what are we the nice guys supposed to do? I'm starting to think they have no soul.
Why are girls so heartless ?
Now you see why women were treat as animals/property in the past
well, if you go to her twitter page, she had a half breed nigglet that apparently couldn't swim either..
They don't. Stop being nice, stop respecting them.
That's not a nice guy.
He's obviously just trying to get some ass, and he thinks the girl is stupid enough to believe it.
She was right to be mean/reject him if she did.
Honestly, who says, "you have a smile that stands out like the sea when the sunset glows on the water, and your eyes are as gorgeous as a shooting star roaming by a full moon" to someone they just meant?
Cringe senpai.
> tfw this is the ultimate redpill
> tfw we didn't listen
The end is near
get out of here roasty
Kys wizard
>being this fake
Holy fucking shit, so beta. Just send a message that says "hey, I like it's aways sunny in philedalphia too"
Not hard
Fuck off, Randy
Looks like the girl's white and the guy black. Call her a racist.
That's not a nice guy that's a nigger
I still treat my gf like this cause im hot, also shes a dumb chink.
cuz guys like that enable them to be
what a faggot
You're prostituting yourself for cheeseburgers again, aren't you.
The problem is, you're boring. Guys trying too hard to be nice are seen as desperate. The inverse is also true. If you tried hard to be an asshole, you'd be seen the same way.
The solution is to not give a shit. You can express love and affection but it should be genuine and you should never go overboard. Writing a little love poem like this guy, to a girl he's never met, mind you, is going way fucking overboard. If he was actually good at poetic prose, it'd be a little different, but he isn't. You need prospects for women to be attracted to you. This guy is fat and desperate. Would you fuck a desperate landwhale? Some of you might, but I know I wouldn't.
Its interesting how low-rung betas always think they deserve a woman. "She rejected me...even tho I showed her my basement and showed her my cheeto fingers"
The worst thing a woman can do is indulge losers because of some fake care for them...
Thirsty fools like that only boost the ego of females
He deserves it. The thing is you have to find a way to stop these desperados from sending and saying that shit from the get-go
this kinda
>projecting this hard
Tbh publicizing his message is a dick move, but that guy is a creeper and didn't deserve the time of day
>Tbh and not the superior desu
Men will have the last laugh when these sluts are 50 and alone with their half nigger kids and 7 cats.
I plan on spending any money that would have been wasted in marriage to fuck 20 year old hookers for the rest of my life and do what i want.
this pretty much. the guy is being over the top. she
probably wouldnt have reacted like this if he apptoached her with a simple '' hey im single and think youre cute but if your not single im looking for friends regardless ''
Lol, just treat them as subordinates like you should and this will never happen to you.
>falling for the vaginal jew
dumbass will learn
>Look her up on twitter
>Her baby is on life support due to nearly drowning
You guys believe in karma?
Stop acting like guys can't be soulless.
Man up faggot.
That's too good for a western female. He should have kept it even shorter and ditched the whole friendship thing.. because the notion of having a female friend is so ridiculous not even she believes it
her baby is dead
>Race mixing
You're creating a future criminal, Your son could become the next Eliot. Dump her now.
pussy ... pedalstool ... dont
publically displaying private messages on any form of communication is fucked up, regardless of what the context is
>Reproducing and making white children while treating women like shit is Jewish
Artificial wombs and Waifus aren't real and never will be science fiction nerd.
I have this habit of getting shitfaced and then write long paragraphs. It's like alcohol gives me this powerful insight and I can just write and keep writing. Once, I made the error of sending this huuuge text to a girl I was dating but suddenly stopped talking to me. Of course she showed the text to everyone she knew, including my friends. Turns out I'm a great fucking writer when I'm shitfaced.
Too bad she ended being a total cunt anyways.
future generation will know this thanks to the internet
I can't wait till Generation Z starts abusing these whores and only use them to make children. I've been waiting ages for this.
life goals
>tfw born 100 years too early
man's gotta eat
Just wait...
If you sincerely think that this retard reciting subshit-tier poetry deserves pussy or even acknowledgement I don't know what anyone can say to save your stupid ass
>Hey grandpa I just made this argument to this guy who doesn't believe science fiction is real. Show me your Sup Forums movie collection again I need some notes
Wow I totally believe you now, this "picture" is amazing proof for your science fiction tripe.
>call yourself a nice guy
>actually a bitter, woman hating piece of shit
memes today, reality tomorrow. have you learned nothing, nufag?
