How do we respond to this ?

Immigration is net positive.

und usschaffe

They were legal.

Legal immigrants from European countries

We cant.

Immigrants are fine. How many illegal immigrants own fortune 500 companies?


Steve Jobs was born in California though... he's no immigrant

None Mexican.

Brain drain

How many aren't white?

>all immigrants are the same

Legal citizens working to better their lives in their new home. This is the way of the world.

Juan selling oranges on the freeway and ducking ICE is not going to create a fortune 500 company. This was not even a question.

>child of an immigrant
lmao, what a dumb category

Trump is the child of an immigrant

How many immigrants from Muslim majority countries are among these?

theyre also men

Let them help their own people by creating companies, jobs, and technology in their own countries.

How many of those are illegal?
How many are muslim?
How many are mexican?

not a single 3rd world shithole immigrant


Wow really makes me think.


>not helping your motherland instead

Okay you filthy JIDF shill


The crew is using swiss proxies now

Mods would be smart to monitor which ones and range ban them.

>Using legal immigrants or nonimmigrants (child of an immigrant is not an immigrant) to generalize that we need to show leniency to illegal immigrants

disgusting. generalization goes both ways, and positively generalizing a group is the same thing as negatively generalizing a group.

they immigrated back when the US had strict standards on immigration.



Thats a funny word for (((Elite))). These faggots have stolen tech that they release in bits to act all high and mighty like they're amazing people.

All (((Elites))) call themselves the good guys or a similar wording.

Rest of the world a fucking shit anyway so go ahead. I won't mind.


His syrian father fucked off he was adopted by white christian Americans

>Legal immigrants
>Illegal immigrants

Is the left dumb or seriously dumb? Why the fuck am I not entitled to my green card yet?

Jew parasites running a racket. Shut it down, Pepe

>trying to group muslim immigrants with immigrants from countries that are civilized

has anyone else noticed this? kind of annoying how the media is trying to jew everyone into feeling bad for the muslims with this "well you are also an immigrant cause your ancestors came here from europe in 1920" bullshit.

yeah most of the are jews

You aren't brown enough.

Predominantly European immigrants, yes. Cherry picking won't change that.

I don't doubt it.

How many of them are muslim?

billionaries are evil, especially the lizard ones

Everyone in america is a child of an immigrant

How many of them are illegal immigrants?
It's almost as if there's some sort of a vetting process that allows brilliant people leave their third world shitholes.

Japan takes a protectionist stance where they refuse to let in foreigners to take the top jobs. They would rather Japanese people be their inventors, businessmen, doctors, etc. our parents generation in America fucked up and let in a lot of people who were hungry for the pie and who have competitive cultures just to get by. They aren't going anywhere, and they are only gonna keep growing in numbers, so white Americans and Europeans have to compete. No more playing sports with dad on the weekend and learning guitar and riding bikes with friends. We have to compete incredibly hard or else we will end up disenfranchised financially.

what is that? redpill me user.

i genuinely have no idea what people mean by ctr

How many were of European descent? Walt Disney was redpilled about the Jews fwiw.

That picture tells me only that jews are capable. It's not like they won those positions on a fixed lottery.

>How do we respond to this ?
Confiscate their shit and send them home, unless they're white.

the source is

>Opinion discarded

>It's not like they won those positions on a fixed lottery.
I wouldn't go that far. Jewish nepotism is legal in the United States. Think about what those positions are...

or did they?

Ask if 40% were on welfare or otherwise draining the state.

why do you think a "response" is even needed?

I remember when I got out of college, all of my pals were struggling to find a job that paid 22k a year. Meanwhile my Jewish friends landed 60k/year jobs straight out of college (not in engineering or anything), and in fields like tv production and talent management (jobs you have to work years to earn your way into). Jewish neptism is big time!

Materialism is the enemy...Also, it is implied that there would be a technological vacuum without these figures. Such a claim would be absurd.

