Apparently, Trudeau had election promises besides weed legalization...

Apparently, Trudeau had election promises besides weed legalization, including electoral reform which he has just backtracked on. Any leafs here could redpill me on this, and how this will affect Canadian politics?

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Canada is worthless


Oh Trudeau promised a lot of shit - he was like the last hail mary pass the Liberal Party of Canada had before going from the "Natural Ruling Party of Canada" for 70 out of 90 years to obscure third-party place and all other Liberal politicians had failed to even dent Stephen Harper.

Stuff Trudeau promised
> "If the Green Party gives me all their votes I will rewrite the election rules so that voters get proportional representation for plurality government instead of winner-take-all.
Never materialized until a token committee was made with no time or power to make anything happen.
> Weed
Doing this would make Canada an official drug-exporting nation whose exports would be treated no different from Colombia by the DEA. I don't know if Trudeau was lying or genuinely retarded when he promised he could do this.
> Stop oil pipelines from being built on the west coast so oil can be exported to Canada.
Trudeau expanded the shit out of existing pipelines, but in fairness the idea of not using one of our two coastlines to export our primary export is the most retarded thing our environmentalists can and do bleat about. Still, he promised it.
>Two years of 10B deficits before the deficit is phased out according to his predecessor's timetable
Up to ten years of $34B deficits.

He is still trying to sell my airport too.

Thanks leaf, nice to see that weed man has some dirty laundry.

The liberals were promising electoral reform, but put out a bias survey that was worded so any sensible person would give contradictory answers.

Liberals wanted a ranked ballot, as it'd favour them as most people's second choice. The NDP want mixed proportional system, which would allow more fringe party's to have a voice in parliament. This is the system we'd want, as redpills from across leafland could pile together to get a few heroes on the national stage UKIP style.

Truly a victory for feminism.

Conservatives win next election. Liberals go on the backburner for the next 20 years like they should be. Trudeau isn't even close to half of what his father was.

We have a one party state and there is either right wing sums of bitches or right wing sums of bitches

I thought you were making a joke or something until I looked it up, why the hell would your government consider selling off its own international airport

Wasn't there supposed to be a vote a couple days ago on if Canada should remove its immigration cap? Was that a real thing? If so what happened?

Our socialist/SJW party was squawking about it, but to their credit Trudeau and the Liberals were never actually going to do that.

Liberals cherry picked the idea for election reform from the NDP party of Canada, which in the US there isn't really an equivalent of. They are like Democrats but they LITERALLY never win anything, they have never won a fucking thing but are good at complaining.

Liberals agreed to many basic ideals.

>Weed Legalization
>Election Reform
>Changing or killing the C-51 Bill
>THEY TOOK NO STANCE ON THE TPP (means yes of course)
>More Immigration
>Not being Steven Harper
>Having a nice smile/hair/tie combo

Weed legalization isn't happening yet, although it seems like something is happening.... people are still arrested for dealing / having weed but it was never a huge issue to begin with, in Vancouver for example you can openly smoke weed in a "lounge" like area and the cops are ok with people buying and smoking inside, I can show pics I was there and did so.

Election reform is our issue here and it relies on mainly first-past-the-post system which selects the main party and then gives a second choice. This wouldn't work in the US as there are only two parties. What this would mean to Canada though is that it would make the NDP more competitive.... which is why the fucking NDP wanted this and not the Liberals, but it was popular so it was co-opted into the populist Liberal platform.

Right now we have a one vote option, and technically yes votes get wasted as many you like the Liberals and NDP but can only vote for one. Under this system you could be a faggot and vote NDP AND Liberal as the second choice and the CPC would never win again. This is what would happen, which is why this makes no sense for the Liberals NOT to do this.

This honestly means that the Liberals had no idea what they were doing here. They had popular support on this issue, from young and old cucks alike... BUT they sat on their hands and crashed their own platform with no survivors.

They cucked themselves.

Your prime minister is an attention whoring pussy, and a liar.

Your shit bottom bitch Tory party needs to roll over and die. You are reckless spendthrifts and big fat ass nanny state orwellian hypocrite corporate cultural marxist sjw buzzword virtue signalling thieving elitist offshoring mafioso ponzi scheme sycophants

Every party is bashing trudeau for another broken promise, citing it as the most important and possibly the swing promise that had him elected in the first place.

>Not started: 90 of 223

Might aswell place them with the broken promises

This, Mad Max or nothing

So does this guy just SAY leftist policies but not enact them on it? Come on leafs redpill us.

Is he secretly a sleeper agent of the right fucking up the left by saying retarded shit and tweeting leftist policy but not really doing any of the shit he says?

Please god make it happen

But not Oleary fuck that guy

>Stealing insults from Patton Oswald

Oh dear, looks like someone let the NDP out of their cuck shed again.

