This thread is about the German elections 2017

This thread is about the German elections 2017
in particular the party Alternative for Germany (AfD)

>Who are the Alternative for Germany (AfD)?

>AfD's Basic Program (in german)


>Petry's Interview on NATO, Refugees, Sharia, Turkey and Borders
>AfD MEP on Trump's victory
>60 Genders - AfD's Steffen Königer gives the Greens a Reality Check
>AfD pro-Syria on FB: "Merkel must go!"


Frauke Petrys New year speech

>AfD's Fundraiser



>Meme Collections v1.3
postimg org/gallery/13dw1v50q/
postimg org/gallery/2n33gjr90/
>Video Tribute

>Gather lurkers
>Create usable memes (Help Germany overcome 70+ years of weaponized guilt)
>Spell-check memes
>Spread memes
>Come up with new ideas
>Find or create a friendly guide for voting
>Find a way to reach the older Germans devoid of internet who only see/read msm
>Ignore the shills
>help improve OP text/create pastebin

Other urls found in this thread:

What's with all the MEGA schulz shilling? getting pretty desperate lmao

forced memes at their finest

Let's do our part and begin reporting anything related to Shultz as Fake News



lmao @ you fedora tipping retards who think you're getting anything besides more merkel.

you're a little cuckold shit hole that lacks the spine and nerve of the USA, aka the known center of the universe and the de facto rulers of earth.

>not wanting to make germany great again


triggered fedora spotted lol.

we should meme Achille Demagbo to be the spokesperson of the AFD in Schleswig-Holstein, lets face it, people hate the afd for being """fascist""", lets turn this shit 180 degrees by making the party inclusive as fuck so normies needs to rethink they position

How is the Desert Fox viewed in Germany today - especially among normies?

nice solution bro, let's do nothing maaaan

Normies don't know him.

You don't fight progressives by becoming more progressive.

Would not say that. His son was long time mayor from Stuttgart. In this area he or more his son is still popular.

Schulz is literally the opposite of trump or what a german could want.

Spd and Cdu are the big coalition who fucked everything up.

cdu is merkel spd is schulz, this is their last try to stay in power and play agro ping pong between each other the next 4 years.

All polls say afd will probably kick spd out of the coalition AND THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT WE WANT !!!! THE WHOLE SCHULZ PROPAGANDA IS TO KEEP THE SPD IN THE COALITION they try to fuck the afd over !!!!

Schulz is the leftist globalist candidate !!!!!!

Guys, I think you can get some traction from a #FightFakeNews campaign. Tell normal Germans they should start reporting friends and co-workers to Facebook and the CDU authorities. Make Fake News synonymous with bad news. Present the dictate in such a way as to creep out normies.

I also think a related campaign encouraging people to lie about the AfD in public but then vote for them in secret could be successful.

"I believe in truth - that's why I lie"

"I believe in free speech - that's why I will report your speech"

>tips fedora
>inhales vaporizer
>impotent rage sated

stay mad, retard.

this has nothing to do with progessivism, people hate the afd blindly, by giving spotlight to a black afd member and taking it away from höcke we can make normies interested in core values of the afd and invite them to the dialogue while exposing lefties as the true racist they are since they will attack him on the base of his skin color

>doesnt offer anything of contribution to thread, continues to shitpost

thanks for bumping lol

How dumb are you? Germans need to become "racist" to survive. By pandering to progressive traitors that won't happen.

Even if AFD won Germans would just protest and sabotage them.

they're doing it to make fun of /r/the_donald

A turkish author was already shunned for being pro-AFD, speaking on a rally or Pegida demo, this does not work though maybe it's because too many people think turks are white.

Do you guys think that AFD can uncuck Germany? I want to see Frauke as the PM, but I don't know if anyone can undue Merkel's shilling :/

you don't even know the afd's party platform, you are just shouting platitudes, but thanks for bumping i guess

You don't even know how real life works. Do you think the people in power would allow you to take over through democratic elections?

Elections are rigged. You will find the jews on both left and the right side. Trump or Hillary both have behind the same jews.

The media calls them fascist, racist and you get your hopes up.

true. see Trump.
> german media says that only 10% of the americans support him XD

Help us to fight these sub botting piece of shits

You went from being ruled by jews to being ruled by jews. You mutilate your own children by jewish tradition and you will continue being their slaves.

The wall will serve just to calm down right wingers as legal Mexicans pour in the country and racemixing is encouraged.

At least you wont get many muslims as USA is still the favorite jewish place

you mean akif pirincci right? didn't he went natsoc or some shit?

as long as there is hoecke, people will despise the afd, we need a way to make it more reasonable for normies to vote for them, turning their biased around and make them engaged in the dialogue could boost their popularity and acceptance

I will never understand how reddit works

that a piece of shit site

also Schulz niggers may burn in hell

Long time no see, you're updating the gallery? I haven't added anything since v1.4 (postimg org/gallery/1ytb2a1m2/) but I've expanded my folder a bit, if you want to merge with yours I'll upload all I got.