Founding fathers were British. I'm btfo

Gonna guess most of those immigrants were neither illegal nor prone to blowing themselves up tho.

It's the fucking norm. And then they have the gall to "fight white supremacy". Gas them all I say.

If you give to immigrants, then immigrant owns. What's so hard to understand? If you give bread to Somalia, then Nigeria is still hungry. If Hollywood produces and approves films, then obviously it isn't Dandiamunmland.

>>>>or the children of immigrants
In other words, not immigrants. This is like those feminist statistics that say "1 in 3 women will be raped, sexually assaulted, or inappropriately asked to coffee on campus"

Was my thought as I was writing. Still though... I don't think they hire janitors to run CNN even if they're called Eren Silverstein.

Yeah it's not like they're incompetent. The rules are set up so Jews can help their own kind while whites are forced to work for the lower caste of goyim. It's a sad state of affairs.


Everyone in Hungary is the child of a rapist


you may be spared from the Rakening

>European immigrants who learned English, were Christian, and assimilated are somehow the same as inbred Muslim niggers with sub-80 IQs who are in favor of implementing sharia law in the United States

This is what liberals actually believe.

Yes, legal immigrants. What's your point?

Immigrants from civilized countries, not arabic shitholes.

how many of them are black or muslim? Im willing to bet next to none

Fucking rich men oppressing working class again. They don't like them to succeed so much that they'd rather let immigrants get rich.

Believe me.. we have.

By continuing to screen migrants to make sure they are educated and skilled and bring something good to the country they are settling in, instead of rape and explosions.

Who said anything about immigration is bad?

It's illegal immigration we complain about.

all the more reason to get rid of them.

And exactly how many of them were illegal?

I fucking love how the left goes full blown retarded and turns a discussion about deporting ILLEGAL immigrants into

*legal immigrants

and the majority of them are (mostly) white.

Immigration was done legally when labor was in demand from mostly european nations until 1965 when we switched to 3rd worlders. Equating rare prodigy european children to 85 IQ syrians and mexicans is just ignorant. People are not interchangable, different peoples and cultures will produce different reactions.

Its more likely these immigrants would make up 40% of rape cases and not even get a job let alone start a successful company.

>Trump is against immigrants!!1!!! They made America great!!!1!!!

Yes, LEGAL immigrants, same as his wife and his mother and his grandfather on dads side


ISIS own 40% of Syria and Libya.

Fred Trump was born in the U.S. You're thinking of Donald's grandfather.

This has never been addressed by the left. By sapping all the people with enough brains and initiative to gtfo they are dooming the home country to lower average IQ, poverty, and corrupted authoritarianism.

And not a single 1 a dirty muslim.

Really makes you ponder

mother born in scotland

>or child of an immigrant
So not an immigrant? Wow...

Steve Jobs father was Muslim Syrian

Immigrants who assimilated and didn't spend their free time plotting to kill you.

90% of them are either white or jewish. Say you don't hate immigrants just shitty immigrants.
Why is this so hard?

the cognitive dissonance of the left is astounding

>the 1% is bad!
>the 1% is made up of 40% immigrants so they're good!

the cognitive dissonance of Sup Forums is astounding

>the 1% is good!
>the 1% is made up of 40% jews, so they are bad!

Immigrants in the past worked to get to the US, most from Europe, and they had to hold a job before they were granted citizenship. Refugees are transported to the US, housed, feed, etc.; mostly by the US taxpayer, some by private organizations. The immigrants that came here last century worked to become citizens,

You mean (((Syrian))) right?

yeah, I've seen that first hand too

They were founded in USA, where entire population (except some native Americans) are immingrants or their descendants.

choose the right.
i prefer ctar though

jusat a heads up; op's going to bring up Steve Job's Syrian parent(s)

>Legal Immigrant
>Not a terrorist raghead asylum seeker

By le 60% meme.

Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco.
Nuke Sweden WHEN

but ISIS has oil monies, if they wanted to send a terrorist wouldn't they just give him money to apply legally?