What happened between the Trump and Australian PM? Did they have a argument or something?

What happened between the Trump and Australian PM? Did they have a argument or something?

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Just Oz (((media))) making fake news out of nothing as always

theyll kiss and makeup
dw bro beans the shitposters are still with trump

t. Turnbull

It's not fake news, it happened.



So what how is everyone reacting are they like fuck the USA or Turnbull A sniveling weak PM? Just Curious.

Trump shit all over Aussie PM.

For starters, Trump or anybody else in the US would have to know who the Aussie PM is.

most people are laughing at turnbull and calling him a shit PM and everyone else is saying that Trump is an arrogant billionaire

honestly though, turnbull is probably the most unpopular PM we have had in many years, theres no way he wins the next election

meh, Turbull just wants to offload refugees. Obama is pro refugee, made the deal. Trump is anti, doesn't want Obama's deal. Mal just needs to renegotiate the terms, make sure they go through extreme vetting etc and pay for it.

Remember this is art of the deal, Trump plays hardball deals not political favours for non-Americans.

This honestly Trump is just being a straight business man right now. I also am pretty sure that this was the first time he even heard of this deal in anyway.

I thought Australia had a woman PM?

As much I dislike the fact that Trump is being hostile over the deal, I think it's pretty fucking stupid that Turnbull deliberately chose not to inform Trump that he went through with the deal when he called him to congratulate him in November.

not since 2013

Only from 2010 to 2013

It sucks but also on the flipside someone on his staff should have told Trump about it beforehand.

Trump let out a few autustic screeches so that Australia could understand what he was saying.

Well done.

>abcnews has confirmed with Australian sources that this Washington Post report is "substantially accurate"
>Fake news site confirms through anonymous sources that the other fake new's report is true!
Guys. Guys.

should turnbull tell trump about every agreement between australia and USA?
it wasn't a big deal until the media started making it one and turnbull had to respond


Backstabbed by the commies in the Liberal party like turnbull

No but when this specific deal is basically the US taking refugees they don't want and Trump's campaign is built upon curbing refugees and illegal immigration it seems silly to not mention it simply because he'll probably take issue with it. It seems pretty dishonest to me.

Trump had a go at our do-nothing kike PM?


Trump is angry about a deal signed by obama on twitter.

le based tone may-may
>So funny and cool.

The Australian version of Fox News has confirmed they had a screaming match and Trump hung up on him

Big cranky baby got a booboo when an ally that will literally suck his dick and never talk down his policies asked for a minor favour in return

>Drinking a beer!
>Wearing sunglasses!
>Playing sports!
I identify with those activities! Clearly a highly competent PM!


Looks like we're with China now

I kind of enjoy all this drama and arguing between countries. It can be harmful, but it's still so entertaining.

nice shill try
>damage control
>damage control
>damage control

Politics have replaced celebrity gossip.

And it's so fucking depressing. The election of Trump knocked geopolitical civility down a peg. It's going to take decades to recover.

Even more than Abbott was?

Abbott seemed less of a cuck.

That's what you get for electing a kangaroo fucking douchebag. When will you uncuck Australia?

Abbott was kind of decent, but the current PM backstabbed him in a vote of non-confidence.

Kind of makes you glad we don't have a parliamentary system, Trump would be fucked.

Different sides of the same coin

Abbott was much more unpopular and an incompetent fucking idiot, but Turnbull is an ineffectual emasculated slave to his extreme right masters