said, we probably could convince a lot of blacks to leave America and go to Africa voluntarily saying "Come over to Africa, where you'll be free from whitey" or some shit like that.

His dream = your nightmare


They resent them because they're more intelligent; thanks to minimal white ancestry.

They only started tearing the country apart after cultural marxists (see: Du Bois and his (((associates)))) began manufacturing a radically separate identity and ideology to drive a wedge between whites and blacks.

Fact of the matter is, segregation was already losing traction in the south - even among whites - well before civil rights because blacks were working hard and conducting themselves civilly. Then the marxists hijacked the momentum and crashed it with no survivors.

Welfare did the rest, turning a century-long sharp upward economic and cultural trajectory into a nosedive in less than a generation.

Duh...dead nigger.

We had a civil war partly over slavery

pretty much these

he wasn't a perfect man but he tried to advance his people without resorting to rioting/looting/vandalizing/murder

Divisive communist agitator that destroyed black culture and social unity

>see coal burner with a nigger
>she's pale, ugly and overweight


> They resent them because they're more intelligent; thanks to minimal white ancestry.

That usually happens among people living in close quarters that don't mingle at all but have a tremendous disparity in economic power (Koreans and Blacks in American ghettos, Whites and Jews in Europe, Igbos and Yorubas in Nigeria).

There's not much information backing up that assertion for populations at opposite sides of the ocean.

wtf i thought interracial mariage's number in america was low as fuck

Seriously overrated compared to based Frederick Douglass and based Booker T Washington.

dirty nigger who wanted more money for them programs

>former Trump voter here
how does that work out?

A grape that has been inflated to the size of a watermelon while only wearing niggavision glasses.

(((Martin Luther King. JR ))) is one of the biggest dirty commies out there

MLK and civil rights was when the useless fucking boomers should have put the fucking foot down

Now we're stuck with their fucking mess