National Socialism Vs Libertarianism

Which one are you Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

>not being an Anarcho-Fascist

Have you even ascended?

You stole the picture I stole last night.

How about
>Ethno-Nationalist Libertarian

Federal government with no private money introduced, and campaigns only financed by small donations with a limit.

Federal government is ONLY to protect the boarder, have a military, and protect the ammendments of course

Only 2-4 terms for all institutions of governments

Break up monopolies in hard to enter sectors like the energy industry

Rest of the economy is completely free-enterprise.

The country is an ethno-state with rare exceptions.

What do you think of that OP?

it's like "aids or ebola?" but if I had to make a choice I'd pick national socialism because libertardianism, just like communism, cannot work in practice

I don't understand the term "National Socialism". It seems like the label is mostly taken up by nationalist capitalists who advocate for an ethno-state. It seems like they never advocate for the means of production to be used to meet a social need, and not for profit. So how socialist are they, really?

You're right in that it wont work in it's most extreme measure, but it's not nearly as impractical as communism. Individuals is the very first building block to civilization with their own interests, selfishness, and pursuit of happiness. To think that someone would give that up for the greater good, (which is what communism thought would happen look up the soviet man) is unbelievably pants on head retarded.

Hitler has a quote that he was very regretful of using the term socialism, because people tied it to the economic left so often. I haven't researched into it a lot, but supposedly there was a lot more free enterprise in nazi germany than anyone likes to admit. The socialist part was more about a general moral good against degeneracy.

Doesn't fascism need a strong authoritarian centralized government? This is about as contradicting as Anarcho Socialism.

He's a fucking idiot, just like anarcho-communists (yes that's a real thing) they don't realize that a collective moral authority to initiate force in a monopoly fashion is literally the state.

It's more like a highly disciplined and militarized Spartan society run by the people itself instead of a single Führer.

Like Sparta itself it's best suited for city-states.


National Socialism is the biological worldview. It is the only ideology based on the laws of nature. It is ment for all races, and all nations. It is the only ideology that will work.

You want freedom? National Socialism
You want guns? National Socialism
You want capitalism without the huge monopolies and central banks? National Socialism

I think very few actually read the manifests of National Socialists, but i will give you a link so you can read, learn and become informed.

Just because Hitler lost the war it doesn't mean National Socialism didn't work. That is a falacy. It did work, but (((they))) managed to stop it. Because freedom from the bankers and moneymakers was not accepted. The freedom for your people and love for your nation was too much freedom for (((them)))

Enjoy the reading. Worst case scenario you learn something..

>You want freedom?
So free press, speech, assembly? Freedom to be secure from government spying and unjust search and seizure? Freedom to keep and bear arms that equal to those the government possesses?

Nazi Germany did not have these things.

Hitler digits confirm you are a retard.

Heil Hitler

far right is about praising the kikes in that test though.

Is this a thing?
That sounds totally awesome Sup Forumsro!


You didn't even care to read the manifest i see.. You probably should instead of coming with these types of comments

Not an argument.

If that's true, seems like most people should just give up the label "Natsoc" because it does not accurately describe the ideology.

>You didn't even care to read the manifest i see.
What are you talking about? Mein Kampf? I've read it twice.

Libertarian in public ethnonationalist in private.

Like everybody here ought to be.

>inb4 lol pussy won't even stand up for his beliefs

You gotta redpill them slowly, not all at once. Play the obnoxiously Socratic libertarian and guide them towards the truth. Just make them think it was all their own idea.

Marxist Socialist.

I'm a red-blooded American individualist. I honestly can't stand Eurocuck shit like Fascism and Communism. As you can clearly see they're not compatible.

I'm anti-SJW antifa.

So you are an anti-white white.

Basically if you're not a libertarian.. That's fine.. but you're fucking retarded.

Staunch traditionalism builds nations and keeps nations.
Civilized behavior is the fundamental condition of civilization.

No, I'm pro-working class regardless of race.

What's good for the worker is good for the white man and good for every man. Fuck Porky's fascist scum lapdogs.

>antifa member
You did a bad job protesting because your are not yet being buttfucked in jail like your comrades are.

>Inb4 white master race!

>I am an antifa
>Posts anime

Checks out.


NatSoc and Ancap are purview of basement idealists

Ancap because it is the most moral thing to do

finally an appropriate place to post this magnificent piece of vexillology

Impossible, because you always have to recruit more immigrants and minorities for power and votes.

There's a reason why the dominant ethnic group and culture never votes for you, it's because they know you are trying to destroy their nation and way of life.

That's basically tribalism. Except in tribalism you may have a single strong leader. It depends on the circumstances.

This so much.

I'm seriously tired of you fucking Europeans shitting up nice American things.

You are your own dictator.

National socialists are cucks looking to prep the Fuhrer bull

> you always have to recruit more immigrants and minorities for power and votes

True. And LGBTQXYZBBQ and radical misandrists and pedophiles and the like.

Means to an end.

> they know you are trying to destroy their nation and way of life

Also true. The vanguard must completely and violently dismantle every existent institution in order to pave the way for FULL COMMUNISM.

We shall see it in our lifetimes.

Jew detected.

Jew detected


>being an ideologue

idealism is where it's at you dumb faggots

And you didn't even read my post. You're a degenerate

At least a live in a country bro.

you're a fucking retard
civilize yourself before you earn some bullets

Amazing image. It represents perfectly my thoughts: The left always radicalize the right with their bullshit.

>not posting the real version

Unaffiliated, I think. Or radical centrist maybe? I dunno, haven't looked deeply into it.
I'm here just for the anti-SJW comfiness really.

>cannot work in practice
Oh so the industrial revolution never happened, eh?
America was also never founded?
You've got some catching up to do.

>liking natsoc
>as a pole
Now that's some high level cuckoldry right there.

totally my thougths, that is retarded as hell:
facism: autoritarian gobernment
anarchy: lack of autorities gobernment


Socialism or le snake meme
I'll take monarchism

Tapa itsesi.

Just an idiot. I'll read the PDF.

Traditional ancap, but I'm quickly becoming a helicopter anarchist.

Oh fuck off you cunt.

There was a lot more socialism in Nazi Germany than Sup Forumstards like to admit. Just look up any article or book on their economy, massive portions of it were state run.