Help me explain to my gf the holocaust is MAYBE not true?

help me explain to my gf the holocaust is MAYBE not true?

she says im crazy and an ass hole to even doubt something so horrible

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Search_for_Meaning

I am not legally allowed to advance any kind of theory, opinion or speculation on the matter.

Dont start off by saying its not true, just say that there are lots of different estimates for the death toll, continue from there.

dump her, you don't want to be with an idiot who thinks with feelsies instead of realsies

>oh, wait, that's all women tho, isn't it?

become a wizard; it's the last sane choice

This is fucking opression.

Holocaust is real i dont want to go in jail

im one of the last EU countries left that can speak about it freely

what a fuckin joke.

I'm Jewish.

The way I red pill my Jewish family members on the Holocaust is I tell them.

"Why the hell would the round people up and take them to a gas chamber? Do you realize the US executes prisoners with a gas chamber because it's more human than just shooting them in the back of the head? Why did the Nazis come up with some super human way to kill us? How was it even economically feasible / viable to build giant gas chambers disguised as showers and gas us instead of just putting a bullet in our head, or letting us starve to death?"

For me, as a Jew, the economic unfeasibility of it is was kind of tipped me off to how fucking stupid the concept was .

Hate to break it to you, but you're crazy and an asshole.

Riddle me this: how come not a single Nazi at the Nuremberg trials denied the Holocaust was happening? The most you ever get is some declaring that they had no knowledge of it. But not a single one ever denied it.

Not one. To their graves, they didn't deny it.

You live in Argentina, that creepy old German guy who lives at the end of your neighborhood is definitely a Nazi. Go ask him.

uhhh maybe they were tortured for their confessions

im not saying it DIDNT happen im just saying WHAT IF it was exaggerated

here in my country they greatly exaggerated the number of people killed by the dictatorship for political reasons, and if these monkeys here can pull it off i guess the jews can do it a lot better


Data was exaggerated, people really did die though, it wasn't just made up. But I think it was in the hundreds of thousands, not gorillians

this is how i usually explain it. germans are notorious for their industry and efficiency. there's no way they'd waste fuel or other resources gassing people when they could get work out of them


some British officer bragged in a book he wrote about how he tortured a German "witness"

the treatment of Germans after the war was barbaric - if they were at all related to the SS or the Wehrmacht, they probably got tortured

the Nuremberg Trials were not out to determine the truth. said so in article 19 of their proceedings

Nigger you really shouldn't believe something if you don't understand it well enough to explain it.

nice, ty

I can't help you much there. Learning to discern fiction from non-fiction is a good start. Comparing evidence and numbers from different credible sources is another.




German / Nazi PoWs were often tortured TO DEATH, so what they were allowed to "coached" to say on "stage" at the trials was a complete farce / show for the public.

Pic Related.
What Goebbels had to say when he started hearing the "ally" holocaust / Germany was the "bad guy" propaganda.

Doesn't matter if it's true or not, what matters is WHY

Start with the Auchwitz death toll. It is still often cited as being 4.5 million dead, but the number has been reduced to 1 million, and yet the total death toll is still 6 million...It's easily verifiable....

>uhhh maybe they were tortured for their confessions

That does not explain, again, why they would not contest that the Holocaust happened, until their graves.

Also, we're talking about literally thousands of Nazis from every rank. Not ONE of them, EVER, broke ranks and came forward and said it was all a hoax? Not ONE?

Your glorious master race was THAT spineless?

Or is it more likely that, in addition to the mountain of evidence, the fact that not a single Nazi ever denied that it happened, means that it probably did happen?

>WHAT IF it was exaggerated

There is not a single credible piece of evidence to support this. Everything that tries to is debunked a million times over.

Not to mention the sheer number of people involved that you'd have to convince. We're talking Allied and Soviet troops who came across Death Camps all swearing to the Death Camps' existence as they liberated them, Jewish and disabled and other survivors, Nazis fully stating that it happened, so on and so forth, all telling a completely consistent story, with the only "hiccup" being the precise number of Jews killed.

This should hardly be surprising, though: tell me right now how many Jews there are in the world. Exactly. The precise number, no rounding.

Yeah, it's impossible. Now imagine trying to do the same thing with 1940s tech.

Would take 513 years to cremate 1.5 million people with 4 modern crematory ovens.

Like 35 minutes and if she doesn't accept the truth she's nigger trash.

lemme see this

Nazis forced to give confessions
>SEE nobody denies it!

People have been doing so IRL for decades


If youre saying maybe you havent looked into it enough.

Said the roach

As of last month I am not legally allowed to say anything about this.

