/cz-sk/pol general

Diskuze o české politice abychom tady na chvíli se bavili o něčem jiném než Trumpovi a abych taky viděl, že tu jsou nějací češi a slováci.
Specificky vytvořeno na základě přání jednoho zdejšího anona.

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English, motherfucker, do you speak it?

Also yes, let's start a thread about something other than whatever the current wave of shills bring to pol.

Tell me, Jan. Any worthwhile candidate for our future president?

That's me!
Also redpill me on that matter, isn't it too soon? There has yet to be any official candidates, no?

It's not like I would want amerifats to get into all of this but alrighty then.

Is there any? Honestly the only viable option is still Zeman. The only other two ones are Horáček which I presonally find disgusting fuck and some other leftie activist ( don't know the name ).

The question now is how will our parliamentary elections gonna turn out

All right, what in the fuck... Is this?

There's still time, but still. No proper candidate in sight. I will most likely end up voting for tuZeman out of spite.
But I really wish he would stop cucking our country for China.

Parliamentary elections are fucked too. No party to vote. I guess I'll vote for "Free citizens' party" again, but they won't get above 5% :(

That name is retarded. I truly can't get used to it no matter what.
Also from where the fuck did we pull out the word "czech"? Weren't we "Bohemians" before this crap?

All boards but Sup Forums are english, else you gon get deleted.

>not knowing our national post-proto-ironic activist and performer

This, voting for SSO too, motherfuckers are about the only reasonable party there is and have yet to cause any serious fiasco. Maybe if Sup Forums helped meme them into parliament, they might get there.
This, don't forget Moravia and Silesia tho
And I truly don't know him, he not only looks stupid, but it sounds like his only aim is to change our name completely to Czechia, nothing else.

Another question is whether that son of a whore Kalousek will get to fucking parliament.

It's sad that we don't have any viable right wing parties in parliament.

"Bohemians" is a name from the time of ancient Roman empire. With the slavs coming in from the east, we mostly became Czechs living in Bohemia.

And after all the time being in the centre of Europe, we're so mixed between slavs/germans/celts and whatever that it doesn't really matter. Czechs or Bohemians, I like both.
But Czech Republic sounds good and Czechia is retarded.

Dzień dobry, pozdrawiam wszystkich Czechów i Słowaków i życzę dobrego dnia

Are "libtards" truly the only viable option?

Got any... Better ideas? And I dare you! Just try to say SPD or shit like this. As he () said, we don't really have any real right wing party.
It would be nice if they went out of the game. I tbqh voted for them because of their economical programme. But as soon as I realised what pro Europe cucks they are, I decided to drop them and go with SSO instead. We could use some old party, like Národní obec fašistická or sumtin

fuck off poland

>Another question is whether that son of a whore Kalousek will get to fucking parliament
Not with TOP 0,9. Also czeched

If only that jewish agent of STB would stop buying out all the polls that give him 30%. Sorry jako, but he sucks dick and so does the whole party of bootlickers.

Svobodní get low preferences because most of the people that vote for them are busy doing some meaningful stuff instead of voting in internet polls on novinky

They're not libtards, they are lolbertarians. It's not hard to learn the difference

what was the reaction in Czech Republic and Slovakia after Hostel?

asking because I just watched it and I think it's basically shitting on Slovakia, even though it's filmed in Czech Republic

Ahoj bratia Cesi.

Can you please redpill me on Horacek?

nobody cares, everyone in Czechoslovakia is redpilled enough to undertand how retarded Hollywood is

thought so, both countries have very beautiful countryside and remarkable castles and palaces

I agree on that one, I don't get how the fuck is he the most trustworthy politician?! A fucking StB agent! And you are right again with the statement about Svobodní. It's pretty sad tho.
You mean the movie? I haven't seen it but it's pretty old isn't it? I don't think there was reaction of any sorts.
I don't know much, but from what I read... I wouldnt vote any (((artist))) (be it writer, musician or movie star) to politics, even if it's only presidential post. I just think there should be politician.

I just don't want any kind of extention of civil rights or whatever the fuck. Especially these sort of parties are presenting themselves as "liberators" of people when they lead them straight into anarchy.

What I want is party which would bring back the death penatly and raise AoC from 15 to 18 and actually making police efficent force.
Half of our laws are being broke on daily basis and no one gives a single fuck. I truly cannot stand it. Hell, I could bend over some 12 year old whore and nothing would happen to me although law says it should send me to fucking jail. And another thing is fucking Marihuana. Fuck stoners honestly. Litterally they are trash of society.

