*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*

Other urls found in this thread:


*sages your thread*

Takes out pokeflute, and puts snorlax to bed.

deploys decoy hamburger


goes to his livestream

>*clogs your bath*

*blocks your arteries*

>asks him/her/it if they're the next HWNDU exhibit

>Excuse me
>Step around the mentally handicapped thing
>>Implying something that fat can move quickly enough to reposition

I don't get it: As a hideously fat person like that, why would you ever have this kind of reaction to your unfortunate looks and wear shit like that to intentionally draw attention to yourself?

Holy fuck, I would die if I had to wear that. I'm so fragile inside that I get sick just thinking about people thinking less of me and have to mask that shit all day since I work in a job that is primarily social in nature.

*blocks your thoughts*

*shoots her head*

pokeflute woke up snorlax, you clown


*get stuck in gravity field*

"There's a truck outside selling gluten free tacos for $1 and I think they're undocumented!"


>knock to ground
>stomp on back really hard
>gif related

Here, sir, have an after-dinner mint.

Inferiority complex is really interesting how it manifests itself.

Most people you know who are flashy or want to be seen as popular or peacock a lot are probably VERY insecure.

People who are self confident and secure of themselves don't usually give two shits about creating a persona because they are secure enough in who they really are to not need to create one.

He was taught the wrong idea that shame is bad

Not bad enough, they then taught him the things he feels shame about are good

>all that weight on one foot


Oh look it's you again give me a harpoon already today I'll get you moby dick

I play Swords of Revealing Light, stopping your monsters from attacking for 3 turns, Seto Kaiba.

*blocks your arteries*

*blocks the street*

If he'd edgy enough, you might forget he's fat.

no thanks, I'm not attracted to fatties.

Can't find his penis.

>Hey Tim Maia I'm your fan! Take a pic with me!


>get cardboard box
>on all four sneaking behind the boulder of privilege
>Take out fishing pole with hot dog bait
>lean bait in the face of the boulder
>Watch it roll away like the scene in temple of doom

*recoil in horror and revulsion*

360 and walk away



so thats why they called it the xbox 360

*walks around her and therefore prevents self from looking like that*

>fuck white people
sounds like prostitute solicitation to me

lmao this faggot is so big that I thought I already opened the thumbnail

Fuck man, what's wrong with you?

Some poor janitor is going to have to clean that up later.


nobody's fucking that whale, tbqhfamalan

Some Deus Ex shit right there.

I was the first to post this exact thread, last year. Seen it copied several times since.

Guess you're either an innovator or an imitator

Would body slam into "it" as hard as I could then watch "it" roll on the floor for a couple minutes trying to get up.

Not so fast Yugi, i activate Mystical Space Typhoon destroying your Swords of Revealing Light

>White people fuck
What did it mean by this?

*blocks everyone's path*

We'll be sitting here for a while.


I body slam him and earn a title shot at Summerslam.