>It is still often cited as being 4.5 million dead

It was once cited as that, shortly following its capture, by a Soviet general, long before any papers had been compiled or evidence had been gathered. The number at Nuremberg was 2.5 million, as estimated by Höss (who said he had been informed of such by Eichmann), but Höss regarded the number as far too high, "even Auschwitz had limits to its destructive possibilities", in his own words.

The general estimate of 1.1 to 1.6 million deaths has stood since the 80s, and is based on German train tables, arrival times, and deportation records.

my Gfs reading this book's_Search_for_Meaning

"omg the things that they did to them. so horrible"

>That does not explain, again, why they would not contest that the Holocaust happened, until their graves.

They were beaten, made to eat feces, urinated on, raped etc... the court was not a political platform for them to "deny" it until their graves.

It was a dog and pony show to justify wretched treatment of prisoners.

Tell her to read up on the Haavara Agreement and the Madagascar Plan.

Oh, i forgot. Credible do not unironically insult you

ditch her, dude, it's not worth it

shes a normie i need a quick action easy to take red pill

nah dude 99,9% of the people on earth believe the hollywood version of history its not her fault shes just been brainwashed

>the court was not a political platform for them to "deny" it until their graves.

Most of the people on trial at Nuremberg and elsewhere were not put to death. They did not once for the rest of their lives thereafter deny the Holocaust.

Not one, not once. I refuse to believe that absolutely every single one of them decided to live through the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s without ever once "speaking up".

And again, this is only the weakest, least important piece of evidence out of I can't even begin to count how much.

But why am I bothering, you prefer your alternative facts.

you'd be surprised, actually, but that's not why - you don't want someone who is so easily manipulated by feels

but, in the interest of redpilling, if that is what works on her, then try that approach - show her the plight of the German people and the incredible suffering they had to endure

The supposed chambers are not laid out in an even remotely effective way. Lugging 2000 people tied in a death knot by hand out a 30" door isnt going to happen in day much less every hour like history claims.

Youd need a wall that would open, a floor that would tilt like a dump trailer and bodies would have to be dropped right into a rail cart, that leads to much bigger ovens to hit even the low estimates that the nazi's put up.

They retrofitted forced labor camps, and hijacked the atrocities of war to get enough political capital to have the west look the other way while the jews carved out their state.

>my gf

>quick action debunk of holocaust for a normie

Does not exist.

If it were that easy (((they))) wouldn't have gotten this far with their schemes.

you must be a retard swallowing Sup Forums memes without realizing they are ironic.


back to r9k faggot you have pizzagate homework & shootings to plan.




>this isn't /r9k/
If you aren't married to, or looking for to a good white woman you are part of the problem.

where are the mass graves though? If the remaining 4 million people were killed by einsatzgruppen wouldn't there be corpes and mass graves scattered all along the eastern front?

Isn't it also very convenient that all the supposed death camps were located on the eastern front? Why do dismiss the USSR as propagandists and liars about everything EXCEPT the Holocaust?

Holocaust deniers may be the most pathetic bottom feeders of all time.

Supposedly the gas chamber method was devised because mass executions using bullets took a mental toll on the soldiers doing the executions.

>Most of the people on trial at Nuremberg and elsewhere were not put to death

Why do you think they weren't put to death?

Maybe for keeping their mouths shut?

Are you this naive?

She might be one herself

Just ditch her and move on

yea shes 1/4th jewish blood maybe thats why she wont even hear me out

We were told that they did do shooting squads at first but the soldiers couldn't handle it

I'm telling you dude, move on.

So, germans starved so executions could go more smoothly for a few soldiers.

300000ish Jews died of typhus


We are being used as pawns by globalist.

They are giving us the biggest voice because they know we'll abuse it, and when they pull out the rug, no one will have a problem killing us.

Trump can save us I think.

oy vey, are you questioning German efficiency?

it's like you're personally putting the six gorillion through anuddah shoah.

>couldn't handle it

Soviets didn't seem to have a problem doing it.

75% + Ashkenazi Jew here

If you go to Israeli and see how much anti-Orthodox sentiment there is ( they don't allow Jewish prayers in Israeli schools, but they let Christians come in and preach to us ), it's really obvious to see how under attack natives are in their homeland.

The best way to red-pill a Jew is having other Jews turn on them.

Get her to ask some commonsense holocaust questions to her Jewish family and see her run when they turn on her.

Tie her to a chair and make her watch the David Cole video.

You cannot dispute it, its a Jew talking to the curator of Aushwitz.

Did she tell you "Boludo, sos un monstruo como podés dudar tales atrocidades estas re loco che"? Can she listen to rational arguments?