This tbqh familia
He seems like a nice guy, but I didn't look into his candidacy much. Either way, we need someone with balls for president and not a poet.

He is a fucking disgrace.
Sucking on Clinton's cock and another embodiment of hyperliberalism. He is litterally another TOP09-tier fag. The only thing that I'l give him is that his campaign is self-funded which is good but that's it.

Klaus should come back. Or hopefully Zeman will go again, he might be clown, but in the end i at least agree with him.

Don't fear about anarchy, especially not in this coutry. Svobodni strife to have the important laws upheld while toning down the bully state.
Either way, you should vote for them and persuade everyone else to vote for them too.
If only just to balance out the leftist cucks everyone else will vote for.

Where are you from?

Asking out of curiousity, since the issues you mentioned are rather specific.

This, I didn't like him much at the beginning but I took some redpill and fuck I'm glad I didn't vote for Schwarzenberg

Sounds all-right but what you just said is utopia. There is no such a thing as having important laws enforced while toning down it's enforcment ( which is state bullying in it's own sense ).
This is why I don't like liberals in general - they don't realize that iron fist is neccesary when preseving national, cultural and moral values because there will be people trying to break them and if they won't be afraid of the punishment they will do it no matter what and again. How much % do they get anyways? 2-3?
atm I live in Central Bohemia. Lived in Ostrava tho, that where I got this heavy-kind of conservatism from.

I agree about the iron fist.but we don't have any party of this sorts. That's why I vote for SSO, because they try to tone done stupid shit ČSSD and ANO make up all the time! It's not the state bullying as enforcing laws, but more those stupid laws which are unnecessary.

I can understand that. SPD and DSSS somewhat fills in but - SPD - I don't truly believe Okamura is speaking what he actually thinks. He just jumps on first bandwaggon he see's and DSSS is pretty small and I honestly don't think they could do what they want to in the grand scheme of things.
I don't know about SSO other than the fact that they would support referendum about Czexit which is cool I guess. Gonna look up their site and we'll see.

wew me

Is Slovakia even real?

Serus Bratia Češi.

So what do you guys think about Horáček? Is it going to be him vs Zeman in your next elections? Also, what czech newspapers would you recommend that are more or less objective? idnes?

DSSS Is just a bunch of neo Nazis. Keyword is neo. Bunch of savages just looking for fight. And as you said, if being a fucking sunny fag would be in, Okamura would be one.

Of course it is.

>iron fist is neccesary when preseving national, cultural and moral values
You can't have that in a country full of degenerates, since those very same degenerates will then make up the big and ultimately corrupt "iron fist" government. If you want a country full of moral, nationalist men and women, you don't create them by voting for a totalitarian party.
You have to control the memes. He who controls the memes, controls the universe. First you have to get rid of the (((media))), then you have to start with each and every individual.
Then those will be able to get into positions of power and to lead an example for others.
If you vote for a party of cucks that say they will uncuck your country, you will be in for a surprise.

Delete that

This is very complicated. It's best if you pick novinky, idnes, ČT 24, parlamentní listy and somehow combine the info to make up for all the disinfo we get. There is no real objectivity, although I would say čt is mostly objective, but its still (((media)))

Thanks. Slovak media is utter bullshit. So much bias it is not even funny anymore.

neznáš kohouta? tak to si ho najdi. řve o kolonialismu (jakoby čr stim měla něco společnýho) řve o rasismu, chce sem negry atp. je doslova jak z nějakýho pol komiksu o zrádci rasy.

Well - I looked up what would they want to get done and I can't really disagree with their ideas. The DM though worries me a little. They are litterally bunch of kids playing heroes or whatever the fuck. They might very well be neo-nazis but I don't want to use buzzwords as some kind of political degradation.
honestly politicizing memes is pretty retarded
And I wasn't talking about KSČM.

We are mostly the same tho. We even get real deal Russian propaganda from sputnik.cz
Oj Oj, Pražská kavárna?

Literally CNN translated to Czech

iDnes is quite decent. Parlamentni listy is probably the conservative's choice, but is not immune to the pro-russian circlejerk.
tbqh I just follow everything to an extent and then make up my own mind on what is fake news and what is not.

nevim ale totální zmrd kterej si zaslouží lano určitě

No no, I mean, I got nothing about Nazis, excluding the fact they wanted us in Siberia to get our land for themselves, but neo Nazis are scum.

they are taking stories mostly from cnn and washington post. terrible liars. sometimes they even took debunked lies about trump and said is as truth. i rly dont get it.