Smurf bump

By the way, I used to separate based memes from neutral memes because people coming to AfD from Merkel would get spooked otherwise.
What do you think about this? based I mean like the one in OP, neutral is more like this (pic). Most Germans see the "nazis" as boogie men, don't they? Merkel's turbolefty propaganda ruined the identity of nationalism in Germany after all.

Du von KC?

Nein, was ist das

You krauts are a waste of time and energy, you are going to keep Merkel around you fucking subhumans.


You meme nazi AfD voters will rot in the mud where you belong.

obvious shills are fucking obvious, we have 8 months until the elections GTFO

du weißt nicht was kc ist ? Solltest du auch nicht. Da hängt der ganze Abschaum ab


Except that the american is right. Merkel is gonna keep her chair because that's how the system "works"

Ah krautchan, nein

I'm working on a meme campaign featuring concrete barricades like pic related.

In English, the text will be something like:
>There is only one woman
>Who can keep Germany safe


Can some native speakers help me with some translations?

Die AfD wird bei ihrem jetzigen inneren Zustand niemals an der 20%-Marke auch nur kratzen. 15% wären ein voller Erfolg – irgendwas zwischen 10% und 15% allerdings wahrscheinlicher. Wer sämtliche Umfragen für erlogen oder manipuliert hält, macht es sich definitiv zu einfach. Beschäftigt euch mit Massenpsychologie. Die erklärt nämlich vorzüglich, warum nach dem Berliner Anschlag die Werte der dafür verantwortlichen Bundeskanzlerdarstellerin sogar noch nach oben geschossen sind. Die Entführten scharen sich um die Entführerin. Das nennt man Stockholm Syndrom. Ein ähnliches Spiel findet bei Spezialdemokrat Schulz statt. Der Mann ist - für alle Verstandeswesen vollkommen offensichtlich - lupenreiner Sozialist und EU-Technokrat, aber seine Partei und die Medien feiern ihn - in grenzdebiler Einheit. Das Ergebnis: Auch hier steigende Umfragewerte. Klar kann man die für geschönt halten, aber das greift zu kurz - viel zu kurz. Es geht um Einheit - oder zumindest die Illusion von Einheit. Dass die AfD von beidem meilenweit entfernt ist, ist letztendlich eine schmerzhafte Einsicht, denn ohne beides bleiben auch die Wähler aus, die nichts mehr verachten als Uneinigkeit. Zielführende Sachdebatten mögen sie gerade noch honorieren, bei Schlammschlachten zwischen und um Personal, steigen sie jedoch aus. Wenn die AfD - in der Führungsetage, aber auch an der Basis - nicht bald entschieden und vereint gegensteuert, dann war es das. Aus. Vorbei. Finito. Mit 13,3% kann man murrend am Katzentisch sitzen, nicht aber gestalterisch mitwirken – von der notwendigen Einsetzung eines Untersuchungsausschusses ganz zu schweigen, für die 25% der Parlamentarier notwendig sind. Auf Abweichler bei Union und FDP sollte man sich nie verlassen. Am Katzentisch kann man dann nur noch hilflos mitansehen, wie sich Deutschland noch weiter bis zur Unkenntlichkeit verändern wird. Ab 2018 wird der Familiennachzug erst richtig an Fahrt aufnehmen.

can you point me to some reading material or explain how that works in detail? how the fuck can another person get elected but still have her in power?

Simple, because the AfD is gonna get 20% at max, what means that Merkel is gonna stay in power.
AfD needs 51%, and this wont happen for now. We need some catastrophic attacks to reach the old people. And such an event would simply put state in emergency mode

Typical German defeatist
>says AfD can't win without 51%
>says AfD needs a big attack to win
>says even if there's a big attack, government will just crack it doesn't matter

Guy - this is defeatism! Don't think like this! Be proactive and positive!


we just started, the support grows ever day, lets unite

Wer das Probelm mit den klassischen "Ich benutze kein Internet und wähle die Partei, die ich immer gewählt habe" Wählern hat, der soll diesen Leuten die 3 Videos zeigen. Sie zeigen das, was man in den medien nicht sieht und können viele Wähler dazu gewinnen.

>Even AfD General is about Schulz
You know it's time to leave the cuckshed and MEGA




>Wer sämtliche Umfragen für erlogen oder manipuliert hält, macht es sich definitiv zu einfach.

Das hammse übern Trump auch gesagt.


>When you try to copy The_Donald and Sup Forums but you end up memeing below tumblr level


I didn't say I stopped fighting, I just don't see how the AfD can rule Germany. But a big opposition already is a win for us

Reminder that MEGA stands for Make East Germany Again


Hitohito why does my post get cut off?

>er lebt erst seit gestern in Deutschland
Der deutsche Michel is leider a weng langsamer als der amerikanische Johnny.

Und bisher seh ich von der Afd keinen gezielten Wahlkampf wie Trump im Rustbelt. Man schaut noch was alles geht, hofft auf eine Schwarz-Rot-Gelb Combo die sich dann zerfleischt und geht dann 2021 aufs Ganze, hab ich so das Gefühl.

Bis auf die "gezielte Provokation"-Doktrin merk ich bei der AfD nix gezieltes.