Reassure her that this is what you actually believe and point her to the source that made you change your view. Don't convert her by force because she will start ignoring your arguments if you keep pushing.

5.5 million jews censused in europe before 1939, millions still alive after the 1945, 6 million killed in the ovens / gassed / killed in a giant, 100 man+, electric chair and disposed of - that's over 3000 new bodies A DAY, every day over 5 years, in 5 or less known "death camps" should do it.



nice try there schlomo, Soviet Union was Jewish

it didn't magically turn millions of russians into jews now did it?

'Ilya Grigoriewich Ehrenburg (January 27, 1891 - August 31, 1967) was a Russian writer and journalist. Ehrenburg was best known as the top war propagandist for the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin during World War II. During this time, he exhorted Soviet troops to kill and rape Germans that they encountered in the war effort. Ehrenburg authored an especially vitriolic leaflet entitled "Kill," which was circulated among the soldiers on the Eastern Front: "The Germans are not human beings. From now on the word German means to use the most terrible oath. From now on the word German strikes us to the quick. We shall not speak any more. We shall not get excited. We shall kill. If you have not killed at least one German a day, you have wasted that day ... If you cannot kill your German with a bullet, kill him with your bayonet. If there is calm on your part of the front, or if you are waiting for the fighting, kill a German in the meantime. If you leave a German alive, the German will hang a Russian and rape a Russian woman. If you kill one German, kill another -- there is nothing more amusing for us than a heap of German corpses. Do not count days, do not count kilometers. Count only the number of Germans killed by you. Kill the German -- that is your grandmother's request. Kill the German -- that is your child's prayer. Kill the German -- that is your motherland's loud request. Do not miss. Do not let through. Kill." [1] Many historians attribute Ehrenburg's hate-filled incitements as a motivating factor for the mass murder and rape of German civilians that took place as Soviet troops advanced through Nazi occupied territory toward the end of the war.

part two, and here is the biggie:

Ilya Ehrenburg was born in Kiev, Russian Empire to a Lithuanian Jewish family

Was it 30.000 or 8.000? You of all people should know that this is a stupid debate to have.

No, because it's not true. Jew-murder happened. The global elites---including many people who call themselves Jews as an excuse to hate on Christians---bankrolled the job.

Anti-semitism (including Shoah denial) is the oldest disinformation campaign the elites have going. They want you to blame Jews and Zionists for all the shit they caused. That way you won't fight the real enemy.

Put it this way. The only leader to praise Trump for the wall is Netanyahu. The Jews are the only friends American patriots have in the world. And when Trump finally does something about the shitlibs---including the "Jews" who helped kill real Jews---they'll cheer.

Also, Jared Kushner, pious and patriotic Jew, will probably be Trump's successor. I'm looking forward to Jews running the world. It'll beat being ruled by globalists.

who is the real enemy?

Start small - start with doubt over the numbers.
I say this as someone who does think it happened, but has been exaggerated, but am pretty agnostic on it, and bottom line is I actually don't particularly care if it did or didn't happen.

Jew here with Royal Russian ancestors.

We had to run from the Bolshevik Jews just like everyone else with money did.

It is a globalist technocracy, not religious Jews, who are destroying everything.

Either thats bullshit, or the jews lied to ma about how hard ass the SS were




This just makes me more suspicious. You think of all the massacres carried out around the world - there's never a shortage of people willing to carry it out.

it's absolute bullshit - Soviets had no problem propagandizing their soldiers to do unspeakable things to civilian, FAR worse than just executing them

I refuse to believe that the Germans - the so-called masters of propaganda (whose influence everyone on this board is apparently still under) couldn't do the same

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:




and yet we're supposed to believe they bathed themselves in soap made out of the jewish, but shooting someone is "too inhumane"

the soap/lamp stories are pretty much accepted to be made up i think?

i was always taught it was ?more? economically feasible to use gas bc youd hav to spend an entire bullet per person instead of a couple cans of a for a few hundred people

is this true? I'm still not sure whether to swallow the holocaust redpill myself. I have a hard time with it

someone let me down slowly plz I need facts

But all Germans are emotionless killing machines fueled by pure evil right?

reading the replies to this post makes me feel like they can't even get the narrative straight



OP is a fag.

5.5 million Jews in German occupied territory, killed 6 million, easy enough for ya?

Kek, Erdogan ne yapiyor peki ?

Literally EVERY news outlet in turkey is cucked to the cuckest. Can't dogan the Erdo

>21 questions
>only 20 on image

I'm not sure whose jewing who anymore
