In your eyes...

In your eyes, what virtues would a nigger need to possess in order to not be considered a nigger but a rational human being?

Other urls found in this thread:

>white skin


step 1: stop being a nigger
step 2: refer to step 1

white genes

Neanderthal DNA.

Every single race within the spectrum of humanity besides Sub-Saharan Africans have Neanderthal DNA in their genetic makeup.

Biologically they're not modern man.

> at least a high school diploma.

I like Ben Carson
He's a based black guy
Also Michael Jackson

>On left Side a white person
>On Right side, a nigger.

Well I mean yeah.

All meming aside, I would say:

1. Having and holding down a job by way of working towards it. Not because of dem programz.
2. Being able to save your money.
3. Not chimping out when confronted with something they don't like. Instead resorts to addressing why he feels how he does and works towards a solution.

Basically, I hold blacks to the same standards as whites. Thing is, most blacks I've seen don't meet those standards.

>respect for others
You know, things white and asian children develop at least by 9-10 years old

Not have African DNA

and not being a drug addict or trying to be a gangsta as well

what virtues would an apple need to have to no longer be an apple?

>He even paints them having different skin colors
He knows deep down that he wuz never kangz

I don't think a thug or gangsta can do any of the three things as well as a rational human being can, so that's covered.

Manners, eloquence, grace, kindness, intelligence, ability to get a good shine on my shoes

Send them all back to Apefrica.

impossible. Its not even thier dark skin thats so revolting, its their wide noses, their steel wool like hair, their humongous lips, the way they talk...

The first two things I look for are kind of a John Wayne sort of thing:
>Does the negro speak clearly and plainly, or does he sound like a thug or an idiot?
>Is he a coward? Does he hide behind his pack of friends? Or does he stand on his own two feet?
>Does he have principles of any kind? Or (again) does he just go along with whatever his pack of friends is preaching?
>Does he have hygiene, or does he do things like walking around with his hand down the front of his pants?
>Is he moral? Or does he brag about "pimping" and "slapping bitches"?

Realize they are a blight on humanity and kill themselves.

Say whatever you want, but it's a fine piece of art. Too bad it's just a fantasy.

That they all commit mass suicide