The final and most difficult to swallow red pill

Sexual activity deters you from higher pursuits in life and impairs intellectual thought. The most successful people throughout history have abstained from sex and masturbation

The sexual revolution did not free us but rather, enslaved us.

>"The greatest intellectual geniuses in both ancient and modern times led continent lives, and there is yet to be recorded one individual who freely expended seminal fluid who ever amounted to anything. In most cases, individuals who have achieved have been forced by necessity to abstain from sexual indulgence, as Cervantes, who wrote Don Quixote while in prison, or Dante who wrote his Divine Comedy while in exile. Milton wrote "Paradise Lost" when blind and when he did not indulge in sex. Sir Isaac Newton, active in intellect until the age of 80, led a continent life from birth, and so did Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, both of whom retained their creative genius [until] an advanced age.

Other urls found in this thread:é_Central

Hitler was friends with Trotsky, Lenin, Freud, and Titoé_Central

Is that your excuse for being a fat neckbeard virgin?

Every genius was out there slamming ass and slaying puss left and right. I don't know where you got your info.

That's why we need artificial wombs. Jerk off once and have the healthiest sperm impregnate some artificial egg cell cluster creating several embryos which then would get tested and sorted out according to eugenic standards so that you end up with something that's part you - but better.

Even if this was true, it does not deter from the fact that the man was able to accomplish great things in life because he abstained from sexual gratification.

No. It seems like you can't grasp this issue so keep on jacking off.

tesla and newton wouldn't agree

Great things for the creation of Israel

Why do you think Jews are circumcised? It keeps them from masturbation and decrease sexual activity so that they can focus on global conquest.

Yes, that's because the sole purpose of biological life is to spread. And in order to prove to women that we have good genes we (men) have to achieve things. Unlike women who just have to look pretty. So when you don't ejaculate, you have a greater incentive to achieve something in order to attract a female to spread your genes.

>Makes claim; provides no examples.


>>"The greatest intellectual geniuses in both ancient and modern times led continent lives, and there is yet to be recorded one individual who freely expended seminal fluid who ever amounted to anything. In most cases, individuals who have achieved have been forced by necessity to abstain from sexual indulgence, as Cervantes, who wrote Don Quixote while in prison, or Dante who wrote his Divine Comedy while in exile. Milton wrote "Paradise Lost" when blind and when he did not indulge in sex. Sir Isaac Newton, active in intellect until the age of 80, led a continent life from birth, and so did Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, both of whom retained their creative genius [until] an advanced age.

Sure some geniuses did have sex from time to time but they were not slaves to it and it certainly wasn't the focal point of their lives as it is for so many today.

Newton was crazy and Tesla got cucked by Edison.

>"`We tell you that at every emission of semen you are losing the food and the best portion of the (blood) corpuscles, inasmuch as every particle of semen which is ejected will be replaced by more taken from the blood. This is enough to convince you that when you are ejecting the semen which should stay in the body and become reabsorbed so as to go and form the oil for the joints, new muscles, the brain material, as well as every other part of the body, you are really destroying or throwing away your life.

>"`You eject the substance of the synovial fluid. You send forth, to gratify a moment's passion, the very material of which the brain is made. This is a fact which you will acknowledge when you consider that all this semen is the material of which all these substances are made and supplied, and when the semen is ejected you have selected the best part of the body to go out and become to you a useless inert mass, which can never be restored to you under any circumstances. It is lost and gone. Then, the semen being out of the body, the sexual penalty comes apace. The penalty for this loss of semen is so far reaching and so concealed from the body of people of the present day that we do not know the exact spot to look for it. But we tell you, when you see paralysis, palsy, apoplexy, rheumatism, brain softening, bent shoulders and haggard face; when you observe a young old man and the dried up young lady, in all of these cases, and in dozens of others, you may set it down that there have been sexual losses and a waste of the bodily substance from the sexual orgasm.

>tfw when 80% users on Sup Forums are fat ugly virgins

Men are willing to commit the most brutal acts for quality pussy, its how powerful it is. I myself ignore women and pursue higher things but when I fall in love with a girl I just throw everything away, cant beat hundreds of thousands of years of evolution.

>"`You will see this penalty all around you, and there is no place where you may go but you will see the fruits of this sexual indulgence to excess. The penalty may be denied, and all these diseases may be attributed to every other cause under the sun, but you will be right in laying it at the proper place, and that is to the sexual drain which has sapped the blood corpuscles of the victim before you. We assure you nothing can be so very enervating as this sexual excess, and any sexual mating is an excess, providing it is not for the purpose of having children.