Exactly that is what I am trying to do. Read pretty much everything I can and then make up my own mind.

Anyway the political situation is Slovakia is going to get pretty interesting in the next elections. Even now we have far too many parties in the parliament for a country with 5 million people.

Is ANO going to win next elections in Czech republic?

What I said, best option is pick up all information from every source and make up your mind. And you are right, it's basically CNN

Is Czechia infiltrated by the Chinese?

>Is ANO going to win next elections in Czech republic?
Sorry jako, but ano.

I'm just not seeing them talking about gassing kikes and niggers that's all I'm saying, once I'll do I may take the neo-nazi label seriously.

Vyzera to ze som tu jediny slovak. A to ani nie som na Slovensku.

Ja som tiez Slovak m8

Now I get it, you are right.
Yes, they buy what they can and (((we))) are glad that we can sell it

I wasn't talking about the commies either.
And I'm not talking about "memes" as in retarded pictures in "czenglish" that are currently filling up my RWDS hit list thanks to normiebook either.
I'm talking about culture tropes and having a following in general. You can't have a tiny conservative party that has the perfect programme and then lose election after election.
Look at the local negro atraction called Dominik Feri, he's a meme and all the retarded younglings follow him.
Do you know any such conservative? I don't.

> založí české vlákno
> nemluví česky

Wtf kluci?

Ale abych i přidal něco k debatě:

Jsem to jen já nebo je celá česká politická sféra úplně zkorumpovaná a je vlastně jedno, která svině je u koryta?

Je v česku nějaká volitelná politická strana?
Máte nějaké doporučení?

unfortunately yes, what said

Democracy was a mistake.

Pisat po slovensky mi uz velky problem roby. Musim viac trenovat.
A vzdy ked pridem spat na Slovensko, nikomu nic nerozumiem lebo vsetci rozpravajum novy slang.

Odkial si? Kedy si odisiel zo Slovenska?

To víš, že máme.

ITT: Not a single slovakian posting from Slovakia
Copak hoši? Doma se vám nelíbilo?

meanwhile at the parliament - nas prime minister facebook com/VtipneVideaa/videos/1251381471605442/

Because "hip" and "cool" kids don't really follow anyone conservative because conservatives aren't "cool" but they are reliable and responsible which is something this nation ( and especially the new generation ) lacks in general.
Memes are funny but they aren't reliable political tool to get ahead in elections. US is whole another topic if you are talking about presidential elections. Trump didn't win because of memes but because he was right and people weren't buying mainstream bullshit. Here people love mainstream bullshit.
Some user said we actually cannot and i don't want this thread to 404.

Ale ok - nemyslím, že je doslova zkorumovaná ve smyslu že by se všichni upláceli, ale svině u koryta platí pořád - a která není jedno protože budťo člověk skončí se Sobotkou který chce v dalším volebním období udělat něco "inteligentního" jako punitivní daně na bohaté ( RIP HDP ) anebo s Babišem který sám ani neví.

Volitelné strany - záleží co člověk preferuje samozřejmě ale momentálně v parlamentu jsou samé hovna bez prdele.
ČSSD - Nikdy
ANO - Možná, ale spíš ne
KDU-ČSL - Absolutně ne
TOP 09 - Radši se zabiju
ODS - Opět ne
SPD - Ta se nikde nedostane
Zelení - Totální buzíci
KSČM - Vůbec
DSSS - Spíš ne
A to je tak moje celá znalost politických stran v česku.
Tady anoni říkají, že svobodní jsou cesta - upřímně nevím nevím.


niesom ani jeden z nich btw

Ale libi se mi doma. Ja tu len študujem.

What a fucking retard

and another one

Trumpovi, lol wwtf

How is the "revolution" going?

Nechcem tu moc detailov davat, haha.
Ale som v Amerike asi sedemnast rokov.

Jsem překvapen, že se toto "vlákno" ( nenávidím český překlad pro thread upřímně ) se udrželo.
Měl jsem do teďka za to že vše co není o Trumpíkovi jde na smetiště do archivu v otázkách minut ale zatím to tu žije.

Měli bychom tyto vlákna zakládat častěji a pravidelně.

zasa ja
nezabudnite na youtube com/watch?v=qjEh5e4pW1s

Mohl bys mi udělat tl:dr proč bych je měl volit? Třeba jsou ok, ale já o nich zatím moc neslyšel?

Hmm, jakože vlákna mají být anglicky protože je to nějaké pravidlo nebo tak? ok ok...

