Why is there such strong correlation between being first world and blonde hair?

Why is there such strong correlation between being first world and blonde hair?


I wonder

Russia-2nd World
Poland-2nd world
Balts- 2nd world
Ukraine- 3rd world.

Out of those, only Balts are predominantly blonde and Estonia is basically 1st world

>Belarus and Ukraine
toplmao there are sub-saharan countries that are better than these

Russia and USA probably have most blonde people in the world.

Not percentage-wise

Because Germanics are the master race.

I am talking about numbers wise, since both countries have over 100 million white people.

>Russia has over 100 million whites


Name 10 blonde inventors.

I see the correlation of blonde hair with being a cuck

Well Duh. Russia has 110 million whites. America has about 150 million.

Blonde hair or Brown hair, we're still white.
I wonder (((who))) is trying to divide us whites even further.

Scratch a Russian and you'll find a Tatar.


The west is in dire need of reconstruction both economically and politically, all this useless finger pointing of "youre not white" nonsense accomplishes nothing but create a even bigger divide in between the western man.

Europe is a white continent, from the mountains of Scandinavia to the tropical climate of Sicily. Of course once you begin to enter the Mediterranean, the more tan people get, but that doesn't mean catching a tan automatically turns you into a non white.

who needs to be blonde? We're white and thats the important thing! Right?

Bit rich coming from Spaniard lol.

Northern Countries are the shittest countries to live in, literally all you get is free stuff and it's about to collapse because it's socially liberal which is the death of every civilisation, just watch in a few years where these "Best to live" countries go.

Lot of Spanish people look like arabs. Only some like Fernando Torres are white.


I am non-Germanic white but I still believe Germanics are true master race.

>first world

>Didn't invent anything until Southerners move there to build stuff
>Literal hunter-gatherer genes, not Indo-European.

>tfw black hair but blue eyes

Great meme

>Blonde hair comes as a result of colder climate
>Smart ones don't freeze to death and surviving requires effort and teamwork
>This result in higher avarage IQ and socities that gets shit done
>Fast forward and you got a 1st world country

Looks comfy

Lynn please

amazing atheist

At least you tried eh