>"`The penalty for the disobedience of this law is in the shortened lives and the increased amount of disease which are everywhere around us." The resemblance of the sexual orgasm to the epileptic attack has been noted by many authors. The sudden withdrawal of calcium produced by the seminal discharge biochemically produces the tetany-like symptoms of the orgasm, which are so similar to those of the epileptic attack which usually follows it in those who are constitutionally predisposed. According to Acton, the sexual orgasm resembles the epileptic attack both in its phenomena and its effects. The mental hebetude and physical prostration following the discharge of nerve force characteristic of an epileptic attack also follow the sexual orgasm. The latter profoundly affects the whole nervous system with such intensity that Acton says that "it is only mature individuals who can bear even infrequent acts of copulation without more or less injury. In young persons all the vital powers should be conserved for growth and development."

The problem with the sexual revolution is that no one is playing it successfully except for a handful of Chads and a couple of 10/10 bitches from healthy families

Most guys get a girlfriend and get absolutely cucked nine days till Sunday or they think they are hustling whores but in reality are just fucking borderline insecure fatties who try to cuck them but fail. Women on the other hand fail even more miserable, they are either single and pretend that they are succesfull because they can get laid, their eyes though tell a whole different story. Or they slut around for a bit and then turn to a relationship. A relationship which is always with a clueless Beta who is blissfully unaware he got with a slut. Which makes the relationship increasingly gay and void of any passion or balance.

There are few people I've met in my life who I would dub 'succesfull' in the sexual revolution game. That is because neither man or women has any clue what it means to be succesfull. Men get shamed for fucking allot and women get pushed to be degenerate and not settle down. Even though bost of these are the succesfull endgames of the sexes. (((They))) like it that way.

Personally It's made life very boring. I know what to do to be succesfull at my own game and I won enough of the genetic lottery to accomplish this when I play my cards right. But there is no way I'd ever find a woman or have likewise friends (save for 3-5 red pilled ones) that are aware enough to be of my level.

So basically even when you get red pilled you are still stuck with mediocrity until they reinstate eugenics.

>Hence some of the greatest intellectual geniuses in ancient and modern times led continent lives. These include Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, Leonardo da Vinci, Spinoza, Newton, Kant, Beethoven, Herbert Spencer, etc. 6. Recent physiological evidence, pointing to the fact that the seminal fluid contains substances of great physiological value (such as Poehl's Spermine, which is a nerve-stimulant, lecithin, cholesterin, vitamin E, male sex hormones, etc.) supports the idea that continence is beneficial to health, as do the experiments of Prof. Brown-Sequard on the vitalizing effects of testicular extracts and those of Prof. Steinach on the rejuvenation that follows the enforced conservation of semen through ligature of the efferent testicular duct. 7. Leading physiologists, urologists, genito-urinary specialists, neurologists, psychiatrists, sexologists, gynecologists and endocrinologists endorse the physiological value of continence. Among such authorities are Moll, Kraepelin, Marshall, Lydston, Talmey and others.

Before (((THEY))) took control of medicine, excessive sexual activity was proven to cause deleterious health effects.

You realize that half the people you listed were gay, right?

Good points although it's more than just finding a partner. It's the fact that the frequency of sexual activity has drastically increased.

Sex and masturbation makes men tired and exhausted because we release prolactin with an orgasm & women do not.

Top kek

Listing (((lies))). Homosexuality was highly abnormal and would have been punished in the days of most of these people. Homosexuals are also sexual perverts and have sex much more often than heterosexual individuals, which means it would make zero sense for these people to have achieved anything. Think of one famous successful faggot in the modern era who was not helped by (((their))) policies like affirmative action and receiving free social virtue signalling promotion simply by the fact of being gay. Go gas yourself.

Limit yourself to three of five intercourses with your girlfriend a week and self-flagellate/ask her to spank you when you are horny otherwise. Sexual frustration redirected. PROFIT

>Forel, the eminent Swiss authority on sex, says: "Abstinence, or sexual continence, is by no means impractical for a normal young man of average constitution, assiduous in intellectual and physical work and abstaining from artificial excitants", adding, "The idea is current among young people that abstinence is something abnormal and impossible, and yet the many who observe it prove that chastity can be practiced without prejudice to health". Dr. Perier points out the falsity of the notion of the imaginary dangers of sexual continence, and considers it a "physical, moral and mental safeguard to young men". Rohleder considers as unscrupulous the advice of physicians who recommend sexual intercourse to young men. Chassaignac claims that the healthier the individual, the easier to practice complete abstinence; it is only the diseased and neurotic person who finds it difficult to do so.

>Christian moralisms
An ancient Indo-European maxim is that happiness is the ultimate principle. It is not success (as it is with Asians).

A happy life is not a repressed one. Carl Jung knew this well, and often asked his patients to consider "The Call of Flesh" to alleviate problems arising from a culture inundated with Christian mores.