Jinak s tvým listem celkem souhlasím. Až na to, že si myslím, že ANO je trash. EET je akorát tunel a likvidační akce proti malý živnostníkům (mám pár známých, co se snažili podnikat a dohle je úplně dojebalo...)

Co úsvit?


Ten důvod je asi ten, že amíci mají obrovská ega =D a co není o nich tu nechcou.

Mimochodem, je tu ještě někdo, kdo souhlasí s tím, že současná migrantská krize a všechny války na blízkém východě a v africe (Irák, Afghánistán, Sýrie, Lýbie a částečně i Jemen a Egypt) jsou jednoznačně americká chyba a americká agrese?

Je amerika nejhorší terorista v současném světě?

Bunch of edgy fags. Even though some of their ideas arent bad, I dont really think they have anything valuable to offer.

They have no experts on their side and in my opinion, people only support them because they are tired of what is going on in Slovakia with the corruption etc. Last elections they got 8% of the vote and in the next ones they are likely to get even more.
No other party is willing to cooperate with them though.

Nevím. Ideově nejsou na tom úplně zle, ale myslím že jde zase jen o druh čistého populismu. Pochybuji, že by lidé pro ně volili a pochybuji, že by udělali něco revolučního co by bylo fajn.
A EET - v tomto směru souhlasím. Co by asi bylo fajn kdyby stát subsidoval ty pokladny pro menší fyzciké osoby. Co je smutné, že to nikdo nenavrhl. Když si je Babiš tak jistý tím, že EET by fungovala proč prostě nepomoct menším fyzickým osobám, že jo. Kretén Kalousek, ale nedělá nic jiného než protahuje čuráka a, že by navrhl pro jednou jako opoziční předseda TOP 09 něco inteligentního místo placených bojkotů které nikomu nepomáhají kromě jeho vlastního ega a serou na občany ČR.

>thinking a libtard poet is gonna win over the man of the people

lol no. Zeman has this in the bag. Literally everybody who stands agains him is a cuck, so many people whe even dont like him that much will vote for him, because the alternative is worse.

As for the papers, dont bother. Traditional media here is just a mouthpiece of american propaganda. Search facebooks and twatters to find alternative sources.

kapitan slovensko is Slota

No určitě tím hraním na světovou policii situaci nepomáhaj, spíš naopak.

Kdybych teoreticky bych narazil na nějakého chlapa ve středním věku v lese jak omrdává svoji vnučku-dceru-"přítelkyni" ve 12 tak do té doby dokud si to holčina užívá tak nemám povinnost to hlásit na fízly.
Wew lads.

Good to know. It was actually published in some mainstream media here when they got into the parliament. Of course, it was accompanied with headlines such as 'Nazism on the Rise in Eastern European Country.'

What is going on in this thread? Let's take your property and squat!

Based MEP. Shame no other country really supports us in opposition to EU gun laws.

this country is doomed, nothing to discuss really

60% of the population which are cryptocommunists always ruled and will always rule here.

the rest are cygan and hungarian

Perhaps ODS under Klaus ml. will become voteable.

If only you gentlemen saw how our countries are portrayed here. If you go to the library and pick up a book on Slovakia or the Czech Republic, I guarantee that it will be full of pictures of 'oppressed' gypsies and old village women in headscarves. The western agenda to paint Slavs as backwards bigots is definitely omnipresent.

Pozor, Sýrii začali Britové a Frantíci, Amíci se až pak vesele připojili a převzali to

Jesus, I met German who was completely convinced we put gypsies into concentration camps and make them live in semk-destroyed building... Motherfucker didn't even know that it's them making brand new buildings into ruins

He seems reasonable enough, judging from his commentaries on novinky. Then again, looking reasonable when compared to Pehe and the other cunts is not very hard. But yeah.


top kurwa

That would be litterally what ODS needs to get back in. But then again that's not going to happen because Fiala is egoistic piece of shit as much as Kalousek is. Also I wonder if Klaus ml. would get into coalition with TOP 09 because that would make him unvotable.


Najlepsia debata pre cz/sk channerov xDDD
t. PePe

This. CT24 is pure shit and needs to burn. Their media coverage on US elections was just disgustingly pro-clinton
Dominik Feri looks fucking disgusting, he was cute before with his afro and shit, but he is just another negro. + he is everywhere on kikebook...


Who is that?

Člověk, který se veřejně hlásí jako nástupce Tisa - člověka, který zbavil Slovensko o třetinu teritoria a ukurvil Slovensko Němcům a Maďarům s úsměvem na ksichtě.

Ideově sám o sobě není špatný, ale to, že odkazuje na Tisa je autismus.