
>muslim neigbhors
>surrounding countries refuse to acknowledge existence
Is Macedonia the Israel of Europe?

They pretend to hate us but irl suck our dicks (all balkans)


Why is every macedonian posting this street as a proof of being a first world country? I see that shit now the 4th time hahahaha.

Discount Bulgarian, hurry up and rejoin the actual state of the Bulgars you wannabe clown.

I nearly forgot you exist desu.

Daj ne bidi autisticen ziti se

The "Israel of Europe" title would have to go to Switzerland

Hurry uo and start the next kosovo war u fucking mongoloids

plan to visit macedonia, kosovo while staying out of albania

personal insight or recommendations? is albania a place to avoid these days? how is kosovo or macedonia itself?


....dont to all or what


>747 ▶
Don't please if you have already planned your trip be sure to visit Ohrid or somewhere else

macedonia youre giving me mixed signals here

Very good but too much construction work

The central tourist area is a meme, go to the commie block neighberhood and see some parks. Muslims live north of the river but that area is safe too.

Here it's not as shitty as in bulgaria or serbia it's much better

Abe se da ti ebam koj kur ti e problemot tebe?


The "commie blocks" look really good, they are ex-Yugosav not soviet. You don't get a depressing vibe from them


da li si svestan koliko si malouman sam tim slikama puteva
jel te neko placa da izigravas retarda
koji je kurac sa tobom

Is Alexander Magno Macedonian?

Pusi kur s*rbine

He's a greek we are bulgarians and albanians

The slavs/ethnic macednoians are bulgarians, albanians a separate ethnicity

ja barem znam sta jesam kretencino
ne moram da glumim vestacki identitet

napaceni mamlaze

I ja znam sto si (cigan)

15 veka ste na balkanot i samo 25 godini ste imale imperija.

Ciganska rasa

hriscanizovani tatar od metar 65, mene naziva ciganinom
jel vi mentoli citate tamo nesto u makedoniji
neku ozbiljnu storiju
mimo vase WE WUZ domace

znaci glup si kao noc ako mislis da tim slikama promovises svoju zemlju

Eve ti edna promocija za srbija

Sto mislis koja mu bila poslednata misla?

ta slika me uopste ne vredja, barem smo imali lidere, za razliku od vas
>borba za nezavisnost
uglavnom stvari koje vi nikada necete imati

>taj khazarski nos
>te reptilse oci
>te goblinske ushi
>ta pepljasta koza
>ta visina kepeca
>to prezime (((gruevski)))
vi bre nemate svog svog predsednika
mora jevrej drzavu da vam vodi

Dali mojot lider ima nigerska usta?

i dalje nije jevrej
80% nacije ne podnosi
glasali za njega zato sto su nas (((naterali)))
seti bile su potrebne bombe da nas nateraju na sve ono dobrovoljno robstvo na koje ste vi svi ostali dobrovoljno pristali
ginuli smo i krvarili u dva svetska rata i protiv turskih mongoloida i na svojiim ledjima izneli najveci deo tereta
nismo vam valjali mi,
nema veze imate sad
lepe puteve
(((EU))) diktaturu
i albansku zarazu
blago vama
inace vec je sve krenulo u kurac
a mi cemo se opet smejati na kraju
kao i uvek
jer je uvek tako i bilo

Mongols , Albanians and Slavs. These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little FYROMian but Tito accidentally added an extra ingridient to the concoction... Cockroaches. Thus the "Macedonians" were born


i'm so sad we don't share a common border hellenbro

No, its the Bulgaria of the Balkans.

Discount Bulgarian... hahahha

Koj ti kazal deka e evrej? Premnogu vreme pominuvas na pol lol. Nikoj ne tera nikogo da glasa. Ovde imame demokratija i se raboti kako sto treba.

Dojdi na int, mi zdosadi Sup Forums

We are only Bulgarians