Fuck the mother fucking coke and pepsi parties and your fucking retard Jim Jones memes! The man fucking lost secret government papers all over the place even to criminals! Tories brought in a million immigrants and broke the economy. We are about to lose all our federal health payments to a common law suit. He stole our CPP to fix potholes. Just like they stole EI to fund healthcare the last time. Your shitty hydro? Look at Alberta's rate cap and what right wing Ontario got itself with that. Same with fucking Bernaise sauce and his hatred for the dairy board. How many kickbacks does that fucker stand to gain. Oh and then theres some foreign asshole guy. And some "medical doctor" trump bitch weirdo

Rapist of Canada calls me a cuck. Good. Stop fucking everything

>people are still arrested for dealing / having weed but it was never a huge issue to begin with, in Vancouver for example you can openly smoke weed in a "lounge" like area and the cops are ok with people buying and smoking inside,

When people get busted in major raids the cops are always targeting more serious drugs, the weed just happens to be there at the time so they get charged for that too. And then there are drug mules who get busted in random stops, but I don't think I've ever heard of the cops going after someone specifically for weed. Also, even 10 years ago when I was a teenager in a mid-sized city my friends and I wouldn't have thought twice about walking along the main street downtown passing around a joint in broad daylight. I don't think it's like that in the US. A buddy of mine was in some American city, Phoenix maybe, and lit up outside a bar and couldn't believe what was happening when the cops arrested him and threw him in a cell for the night.

We needed the money, eh

He's the green PM who will make real changes by approving pipelines and keeping the previous climate change denying government's CO2 emission levels.

He's the PM here to save the middle class by putting us in debt for decades to come after saying he'd balance the books in a few years.

He's the election reforming PM that isn't going to allow any electoral reform.

He's the pro legalization PM that isn't legalizing it.

But he makes us feel so good about ourselves. He has a cabinet of half men and half women. There's Asians, gays, a disabled man, fat people, and brown guy with a hat. He always talks about diversity and he welcomes refugees. I feel how great we are just thinking about that former snowboarding instructor and drama teacher sitting at the head of our government.

Only a population of enlightened, progressive, and morally superior people would elect a man like him.

I honestly think Trump has done more in his 1 week as president than Trudeau has done in his last 2 years

Tbh I don't even know what's he's done other than sell our gold, make hundreds of genders and sympathize muslims

Turdeau is just a good goyim for whatever Soros or Butts tell him to do - He is merely filling in like the substitute drama-teacher he is

he promised me more bulls to prep! my wife is getting antsy =(

He is basically just extremely incompetent.

His party was asked about the biggest trade deal in history and his response was:

>No comment

He stole the extremely popular election reform idea which would actually benefit him and his party forever and fucked it up so bad it wont be ready for at least 2-3 years

>Uhhh nope wont be good until 2019??? Maybe???

His first order of action was to import more rapefuges... AND HE MISSED HIS OWN DEADLINE and his first action was late.... my god thats just sad

He was forced to say something about weed being legal and all he could muster up (im not kidding) was something would be in place by April 20th.... 4/20..... there has been no plan and nothing in place since he was elected just a lot of vague talk

C-51 (basically Canada's Patriot Act) was universally hated but he kept it and blamed someone else....

They polled people after his first few months in office and his popularity dropped 30% already and it's because he's incompetent

Just put your average gym teacher in charge of a first world country and see how badly he fucks everything up and can't get anything done....

He's the Obama that leads to real change.

People are still being arrested for weed, not kids so much as adults. Even if you grow your own weed for medical issues you can have your place checked in on when the police feels like it and if you don't check all the boxes you leave your house in handcuffs.

22,400 people have been arrested just since Trudeau came into power for weed.

Best news ever. his electoral reform would have been the final blow to Canadian nationalism.

The Prime Minister isn't like a President. He isn't directly elected, and his party (or parliament, if it comes to that) can give him the boot if he messes up. And his party is basically a big business party based in Toronto.

They'll let him say whatever SJW stuff he wants, but they aren't going to let do anything that undermines the economy (like opposing Keystone, for example). That's why his cucked rhetoric often doesn't match up with his real life decisions. It's also why he's been very careful not to say anything to upset the God emperor.

Pretty much, and for us oldfags this is not surprising. Most of the posters on Sup Forums are too young to remember what the Liberal Party of Canada really is. They actually lean to the right, but campaign as "progressives," and this is how they have been doing things for 30 years. Justin Trudeau is their perfect spokesman because he is believable as a bleeding heart SJW.

That's what we thought, with him going back on this promise it doesn't really look like that though. I'm betting he goes back on legalization too.

Makes me wonder if we're going to get the same kind of "fuck the establishment, you never actually get anything done" movement the US just had next election cycle.

Liberals havent been out for 20 years since Laurier

>I don't think it's like that in the US.
Wrong. Weed legislation is on a state-by-state basis in the US of fucking A right the fuck now. A state in the USA isn't the same as a province in Canada, a state has far more autonomy compared to a Canadian province, except for Quebec.

legalized bestiality
you can suck your dog now