It's just retarded shills silling for a globalist kike. They do so by steal the memes of the right-wing, the same the cucks in the US are trying right now.
They got annihilated during the US elections, imagine it. You have hundrets of paid shills and a budget of millions on your hand and yet you get utterly devestated by a chinese image board.
They are desperate, you have to ignore / sage / slide all of their cuck threads and the mods should delete this obvious shilling, they are not better than the CTR faggots with their copy pasta.

Imperial Leather


strong projection from the tiny penis fedora detected lmfao.

you're not amounting to shit, faggot cuckold. give it a break.





Why poor Böhmi? Are you not DEUTSCH - ?

>tfw his poem was shit
>not even remotely funny
I mean, fuck that majesty insult paragraph, especially when that roach tried to invoke it, but damn, it wasn't worth it, humoristically.

Btw. is Neo Magazin Royale (?) actually any good? I watched only one episode a year ago, because a friend wanted to. Out of like 45 min only 5 minutes were enjoyable. Also, lots of hippie/-ster guests, I heard?

Some of it is fun, some isn't. Guests are a lot of different people.

Böhmermann just indoctrinates the youth with his leftists opinions.
>Patriotism leads to Hitler
>Populism is evil
>We are the good goys of diversity if you are not one of us then you are an evil nazi

Imagine being this mad that hillary lost
This national electoral calendar for the year 2017 lists the national/federal direct elections to be held in 2017 in all sovereign states
24 September: Germany, Parliament
26 March: Germany, Saarland state election
7 May: Germany, Schleswig-Holstein state election
14 May: Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia state election
These elections determine the Prime Minister and makeup of the legislature in a parliamentary democracy, or the president and then the legislature
Germany September 2017
Lists of elections and electoral calendars by year
German presidential election February
German federal election September,_2017
The next German federal elections will elect the members of the Bundestag, the federal parliament of Germany, on 24 September 2017
Next election 24 September 2017
The Federal Convention, also known as the Federal Assembly convened solely for the purpose of electing the President, either every five years or within 30 days of the premature termination of a presidential term. The last assembly was held on 18 March 2012
The current officeholder was elected on 18 March 2012. The next election is scheduled for 12 February, 2017

>14 May: Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia state election
Ugh, who will I vote for, who will I vote for. SPD or CDU? :^)

>vividly recall fearmongering anons stating that it is completely impossible for le pen and afd to win in the wake of trump's victory
>they have a very real ten-twenty or so percent chance of victory by now
>tfw no norwegian nationalist party
>tfw nobody cares about politics in norway and instead just lets the corrupt socialist kikes run the country and mismanage our oil shekel fund

>not memeing your country out of globalist-control

norwaybro come on

Do you remember the Harald Schmidt Show?

That was some good stuff.

>The next election is scheduled for 12 February, 2017
Kek, I didn't even know, because you cannot vote for it anyway. Thanks, Johnny.

looks like leftys LARPing as tough guys

there'd only be me, and my digits are not strong enough on their own even if you had to examine them right now

Thats right you cant vote for it, but, maybe something similar to what was done during the election of Trump could work. Remember election night all the numerous posts about giving him your energy, trying to use meme energy to tip states towards Trump, etc?

I think we need a reasonable goal here, since it's not black and white like it was with Brexit or the US election.

Number one goal should be to prevent Schulz.

If this guy becomes chancellor, we're done.

Maybe we should hedge our bets:

>first vote CDU
>second vote AfD

This type of voting is what our voting system is designed for.

It would be better for the AfD to get enough votes so the CDU is forced to get into a coalition with them.

I just browsed over the wiki pages for the different parties platforms and ideologies and all of them are all about marxism, as in destroy capitalism and replace it with communism. Wow what the fuck?

It had its highlights, but I prefer the original shows from the US. Sadly German shows are usually crappy copies which to me seem too forced, like the Heute Show. brr.


holy shit checked

what did kek mean by this?

Neger btfo?

No no you got it all wrong.


need more frauke's

You seem quite delusional :^)

>all about marxism
Now, I know your Murican "education" is crap, but that it's this bad?

>no reading comprehension
>no understanding of Marxism

You're just dumb. :^(


please no posting npd losers

Well they are successfully integrating themselves into the AfD now.


>integrating themselves into the AfD

didn't know the npd polled over 15% nationally, i thought afd was mostly cdu/spd voters.

gee whiz, almost as someone tries to inflate the dwindling minority of extreme rightwingers in afd to hijack the narative. but who lies on the internet?

Well the NPD is a shit party itself, neonazis just want to fellate Höcke and the likes now and see better chances to get their shit fantasies by voting AfD.

Racists and neonazis account for at least a third of its voter base. That third is represented by Bernd Högge and other mongrels like him and tolerated by the rest of the shit party which the AfD is.

You didn't know this?

It's all about downvoting opinions you don't like so that nobody have to see them inside their hugbox.

wir für uns!

rise again germany

>Es gibt nur eine Frau
>Die Deutschland schützen kann

#Danke-Merkel or #Danke-Mutti

Mutti is basically a way to say "Mother" and it's some kind of nickname for Merkel by now.