Donald Trump is going to sign an executive order that will ban pornography and have serious penalties for those involved in especially the production and distribution of it.

Modern era? Plenty of succes stories. People just didn't spoke out about it before due to the bigotry from society.

Ancient Indo-European traditions DID preach sexual abstinence.

The "barbarians" were disgusted at the sexual excesses of Rome.

Buddhism and Hinduism are extremely sexually conservative. Brahmacharya is dedicated to sexual abstinence.

The notion of being "repressed" is psychoanalytic trash.

True though it's not men who are currently going to far in sexual activity, it's women.

For men I would say it's healthy to masturbate every 2-3 days and only one time. Having sex should be every 4-6 days since you wouldn't want to see your grilfriend more than once a week. If you have multiple girls you spread them out throughout the week and you still get at least one-two day breaks.

The reason women are at fault sexually is evident everywhere. Whenever I meet a girl she's always had multiple cocks, if not double digits. She has tried everything except extreme kinky shit before the age of 20. Allot of them were fucked by older men already. This makes her jaded and ruined for any man in her life. Which also means she will either not have children or she will raise her degenerate kids herself.

There comes a point where the collective memory of fifty dicks pounding into her is just to much for the slut to take and she becomes an insufferable cunt who can't deal with men.

Guys are failing at commitment, we are to easy with women. We commit far to quick and without good reason. Often times without even getting what we want (cucks). Men have gone overboard with the romance.

So the end result is that both men and women suck at their respective playing fields.

Assuming the egg would not already be of the master race

Promiscuity is not the opposite end of sexual abstinence, my friend.

The Germanic tribes did not care WHOM you fucked, but rather who fucked you. They cared that women did not cheat on their men. Anything more is psychological projection coming from a Semitic cultural import.

Buddhist priests are allowed to masturbate, and Hinduism is by no means at sexually conservative. Considering the pic related, I almost wonder if you're being intellectually dishonest, or possibly the same strain of moralist shill that took over 8/pol/.

...And I JUST mentioned that Carl Jung was very averse to Freud's sphere of thinking. Carl Jung was of the mind that it was the Christian, prudish element that attacked the deep unconscious of the Aryan mind. He was quite specific about of repression is a bad thing.

W What?
Sluts today chasing the big black dong then should be assumed to have diluted their race for few moments of percieved self gratification, of which we know cannot exist for females anyway

They ONLY exist to further the human race

I think you have that backwards, more likely intelligent people have more self control as a result of their brain chemistry and that lowers libido

Cervantes didn't fucking wrote Don Quixote in prison you moron. He had the original idea of Don Quixote there, as well as for many others of his books, but he wrote it in his house. He had a wife (whom he admittedly hated) and, from one can read in his magnum opus, the guy was pretty acquainted with what sex was. What dirty sex in a barn was, actually (Maritornes and Sancho, everybody?)

user, if you are indeed not a shill, I strongly recommend that you check out 8/pol/. It is absolutely filled with people who hate sex/masturbation/pornography like you do.

To my mind they are all shills, but you might very much enjoy the environment and disagree with my assessment of who is a shill and who is not.

>user, if you are indeed not a shill, I strongly recommend that you check out 8/pol/. It is absolutely filled with people who hate sex/masturbation/pornography like you do.

Thank you, I will be sure to check it out. I have browsed it a few times but never posted. It sounds like my kind of place.

>Think of one famous successful faggot in the modern era
Alan Turning.

>Considering the pic related, I almost wonder if you're being intellectually dishonest

One picture suddenly invalidates all that I wrote? I think you are the one being intellectually dishonest.

Our guy was asexual too

I agree completely. In the same way you loosen up and get tired when you cum.

Wasn't Benjamin Franklin a sexual tyrannosaurus?

>Tfw too sick to fap for over a week
>Tfw God is shoving the final red pull down my throat

That's common knowledge kid, I wonder why jews push porn so much and endorse degeneracy. They even start sexualizing young children, people are kept dumb by fucking jews amd they even make money out of it.

Why? It keeps people anesthetized and in a daze. It also allows them to introduce themes in said media that encourage the breakdown of the family unit.


Just curious. It is .net and not .pl right?

You are completely retarded in your first half of your post. Second half is semi-retarded, but all in all I'd say you are a fat ugly virgin.


What did he mean by this?

its itneresting that many werent, ive always thought there might be somwthing to it


>intellectual genius =/= success
Plenty of successful people fucked and fucked a lot.

Sounds like a brown pill to me

its probably true to some degree, that keeping your energy and knowing how to harness it is a type of magick,

but so is cumming

fucking =/= masturbating

The moment any one say's "on my level" you know there a dumb piece of shit with very little to offer anyone.

oh look it's another 'subtle' encourage white genocide thread