>he thinks his fetish-driven utopia of female-enslavement is more realistic than sexbots
>M-memes t-today t-tomorrow
You need to stop watching Sup Forums movies it's a bad habit.
I can't abuse a hunk of metal? I need to abuse something that's real.
Arranged marriages need to be brought back.
I know a Jehova's Witness.
He is balding, kinda chubby, doesn't lift, wouldn't have a chance in this dog-eat-dog cutthroat dating environment.
Turns out JWs are into arranged marriages, they marry within their circle. This guy's parents arranged for him to marry a virgin qt. Nice tits, fit, slim body, blonde, green eyes, the works. They dated for a year ad went on their honeymoon together just a couple of months ago.
Now they are happily married, it's one of the happiest couples I know. Meanwhile, all of my normie friends get constantly cheated on, have to put up with all sorts of bullshit, hissy fits, and they lift, have high paying jobs, interesting hobbies, yet very few of them can keep a gf for more than a couple years at best.
Yet this JW guy is totally happy with a 9/10 qt.
She seems very happy too, living the married housewife life.
It's true after all. Religion was the glue holding together the West.
Yeah I recognize this. I once sent a very long text to a girl who never spoke to me again afterwards. Glad to know I'm not the only one lol
lay off the porn my man
Post pics
>"I couldn't make anime real"
That's how I know this is fake, user.
Oh but I kept seeing her. For a while at least. Then again, she's a pretty rich girl who's used to be surrounded by male attention, so I bailed out.
Actually not a that bad of an idea. The concept of romantic love is fundamentally wrong. It makes way more sense to look at marriage as an investment of sorts between two families. Mutually beneficial friendship should develop between the couple rather than romantic love. Just like it was in the medieval era.
>salty that he'll never find true love
Have hope, my man.
Like it was in the medieval era? You mean the era of courtly love and troubadours? The era of absolute fucking pussy-pedestalizing gyneolatric cunt-worship? Ever heard of Shakespeare, dipshit?
He didn't publicize it you moron. She did.
sorry to break it to you fampai but women are not capable of love
I have female friends.
And Woman will say but it wasn't my fault. My body has urges. Meanwhile guys like us are invisible.
Ima marry me and asian lady and laugh at the vapid, materialistic, money grubbing, self absorbed American girl self destruct later in life.
How is this political again? [r9k] go homu
He has never even talked to her and all he knows about her is that he finds her physically attractive.
Something she has very little to do with, that's mostly her parents doing.
Asian women will never love you, they're machines incapable of affection. Their parental investment is rooted in their own ego. White women are, in fact, the least materialistic women.
This desu
>trading qt 9/10 to men
So if the family has a 5/10 or a 2/10 virgin, how would they be able to arrange a marriage for them as they have no value and to not dissapoint a man expecting a 9/10 qt?
Protip: Asian women in America are even MORE vapid, materialistic, self-absorbed, and money grubbing than their counterparts of almost any race.
I can't speak for their actual countries of origin though. You may have to go to the source for the real women you seek...
The women in Asian countries are even worse because on top of being Asian, they're raised in Asian culture. Believe me, the reason beta fucks go their for sex tourism is because if you flaunt a wallet in their face they'll be all over you like flied lice. The only thing important to Asian people is status and creating efficient systems.
I fucking hate nu/pol/...
Go back to Sup Forums, Reddit and Tumblr please
You better shine with your skills in your current society boy. This is mandatory so that the Asian woman can take pride in their shogun husbandu
Women are for fucking. Being nice is a really shitty way to get pussy. You have to up your game, they won't respect you until you learn how to do that.
Kek, this is fucking cringey
He's not a nice guy, he just wants to get laid. He probably doesn't know a thing about her - she just looks good.
This is absolutely natural and there's nothing wrong with this, but don't go around saying that he's a "nice guy"
I'm not heartless user! I have a soul! C'mon you gotta believe me!
easy. die alone.
But user they both exist
That bullshit! She must have drowned the Mulato. Where is that pic where user dumped a coal burner because she had a mulato kid. The coal burner ended up drowning herself and the kid. That proves it!
my fucking mexico friend. whenever i get drunk i get really emotional and happy and just want to let everyone know how great they are and end up talking people's ears off with my shit if anyone is around. i also get really insightful and its becomes to much easier to find words and speak with good prose, same with writing. shits weird but i'm not complaining
yeah that was some poo-in-loo tier creeping
If some mediterreanen chad were to say this though, a completely different story
>beta - creepy whatever you do, or say that's an advancement.