Red pill me on God please

Red pill me on God please.
Pic somewhat related in a metaphorical sense.

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He exists and actually does love you, remember you asked for this life.

He does indeed. Shadilay, brothers

All you need.


He is, and you are His. He loves you, and wants you to realize what He has planned for you.

You will fall short of this, excepting by His grace and glory is your only hope.

He revealed this through His son, God-in-the-flesh, Jesus Christ.

Please don't think I'm trolling, because this is honest to goodness true. I've formulated this theory over a long period of time. God has been showing me the tricks the devil is using against society. But he's showing me through weed.

There is a God
One God
He does not answer your prayers and wishes
However this should not discredit religion in your eyes, religion exists to direct people with low-IQs to a lifestyle that those with high-IQ would naturally gravitate to. Behind every sin is a sociological or biological reason why you shouldn't commit it in a secular society. We need religion because as it stands %80 of the world has an IQ under 90.

Off yourself degenerate.
I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars--I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.
>Revelation 3:9

Hitler warned us about the khazarians in the bible, he knew about them.

Personally i think that god is the collective well-wishing force of will that mankind collectively creates and resides inside them.

Egregores are nothing new and i believe that god is one and one can tap into it by believing hard enough

I believe in God,
the Father almighty,
creator of heaven and earth.

I believe in Jesus Christ,
his only Son, our Lord.
He was conceived by the
power of the Holy Spirit
and born of the Virgin Mary.
He suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried.
He descended into hell.
On the third day he rose again.
He ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again to judge
the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy Catholic Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting.


Every seed bearing plant eat of its flesh. Perhaps it was used as a seasoning to help with communication with God? I feel like if I look for Him while high, I can see more clearly His messages.

Tell him I only like him as a friend

You don't need to believe in a religion just a god or a higher power to yourself. This can be justified through logic as well.

What makes your God, only popular for the last 2k years (old testament god is clearly a different character, acts differently) in very small parts of humanity as a whole, the correct God? Why do you have to keep changing the rules to make your God exist?

I don't mind christians but damn this thread made me cringe

Such experiential things can help you to consider ideas you haven't before. (I don't recommend drugs, though.) But at some point, you'll need a different source for reliable info. Try reading a couple of chapters of the Bible every day.

blind faith is bad man. Toke and search for God, but don't rely on it. You won't be able to channel divinity for artistic inspiration if you're out of your mind 24/7

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Don't be fooled by what Islam claims to be, realize what it really is. Take the final redpill Sup Forums its not that hard to swallow, open your eyes

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gimme some bumps user, this is an important redpill

>If God is so powerful can he create an object he cannot move?

Imagine being connected neurologically to every being in existence. You experience what they experience, feel their pain, love, sadness, you name it. You create a species of animal that is greater than the others, you give it the ability to think for itself. It does, and it multiplies like crazy. It builds empires and grows in depravity. It comes to a point where all you see and feel from them is hate and pain. You wash them all away and start a new.

Thousands of years go by and now they have risen to the point again where they cry out to you, not in love of despair, but in anger and hate. You can feel their hate for you, you can experience it first hand. Instead of washing them away, you give them what they want. A world without a God, a universe where you do not exist. Only chaos, heat searching for equilibrium with space, energy dissipating in a billion different directions.

If God does not exist, then perhaps we are in a timeline that he chose to leave. If he does exist, then we are to live like we are his only way to interact with the world, to show love, happiness and peace.

this is beautiful user


The mall mannequin hand is representative of Satan using society to drag us down. I took this picture in fun after I took it from a Macy's. That was a long time ago. God has shown me through weed what it really means. I'm going to return it.

Gods don't exist as an actual entity, but only in the minds of humans. But even though Gods can't take action, the idea of God controls humans who do take action. There is no tangible thing that is God,but the effects are still seen. Gods manifest in the physical world by adherents building idols, and in an advanced enough civilization the worshipers could build a robot with the personality of that God, thereby manifesting it.
>God didn't create man
>man creates God
The afterlife doesn't exist except through the spread of our genes. We don't personally get the reward for good behavior but our children do. When the gnostics say we can become gods, what it really means is our species advances to a level of godlike power.
Unfortunately most people are too stupid to realize this so they need to be fed Sky daddy tales to keep them in line acting properly. Most people don't care enough about the survival of humanity to take actions that will help everyone so they need a religious incentive.